posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 09:14 PM
Uh, you guys don't get it. Ron Paul is a anti-zionist agent. While his "LF" economic agenda gets pushed up the most, Ron's biggest dedication is
anti-zionism.........just like the Rothschilds and Astor's.
Compare that to pro-zionists like Alex Jones, you get the picture.
Freemasons built up over the course of the 18th and 19th century into the first half of the 20th. By now you have 13 ruling families. They built up
modern capitalism and invented "Bolshevism"(and helped with Nazism) to make money.
You see, Democrats=Sub/Urban. Republicans=Rural/Gated Rich.
Got it? I would be more inclined to support Obama because I am urban, while others in the rural areas are more inclined to support Romney and Romney
had to sell himself.
Republicans want to gut the cities while continuing the federal cash cow into the rural areas with those sky high prices. Democrats who used to be for
these subsidies are now turning against them for urban infrastructural wonder why.
Even Federal Reserve policy is under attack by arch-Democrats(which moderates are not part of) for providing to higher land prices. They want money
into the cities and suburbs asap. Go to any blogs and they want the FED to buy Muni bonds up the ying yang to force interest rates higher and flight
from saftey.
Freemasonry's power is far beyond your understand. They control EVERYTHING. They invented global communism for money, they invented "Bircherism" to
build anti-communist network. They built up the modern day "right wing". They pushed the Republican party into just about a complete rural party,
which would make Eisenhower scream. The Democrats lost all connection in the rural white populations.
This was always planned. AGW believers vs. the AGW skeptics is all a battle of freemasonry. DuPonts,Astors,Bundys,Rockefellers ete ete ete are
fighting each other over our future. Why did AGW believers suddenly get mucho support in 2005 after being laughed at in the late 90's? Why is AGW
skeptics financed by oil companies who's investments in the future...........are in the arctic ocean.........which is not supposedly possible to
We are all played and always have been. NWO? Good grief, what a amateur sounding name. Illumanti? Again, they died 200+ years ago. It is always the
freemasons, always. They try to cover their tracks but I see through them. The only true "rebels" are the ones that want the end of freemasonry and
christianity. They believe the last 1000-2000 years of western civilization is one big collapse.
Even the posts above me are freemason talking points from your bloodline:
Bankers, capitalists, industrialists ete ete ete all invented capitalism, bircherism, communism, consumerism, modern christian fundamentalism ete ete
ete. We all serve them. Every American voter does. When a fat white women says she wants to kill "'n-word'" Obama, she is mouthing propaganda from
her masonry master. When a black man hates on white people they are serving his masonry master. It is all planned.
Time to transcend and move on to a higher ground.