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The only consistent rule has been inconsistency, for the convenience of the government.

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posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 10:21 PM
This is a 71 page petition from Ramzi bin Al Shibh case. I felt like I was reading a movie script. It's from 2009 and describes how the trials are conducted at Guantanamo. This document speaks for itself and if it doesn't make you question how real are this terrorist I don't know what will.

In the United States court of Appeals for District of Columbia Circuit

Central Intelligence Agency (“CIA”) interference with the defense function has been an integral part of this system, with devastating effects on the fairness of the proceedings. Most recently, the FBI began an investigation of military defense counsel that has calculatedly employed heavy-handed investigative techniques that have destroyed attorney-client relationships and the ability of some counsel to perform their defense responsibilities. The investigation was almost certainly instigated by the CIA, since it is being overseen by the agency of the Department of Justice to which the CIA reports.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by maxella1
This is a 71 page petition from Ramzi bin Al Shibh case. I felt like I was reading a movie script. It's from 2009 and describes how the trials are conducted at Guantanamo. This document speaks for itself and if it doesn't make you question how real are this terrorist I don't know what will.

In the United States court of Appeals for District of Columbia Circuit

Central Intelligence Agency (“CIA”) interference with the defense function has been an integral part of this system, with devastating effects on the fairness of the proceedings. Most recently, the FBI began an investigation of military defense counsel that has calculatedly employed heavy-handed investigative techniques that have destroyed attorney-client relationships and the ability of some counsel to perform their defense responsibilities. The investigation was almost certainly instigated by the CIA, since it is being overseen by the agency of the Department of Justice to which the CIA reports.

It's funny because all of these people who think the official story is true don't even think twice about why these trials are so damn censored. We watched 9/11 unfold before our eyes on every news station in the United States but when it comes time to prosecute those who "masterminded" and "orchestrated" 9/11 the closest anyone can get are the select few who have been chosen to watch on closed circuit television. There's a 40 second delay between the court room and those watching behind a window pane at Guantanamo. We can watch the slaughter of 3,000 Americans but can't watch the trial of those who allegedly "orchestrated" it? Guaranteed vipertech, GoodOlDave and the rest of the clan will jump on this thread in an attempt to derail it.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by homervb

I'm not saying these people are innocent but who can honestly say that their guilt has been proven in the court of law?

This particular character kept a diary where he was documenting his role in war crimes. Not a very "mastermind" thing to do in my opinion.

And supposedly he couldn't enroll in flight school because he was here illegally but in his confessions it statss that his role had nothing to do with flying. If I'm not mistaken.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by maxella1
reply to post by homervb

I'm not saying these people are innocent but who can honestly say that their guilt has been proven in the court of law?

This particular character kept a diary where he was documenting his role in war crimes. Not a very "mastermind" thing to do in my opinion.

And supposedly he couldn't enroll in flight school because he was here illegally but in his confessions it statss that his role had nothing to do with flying. If I'm not mistaken.

Well look at it like this bro, KSM was waterboarded 180+ times before he confessed to masterminding 9/11. How credible does that sound?

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 06:54 AM

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- U.S. officials investigating the series of attacks Tuesday in New York and Washington are setting their sights on Osama bin Laden, the millionaire Saudi fugitive who has been blamed for past terrorist attacks against American targets.

Several Palestinian groups have already denied responsibility for the attacks, as well as bin Laden's Al Quaida group. And officials in Afghanistan, where bin Laden is believed to be living, said he had was unlikely to have played a role in the attack.

"We in Afghanistan do not allow Osama bin Laden to use Afghan territory to launch any attack on any government around the world," Taliban Foreign Minister Wakeel Ahmed Mutawakkel said.

Just found this.

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