posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 02:49 PM
A lot of people think that they need a mountain cabin or fort to run to for a SHTF and having a place like that to go to is a good thing .. but would
a travel trailer/RV be as good or better?
They both can sleep several people and can both be a comfortable home.
it really boils down to 2 you think you will need to move your BOL or not?
I ask this because of the mobility of it and the shelter that it provides.
In a perfect world you could have both and have them in different locations and be able to go from one to the other.
A mountain cabin is where it is, and a travel trailer is mobile...if you needed to move your BOL, with the trailer you could haul more of your stored
items with you, if you have to bug out from your bug out....
I say that because if you had to bug out once, there is a good chance you might need to do it again..
SHTF for me is not a storm, flood or anything like would be an economic collapse, war in the country your living in, or martial law...those
types of events are the SHTF events that I am refering to.
What do you all think should be the first to get, if you wanted to have both?
edit on 7-11-2012 by saltdog because: (no reason given)