posted on Nov, 10 2012 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by jazz10
S&F - He knows what he is talking about and has been able to connect many of the dots collecting the bits and pieces spread out. I don't know to what
degree but it all makes complete sense to me. I believe he is on the right track.
If they actually told us just how unstable everything has been behaving the world would be in panic.
There is a reason why we are not being told what is really happening and why the media and scientific field's are literally silenced. The earth is
going to heat up (solar kill shot/strange cloud moving into our solar system that will affect the sun and introduce new particles causing an increase
in further altering its behavior and heat emitted) and the electro-magnetic shield will become unstable affecting the earth's core due to how weak it
is. It doesn't help that our thermosphere collapsed in 2009. Our magnetosphere is weakening giving way to breaches. When we combine it all we know
that our shield is suffering.
Eventually all these influences will cause one of the greatest earthquakes known. Or the question is how could all these factors not cause a huge
earthquake/pole shift?
This is also the reason why TPTB have put so much effort into building their underground bases. They have known what is coming (which will not be in
December 2012) but like Suspicious one knows just how this will look when it all comes down.
edit on 10-11-2012 by Egyptia because: (no reason given)