posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 07:47 PM
Congratulations Gary!
I was not looking forward to this election. Ive voted 3rd party for my 2nd time now. I watched 2 minutes of the MSM craptacular debates and had to
leave after hearing all the same buzz words and regurgitated garbage from the 2 clowns. Watched the 3rd party debates twice and was on the fence
between Jill and Gary, Gary had such a bizarre birdlike angry posture. But then I tried to walk an inch in his shoes and realized I'd be an angry
bird too if I was a politician with good intentions in the shark tank. Once I could associate with him I liked him so much more. Watching the 3rd
party debates tho you see the difference the huge funding makes, Obama in a $3k worth of imported duds vs. Gary in his crooked shouldered Mens
Warehouse special. 3rd parties typically dont look like theyre trying to win popularity contests, definitely no fashion awards there.
To all the left and righties arguing... listen to yourselves, this is what the guys who came up with this lousy 2 party idea want, i love you and
forgive you for bickering, heck i fall for it still myself at times, its a hard fight to fight for what your heart tells you is right. This is not
some dumb hippie telling you I voted my conscience, I voted for what made sense in what feels like a world in choas. I'm not buckling to the
intimidation of people who think I wasted my vote, you dont anger me but I feel the need to show you a mirror, so you can see who you are. Then maybe
you will ask some cool questions or add to a situation in more positive ways, maybe?
To whoever thought it was crazy for Gary to say he'd do all those fixes in one year... please, it's like you forget all the crazy promises every
single mainstream candidate makes then immediately breaks once in office. It happens so much it is common practice and we simply accept it now.
And I agree with others that it seems like he should have gotten more than 1%... this election more than any others has had much more 3rd party
interest. Ron Paul got my attention and made me look at what was really going on. His support will only get bigger in the next election, as will other
3rd party candidates like Gary. This country is getting pissed (some parts its too late), they know they are getting screwed over and are starting to
realize we can't ignore the elephant in the room any longer no matter how much reality tv and ridiculous electronic gadgets you throw at us. I feel
very strongly that the MSM knows this and is trying its hardest to hide the ugliest of facts.
The momentum will grow and so will the awareness. Bless you all!
Go Gary Johnson 2016!!