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Tesla Time Traveler's Testimony Turns-out True!!??

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posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 07:11 AM
Utter mince my friend, complete and utter mince.............

posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by randomtangentsrme
One guess doesn't make someone from the future or 100% accurate.

Are there more predictions of his that can either be verified, or brought to light?

Edit: if the American government has had time travel since 1943 (Tesla's Death), I would think they may have gone through time to change some things that have happened since then. Or even before then.
edit on 7-11-2012 by randomtangentsrme because: (no reason given)

Maybe they have. We would never know the difference.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 12:55 AM

Originally posted by randomtangentsrme

Originally posted by intrptr
reply to post by randomtangentsrme

Edit: if the American government has had time travel since 1943 (Tesla's Death), I would think they may have gone through time to change some things that have happened since then. Or even before then.

Thats the thing about time travel. In order for it to work we must assume that every time something is changed then all the changes that follow have to snap into place all through time from then on. And if that was the case, then reality as we know it would be changing all the time. Snap itty-snap. The only way to cancel that out is to cancel the awareness that any change suddenly occurred right before your eyes, and that is imposssible.

Particularly since I have been bored out of my mind for some time now.

I disagree.
Partially due to multiple universe theories.
If person A goes back in time to before person B was born, person B only experiences the altered timeline.
If person A goes back in time to after person B was born, person A returns to person B's alternate universe where the changes have always been.

Time travel is a bit of a twisty thought, and not one I can defend to the pro or con.

To the followers of the tread:
Regardless of this claim of Time Travel, I do not see the OP's story as having any grain of truth.
Perhaps I will have to eat my words, but as someone that has worked as an electrician, and worked for mechanical engineers, I have seen nothing from Tesla that indicates his secret technologies or amazing discoveries.

Yes he was brilliant, yes it is said the gov't has papers of his that are still classified, which may be if there are techs built on his work.
But if you do the research, there is no one inventor of the light bulb. When a technologies time has come many individuals offer differing patents.

No working time machines are out there. Based on Tesla's theories or not. I am willing to stake a month's wages on my statement, if someone can prove me wrong, with a working model that can be duplicated.

Oh and if this guy was an assistant to Tesla, let's have him describe some of Tesla's less known work. From a technician's stand point. Or perhaps he can describe the work he was doing for Tesla?

The time traveler claimed that he had used aliases in the past; so, it is not much of a stretch to assess that he used an alias in delivering the story to the reporter Victor Montage. As far as *evidence* of secret tech or amazing discoveries... Do you really think that such exotic techonolgy would have ever been published in magazines and journals available to the public? Such tech would have been classified and suppressed if it had gotten out. The fact that you don't know about it is not proof that it doesn't exist.

Edison (light bulb) was a proponent of DC power, which was highly dangerous and extremely inefficient. It is a TESTAMENT to Nic Tesla that we still use AC/DC to this day. Edison was for DIRECT CURRENT (DC) and Tesla was for ALTERNATING CURRENT (AC/DC), still used to THIS VERY DAY. Yet Tesla was all-but-eliminated from history while Edison took center stage. Why?

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 01:04 AM

Originally posted by liejunkie01

Does this mean I will get a call from my employer telling me there is work.

Or should I keep calling the unemployment office every two weeks.

I love Tesla's work, bit I cannot believe this man.

How old is he anyways? Is there more details that I am missing because the status quo around here is the end is near.

Oh well, great story if hope

From what I have read... This means that you should take every opportunity to improve yourself in every way possible, just like everyone else who is in this chaotic soup. From your own words, you seem in a holding pattern of "cannot" and hopelessness. Don't lose hope if you ever had it. If you have never had HOPE then now is the time to take a chance on it and use that potential energy to fuel new endeavors or new slants on old endeavors. Don't ever give up!! Churchill said, "Never, never, never give up." Do every little thing you can do to improve your personal situation. These tiny things have a CUMULATIVE effect that add up over time and eventually tip the scales in your favor!

Shoot for the stars; whether or not you get there does not matter, for the effort yields rewards of its own.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 02:18 AM
wow really? why didnt this knob wait another month and tell us what really happens dec 21st? 50/50 success rate is pretty dumb... oh holdon lemme flip my coin.... its heads... OMG SO THIS JUST IN I TIME TRAVELED.. and wanna let you all know something, theres this really controversial date coming next month that if i truly did time travel, should have checked out and reported, but i really really REALLY have to tell you i time traveled and this coin is heads, its heads you guys... ok back to the 14th century bye guys!

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 02:47 AM
I predicted I would make this post - therefore I am a time traveler.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 02:50 AM
reply to post by SPACEYstranger

Don't be bitchy because you lost your dibs on the time travel gig... time plan ahead. Think on the book and movie rights ...

edit on 8-11-2012 by Panic2k11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 03:23 AM
reply to post by GhostLancer

Great story! I'm always interested in time travelers. I also believe that the Golden Age is coming, and that things will get better for everyone in a whole lot of different ways. Unfortunately the "Before Its News" seems to have concocted this story from out of nowhere, since there are no other leads to such a person on the Internet.
edit on 8-11-2012 by RussianScientists because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 05:29 PM

Originally posted by RussianScientists
reply to post by GhostLancer

Great story! I'm always interested in time travelers. I also believe that the Golden Age is coming, and that things will get better for everyone in a whole lot of different ways. Unfortunately the "Before Its News" seems to have concocted this story from out of nowhere, since there are no other leads to such a person on the Internet.
edit on 8-11-2012 by RussianScientists because: (no reason given)

Not defending the story; it very well could be false. But if you read it and pay attention to the details, the time traveler has been using aliases throughout his time travels. If he wanted you to know who he actually was, then sure, there would be a record. Stating that you cannot find proof elsewhere of his identity does not disprove the story because he has stated he used aliases, and is most likely using one right now. Further, if he did indeed vanish in Colorado in the early 1900s, then you wouldn't find any records of him anyway unless he had a prolific presence in the past, but it sounds like he was a background lab assistant, not a bright genius like Tesla.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by GhostLancer

Honestly he only had a 50% chance of being wrong.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 05:37 PM
I bet on another site they hedged their bet and said romney would win


posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 05:40 PM
I am truely sorry I read that.
I lost IQ points that I may never get back.
I also lost 2 minutes of my life that I'll never get back.
I could have used those two minutes in so many more productive ways.

When I think of all of the hugs and kisses I could have given my kids in those two minutes,
when I think of all of the times we could have thrown the football back and forth in those two minutes,
when I think of the number of times I could have made love to my wife in those two minutes,

well, pisses me right off.

I have no doubt that time travel is possible.
I also have no doubt that this is a complete work of fiction.
It even SOUNDS like fiction. Clomplete with lightning storms,Fire, and arcs of electricity. and some good ol fashioned incest just to spice it up.

He was somewhat shocked when he realized that he might have become one of his own ancestors. However, he refused further details save that he made several bad decisions in Italy in the 1400s

Now, he doesn't come right out and say it but we all know he tapped his great great great great great great great grandma. and what a piece of ass I'll bet she was too. hu?
I mean, who wouldn't want to right?
Am I right?

Ohhh, I was just kidding. That's gross.

I am having confused feelings now.
edit on 8-11-2012 by Screwed because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 05:45 PM
Let's say this guy was from the future. He owns a time machine? Because we do not see loads of time travellers means probably you have to be rich or powerful or both to own one.

Why would he not be lying? What if he came back to influence the vote so that we did not have a golden age and the rich just get richer and the poor poorer.

Or of course he is just a liar taking a 50/50 bet. If he loses no one remembers and if he is right a few think he is a time traveller.

posted on Nov, 10 2012 @ 12:05 AM
reply to post by GhostLancer

Sorry it's been over a day- was having browser issues and just saw this response.

By evidence, in this case I do not mean physical evidence. (First time someone is not asking for physical evidence on ATS?)
By evidence in this case: In talking with other electricians, and friends in many fields including physics (both theoretical, and applied), Mechanical Engineering, mechanics etc, there is nothing to suggest the outrageous claims of Tesla fanatics and his superior knowledge involving electronics.

As far as your AC/DC argument. Here it is in layman's terms (and yes this is a gross simplification): AC- all of your house hold plugs. DC all of your batteries.
So cool, Edison was for DC. Tesla was for AC (Alternating Current).
AC/DC refers to the ability to utilize either, which requires a transformer.

As to why Tesla was all but erased (even though we are still talking about him?) I'm not sure, I would argue Edison had a better PR department.

posted on Nov, 10 2012 @ 12:12 AM

Originally posted by GhostLancer
“President Obama’s re-election,” said Weatherford, “usher’s the country into a new, golden era and begins the healing process between the rich and the poor.”

Sounds a lot like the general theme before the 2008 election.
We all know how that went.
I'm pretty sure alien abductees say stuff like this all of the time too.

posted on Nov, 10 2012 @ 01:24 AM
reply to post by GhostLancer

If he was a time traveler who worked for Tesla he should know that Tesla did not give his patnets to JP Morgan.
Tesla hated Morgan. He gave them to his original funder, Westinghouse.

Morgan subsequently threatened Westinghouse with lawsuits severe enough to bankrupt him so he (Westinghouse) signed over the patents.

Morgan then bought out his partner Thomas Edison(tesla's mentor) and converted Edison Electric to General electric...

One would think a time traveler would at least know the past....
but who am I to judge as I can only travel forward in time 1 second at a time.


posted on Nov, 10 2012 @ 01:37 AM
reply to post by GhostLancer

This article says something without saying anything at all. This alledged time traveller doesn't give any specifics to convince anyone of anything. It is beyond vague and uninformative. There is not even one shred of credibility that we could at least trace in research.

I could hardly say that the blurp of him knowing that Obama would be re-elected would or could be considered as proof of anything from this 'time traveller'. I'm sure 50% of the U.S. figured that one out as well and said so to their friends and neighbours.

If this was remotely even possible and did occur, I'm sure he would have divulged a lot of juicy information. I mean why divulge nothing and say your a time traveller? If your going to make that claim then give us some meat to chew on at least.

posted on Nov, 10 2012 @ 01:58 AM
reply to post by GhostLancer

I believe him! About 10 or so years ago I watched a movie about Tesla that was very simular to what his assistant claims to be true.
What has happened to the members of ATS. There was a day not so long ago when this site was full of opptamistic free thinking open minded people. I once found this site full of like minded people who believed that anything could be possible. In addition; several channelings have been recorded where “The Pleadians” for example have been claiming the same thing. I did not vote for Obama and although I felt uplifted and enlightened while listening to these channelings- found myself in dissagreement when it came to Obama. I believed he was the “AntiChrist” for pete sake! Maybe I was wrong, maybe we DO need to ALL BAND TOGETHER and try and make the most of the next four years. What other choice do we have? We can’t spend another 4 years Obama bashing again. What a complete waste of a WONDERFUL NEW OPPORTUNITY!

posted on Nov, 10 2012 @ 02:04 AM
Well he had a 50/50 chance of being right. I guess the coin flip makes him a true time traveler.

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 05:45 PM
Travelling into the past would require about haldf the energy in the known universe

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