posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 11:27 PM
reply to post by TrueBrit
My positions are.....
Bring the troops home
Quit interfering in the domestic policies of other nations
Shut down bases we subsidize all over the world
Put troops along border states, let them spend money here in US.
Eliminate as much overeas spending/ cut foreign aid
Let states decide how to take care of citizens
No more property tax...I already feel like a serf...
No more lobbyists/bankers/corporations involved in government
No more bailouts....
No more TSA....
Thats just a few, I'm all for dismanteling the power of the federal government and allowing states to have free reign....
I have yet to see a Dem/Rep politician actively pursue any over seas spending, wars...ect.
They love the insignificant pet issues like Gay Marriage and Abortion....that shouldn't be the focus in a crumbling economy.