posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 07:54 AM
Why is our government even buying any gold at all when it is so high priced. Ever wonder why the national debt is growing? What stupidity, I bet
they are spending tons of money on gold to fill up their stolen reserves....Actually they weren't stolen, they were swindled away by the corruption
that existed in our government before. Our government will cover this up because it makes them look bad, instead they just make us pay for it. The
corporations that did this are gone and the execs are protected by existing laws that protect them. Bankruptsy does not protect the little guy as
much as the big guy. I know people who walked away from a business rich and the corporation went bankrupt. I'm all for making corporations and
patents illegal in some cases myself, they both corrupt society.
I like private businesses and I believe patents have their place but there is a lot of good technology hidden by our present system. If a corporation
buys a patent and doesn't start to produce it in a few years, than the patent should be voided. I also am against the current patent system of
medications, it shouldn't cost a quarter million to patent a medicine and another quarter million to have lawyers draft these patents. Seems like
the legal system is bringing prices up in this country. These patents costs are just another way of collecting money in leau of taxes by the
government as are fines of pharma companies. Hidden taxes are causing a lot of problems in this country and these hidden taxes bring up costs more
than actually raising our income tax rate. I remember when it didn't cost anything to get a government service, now, everything we do has a
pricetag. We can't see the taxation but it is still there in the price of everything we do or buy.