Dear kitty friend,
When I first saw you in the shelter,
in a small cage locked up,
I never had suspected
that you would mean to me so much.
I took you home with doubt,
but now for that I'm glad
because up until this moment
your the best friend I ever had!
You used to be there every morning,
with loud demanding maws
and touch my face to wake me up
with gentle kitten paws.
At night you needed cuddles,
how I loved to listen to you purr!
With your cute face hidden in my hair
while I played with your fluffy black fur.
Sometimes you brought me food
like little mice or a fallen bird
and when I didn't notice
you screamed until I heard.
I remember when you dissected,
a mouse in my new room!
It wasn't all that funny,
but you just did what kittens do.
You could be a little devil
when kitty play got out of hand,
but to cute to become angry
although at times you could drive me mad!
My furniture didn't last long
because you treated it like a toy,
still I always chose to keep you
because the chairs don't bring me joy.
I loved you like a baby,
the cuteness, the good and the bad,
but now your time has ended
and I have never felt so sad!
I think instinctive you felt it coming
and you knew just what to do...
but in those last moments together
you let me know you loved me to.
a memory of a friend
is now all that remains,
but I'll cherish it every moment
until we meet again.
edit on 6/11/2012 by GypsK because: (no reason given)