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Why electricity flows

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posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by intrptr
That is one of the "conspiracy theory" questions. Tesla invented a ton of stuff we all use today. His unfinished Transmission Tower was dismantled after he ran out of funds. He was never able to complete it. Since Tesla was so right about so many other things involving use of electricity, why did he undertake such a venture without first realizing its potential?

Was it just a bigger version of the Tesla coil? Why would he waste so much energy on it then?
Not exactly a bigger version of the tesla coil, I'd say it's closer to a scaled up version of that $5 demonstrator I posted, with balloons attached which would be elevated to the conductive part of the atmosphere. You can look up his patent and see the balloons in his drawing.

I think there's a correlation between the success of Tesla's ideas and his age. As he got older he seemed to have more and more ideas that didn't seem to match the physical realities observed by others. Why did this happen? I don't know, but I can speculate.

Tesla claimed to never sleep more than two hours.
He thought he didn't require more than 2 hours sleep. I'm skeptical of that claim.

I have personally seen the effects of sleep deprivation on crews that have worked just 48-72 hours continuously with little or no sleep, and they can't seem to think straight after that long without sleep. Tesla thought sleep was a waste of time and he tried to get by on such a small amount of sleep each night that my own personal speculative hypothesis is that this behavior induced even worse long term effects in his mental state than I personally observed after only 72 hours of sleep deprivation in work crews. Or to paraphrase, I wonder if he might have fried his brain by not getting enough sleep? I don't really know if not getting enough sleep was the cause of Tesla's somewhat misguided efforts at Wardenclyffe, but I can say for sure the people I've seen who haven't had enough sleep have problems thinking straight. He certainly displayed some odd behavior in later years whether the cause was sleep deprivation or something else:

Tesla probably suffered from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) in his later years. He developed a hatred of jewelry and round objects, could not bear to touch hair, did not like to shake hands, and became obsessed with the number three—he often felt compelled to walk around a block three times before entering a building, and demanded 18 napkins (a number divisible by three) to polish his silver and glasses and plates until they were impeccable, whenever he went dining. If he read one of an author's books, he had to read all of his books.[189] The nature of OCD was little understood at the time and no treatments were available, so his symptoms were considered by some to be evidence of partial insanity, undoubtedly damaging what was left of his reputation.
I would also note that the economic considerations of his idea were a greater downfall than the technology itself. Tesla's ability to master economic considerations was never apparently never his strong suit, even in his personal life, where he could have easily retired a very rich man with his contributions, but he died a pauper instead.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by Arbitrageur

Thank you so much for that review. You reminded me of his OCD later in life. Kind of like Howard Hughes maybe? We call them "eccentric" but really that is a shallow explanation. Are brilliant men sometimes driven mad by their own genius? What causes that? You would think that all that intellect and inventiveness would give them a rational outlook or "reasonableness". Haha, I guess not.

Maybe their ambition and driven nature are their eventual demise. Meanwhile we enjoy the fruits (or the fallout) of their labor and call it civilization.

We are drowning in it.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by intrptr
reply to post by Arbitrageur

Thank you so much for that review. You reminded me of his OCD later in life. Kind of like Howard Hughes maybe? We call them "eccentric" but really that is a shallow explanation.
You're welcome. While sleep deprivation is speculative as a possible cause of issues related to clear thinking, I don't think it's shallow if that was the cause.

In the case of Howard Hughes, it's documented that he crashed and had a serious head injury. While the link between his head injury and his behavior is again speculative, I don't think of it as wild speculation, nor as a shallow explanation, should that turn out to be a true causal factor in Hughes behavior. As far as I know, his odd behavior began after his crash and head injury.

We can say these explanations are speculative, but in my view, quite possible, and not necessarily shallow if you know anything about the effects of sleep deprivation or head injuries.

But we should appreciate the contributions Tesla made...and not focus on his OCD. We use AC electricity every day, which Tesla played a huge role in developing, and I thank him for that, regardless of his later oddities.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 06:15 PM
I will put this out there in the hope that someone will benefit from it.

Mainstream electrical theory is just plain wrong. Electrons do not 'do work'. They are conduits for energy. The analogies are just wrong. This is very deliberate.

People talk about the Tesla Coil without understanding that it works because of the associated spark gap. Without the spark gap it is just two coils. If you have ever played with a Tesla Coil setup you would see for yourself.

This is only a start, a small step to see what others have learned and tried. When you realize that Electricity, magnetism and gravity all get their energy from the same place, and that place is everywhere, then you may begin to understand.


posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by pheonix358

Mainstream electrical theory is just plain wrong.

Care to provide a reference to a reliable experiment showing that?

Electrons do not 'do work'. They are conduits for energy.

If I through a rock at you, some energy will be delivered. You may say that the rock was a "conduit", but this is just fancy speak. The rock will have done some work on your face all right.

The analogies are just wrong. This is very deliberate.

What "analogies"? Boy you are laying it down thick.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by buddhasystem

All you need to do is to deny ignorance. Try taking the first step. Your reply contains elements of anger, the best you could think of was to mash my face. Try and work through where this anger comes from. You can't learn when you're angry.


posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by pheonix358

When you realize that Electricity, magnetism and gravity all get their energy from the same place, and that place is everywhere, then you may begin to understand.

Grand Unified Field Theory? Got an equation for that? Don't get me wrong I believe in Unity too, just not sure its been described yet.

Especially the connection between Gravity and Electricity.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 07:54 PM

Originally posted by intrptr
reply to post by pheonix358

When you realize that Electricity, magnetism and gravity all get their energy from the same place, and that place is everywhere, then you may begin to understand.

Grand Unified Field Theory? Got an equation for that? Don't get me wrong I believe in Unity too, just not sure its been described yet.

Especially the connection between Gravity and Electricity.

I agree. If big business continues to get its way we will never work it out. I have seen it work. The problem is one of control. Big business controls research by controlling the funds. Major groundbreaking research has been stopped in its tracks with the simple expedience of pulling the funding. The only funding that is approved is where the researches know their place and knowing their place can get rich very quickly.

It is all a sham, a dance around the truth. How was Tesla stopped in his tracks? They pulled his funding and assassinated his character and to this day they are still messing with his character. Examples exist in this very thread, unless of course any of those commentators actually knew him.


posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 08:50 PM

Originally posted by Arbitrageur
We can say these explanations are speculative, but in my view, quite possible, and not necessarily shallow if you know anything about the effects of sleep deprivation or head injuries.

But we should appreciate the contributions Tesla made...and not focus on his OCD. We use AC electricity every day, which Tesla played a huge role in developing, and I thank him for that, regardless of his later oddities.

He was also given to bombarding his head with x-rays to "perk up his nerves", in his younger days. That likely didn't help matters, and he was an age to have started feeling the effects of Alzheimer's, if he was prone to it - we'll never know. We DO know that toward the end of his productive era he had to start keeping notebooks instead of relying on his memory, and that his ability to visualize/simulate had failed him - he had performed a number of practical experiments such as the one with the "gasless copper", that were dismal failures.

edit to add: I once read a rather nice short story entitled "White City"...Linky
edit on 8-11-2012 by Bedlam because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 09:12 PM
reply to post by gmonundercover

I don't quite understand why people insist of saying that electricity flows through a copper wire in a manner analogous to water flowing through a pipe. The electrons only seem to flow. There is a transmission of energy traveling at nearly the speed of light, but the electrons themselves are moving rather slowly and that cannot be characterized as a flow similar to water flowing through a creek bed or a pipe.

So the river bed analogy is incorrect as is the simile of a conduit/pipe as though electricity flows through a wire as water does through a pipe. Consider matter itself at its most fundamental state. Electric current (electricity) is a flow or movement of electrical charge. The electricity that is conducted through the copper wire is made up of moving electrons. The protons and neutrons of the copper atoms do not move from one place to another. The real progression of the electrons in a given direction through the wire is very slow and can hardly be said to be 'flowing.' The electrons have to work their way through the trillions of atoms in the wire and that takes some time. The individual electrons only move at what is known as the "drift velocity" of the electrons. The wire is "full" of atoms and free electrons and the electrons move among the atoms. In a typical copper wire there would be trillions of electrons flowing past any given point in the wire every second, but they would be passing that point very slowly.

Although the electrons are actually moving through the wire slowly, the actual speed of electricity is near the speed of light meaning that the effects from the electricity occur virtually "instantaneously." In the case of a light switch for example, the light comes on the instant you flip a switch. You do not have to wait for electrons to flow from the switch to the light.
please see my earlier comments here - thank you.

edit on 8-11-2012 by gmonundercover because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 09:12 PM

Originally posted by pheonix358
reply to post by buddhasystem

All you need to do is to deny ignorance. Try taking the first step. Your reply contains elements of anger, the best you could think of was to mash my face. Try and work through where this anger comes from. You can't learn when you're angry.

You haven't seen me angry. All I wanted was to get across. When I see some blatant nonsense like "electrons are conduits", I need to make clear just how stupid this is.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 09:16 PM

Originally posted by intrptr
reply to post by pheonix358

When you realize that Electricity, magnetism and gravity all get their energy from the same place, and that place is everywhere, then you may begin to understand.

Grand Unified Field Theory? Got an equation for that? Don't get me wrong I believe in Unity too, just not sure its been described yet.

Well you see, "electricity" and "magnetism" were unified by certain Maxwell a pretty long time ago. The fact the someone presents this as some occult mystery is highly specious. Either they don't know what they are talking about, or try to impress the more ignorant. Either way, zero credibility, all words and no substance.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by buddhasystem

Originally posted by intrptr
reply to post by pheonix358

When you realize that Electricity, magnetism and gravity all get their energy from the same place, and that place is everywhere, then you may begin to understand.

Grand Unified Field Theory? Got an equation for that? Don't get me wrong I believe in Unity too, just not sure its been described yet.

Well you see, "electricity" and "magnetism" were unified by certain Maxwell a pretty long time ago. The fact the someone presents this as some occult mystery is highly specious. Either they don't know what they are talking about, or try to impress the more ignorant. Either way, zero credibility, all words and no substance.

I do love having my view point edited and handed back to me to suit others arguments. Here is my post::
I said there is no proven link between gravity and electricity (yet). The link between electricity and magnetism is well known. If you intend to destroy people credibility at least quote what they say and not alter it to suit you.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 09:46 PM
As long as we are making mention of A Einstein suppose we take 'things' a step further and say that not only is the electricity that's being transmitted through the copper non material or in-substantial - so is the copper wire that the electrons are said to "be flowing" through.

There is no such thing as a "physical" reality to the copper wire any more than there is a physical reality to the electrical energy within the wire itself. Bold assertion yes - but its also a fact. 'Matter' is just a name for something we cannot so easily explain, but the one who said it best was A Einstein------> In order to comprehend it we must study his writings on the relationship between matter, energy, space, time, and gravity. 'Things' per se, seem real enough but they are mere aggregations of light waves - meeting and crossing one another at certain well defined coordinates. "Things" are electromagnetic vibrations - nothing more - nothing less.

Einstein said it best "matter is light stopped." Vibration is measured in frequencies called Hertz (cycles per second), and all vibrations - including light, sound, and your own physical body are part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Things are light - matter is light - you are a mass of coagulated light !

"When forced to summarize the general theory of relativity in one sentence: Time and space and gravitation have no separate existence from matter." - Albert Einstein

"Physical objects are not in space, but these objects are spatially extended. In this way the concept 'empty space' loses its meaning. ... Since the theory of general relatively implies the representation of physical reality by a continuous field, the concept of particles or material points cannot play a fundamental part, ... and can only appear as a limited region in space where the field strength / energy density are particularly high." Albert Einstein.

"All forms of matter are really light waves in motion." - Albert Einstein

Vibration can be understood with Einstein’s theory of relativity. Matter is simply energy vibrating at a very, very slow frequency (but still in motion). Einstein’s equation defines energy as E=MC2: energy = mass (matter) x the speed of light squared. So matter is energy, and energy is matter; a physical thing (such as your body) is simply an accumulation of energy vibrating at a specific rate. In addition, quantum physics has confirmed that all 'things' in the universe are ultimately a vibration made up of energy, are relatively self-aware, and are communicating through the exchange of information.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by Bedlam

Thanks for the link to the short story, White City. Best thing I read in a while. Everyone should take 5...


posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 10:03 PM

Originally posted by intrptr

Originally posted by buddhasystem

Originally posted by intrptr
reply to post by pheonix358

When you realize that Electricity, magnetism and gravity all get their energy from the same place, and that place is everywhere, then you may begin to understand.

Grand Unified Field Theory? Got an equation for that? Don't get me wrong I believe in Unity too, just not sure its been described yet.

Well you see, "electricity" and "magnetism" were unified by certain Maxwell a pretty long time ago. The fact the someone presents this as some occult mystery is highly specious. Either they don't know what they are talking about, or try to impress the more ignorant. Either way, zero credibility, all words and no substance.

I do love having my view point edited and handed back to me to suit others arguments. Here is my post::
I said there is no proven link between gravity and electricity (yet). The link between electricity and magnetism is well known. If you intend to destroy people credibility at least quote what they say and not alter it to suit you.

For the record, I didn't question your credibility or try to distort your post. What I was marveling at, (sarcasm intended) was the suggestion that electricity and magnetism still need to be unified. I even left aside the moronic notion that they "get their energy from the same place".

I've been aware of the GUT concept for longer than I can remember, this probably goes to my teen years. It's all good.

I agree that there is no proven link of gravity and electricity.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by gmonundercover

So very much of that post is wrong. You need to toss all the vibration stuff, for starters.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by gmonundercover
Einstein said it best "matter is light stopped." Vibration is measured in frequencies called Hertz (cycles per second), and all vibrations - including light, sound, and your own physical body are part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Things are light - matter is light - you are a mass of coagulated light !

Wow. You need to check out this page.

Every once in a while I'll run across a claim that is so wildly ridiculous that I question, for a time, if it is meant as a joke. Sadly, the majority of them aren't. As hard as it is for me to believe, given that we currently live in the most scientifically and technologically advanced society that the Earth has ever seen, there are a lot of people who believe stuff that is unrefined bull#.

I ran into an example a few days ago, when a friend sent me this article, entitled "Scientists Prove DNA Can Be Reprogrammed By Words And Frequencies." The word "frequency" always acts like a red flag to me, as it is for some reason a word woo-woos like a lot, and throw about in absurd ways despite its having a rigid, and not especially thrilling, definition in the scientific world (three others are "energy," "vibration," and "field").

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 10:16 PM

Originally posted by buddhasystem

Wow. You need to check out this page.

Note to all: I am not the guy that wrote that page, even though he sounds an awful lot like me.

Seriously, I wasn't sure if you were linking to an old reply of mine that I had forgotten. I do agree with him. "Energy", "vibration", "waves", "fields" and the like are prime indicators of woo.

You can't blame people, though, Blavatsky's legacy lives on, even to this day. Back in the 19th century, she assigned physics terms to her woo philosophy, and it's stuck ever since.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 10:33 PM
I wanted to share a couple of links of suppliers I used and still use for many years. As a kid I was always fascinated by technology and I was always tearing things apart and putting them back together. Back oh maybe 25 years ago as a teenager I was going to a private school and was blessed to have a wonderful smart professor and was in a small class of peers who was equally smart and nerdy so to speak hehe. We have done some amazing things and had some cool projects. Having the right connections we put together a small table top laser lab together with a class 3 laser used in a laser guidance system. We done some holography and other neat projects basically having mirrors on speakers that put out low frequencies to make different patterns and of course we had to burn a few things too
I remember winding the power coil 1250 vdc to make this thing light up and soldering a rectifier to convert the AC/DC. Back then parts was cheap and there was a cool surplus store we could get our hands on some great deals of army electronic surplus. Boy was them the days! Anyways enjoy!

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