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Setting Minimum Wage In The USA to 4 Cents An Hour

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posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 07:33 PM
No one would work a job that doesn't pay enough to afford gas to get there in the first place.

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 07:55 PM

Originally posted by PurpleChiten

Originally posted by georgemoseleylander
It really is high time that Americans put the USA first and people back to work.

There wasn;t Minimum Wage when I was young and everyone had a job.

It;'s absurd that an employer with a job not worth minimum wage should have to hire a contractor to beat dissidents to death in slave camps to produce manufactured goods at no cost rather than be able to hire Americans.

And just why should someone good enough to offer employment be sent to jail whilst somenone offering no employment be held up as a shining example?

The fact is that Government can't raise wages, only unemployment.

This Minimum Wage crap is killing the USA. High time this malarchy was done away with.

Minimum wage started about 74 years ago (it actually started before that, died out and started again), and you probably didn't work before you were ....maybe 12 or so... which means you're over 86 years old?

Originally posted by fenceSitter
US minimum wage was started in 1938 (Source) - were you working before then?

Op, just how fracking old are you?

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 07:57 PM

Originally posted by Unidentified_Objective
The premise that eliminating the minimum wage would lead to more jobs and thus, somehow stimulate the economy, is false and a wealthy man's pipe dream. In a free market and corporate-run society, profitability is the bottom line. Removing the minimum wage would lead to the Walmarts of the world paying $2/Hr or less for an army of retards to man their stores. Poor paying jobs do not = better. What will happen is other companies wanting to stay competitive would also cut wages to lower prices and I will leave the rest to your imagination. At the same time, one cannot expect to make living wages working as a cashier at the local gas station. There should be consequences for the lazy who did not pursue college. I'll add that Unions should not be allowed in every industry. You cannot maintain profitability making a rubber toy that sells for $1.75 wholesale, and pay employees $25/Hr plus Medical, 401K, gym membership and paid vacations. Unions should be limited. They can be just as detrimental to society as no minimum wage. No skill jobs should be low paying jobs and people need to live with that. If they were too dumb to realize they should have taken school seriously, they should pay the price.

Oh really?

Famous, Rich, and Successful People
Who Were High School or College Dropouts

Troy Aikman, Superbowl-winning football quarterback, TV sports commentator. In 2009, he finally graduated from UCLA, 20 years after leaving college to play in the National Football League. Aikman had promised his mother, when he left school just two courses shy of a degree, that he would return and finish. In 2009, at the age of 42, he finally fulfilled that commitment, earning A's in his last two courses, thus earning a bachelor's degree in sociology.

Paul Allen, billionaire co-founder of Microsoft, founder of Xiant software, owner of Seattle Seahawks and Portland Trailblazers. Dropped out of the University of Washington to work for Honeywell. A year later he convinced Bill Gates to drop out of Harvard and move to Albuquerque, New Mexico to start up Microsoft.

George "Sparky" Anderson, baseball player and manager. Did not attend college.

Julie Andrews, Oscar-winning actress, singer, author. Dropped out of high school.

Julian Assange, Wikileaks founder, software programmer. Studied mathematics at the University of Melbourne but dropped out because other students were doing research for the Pentagon's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.

Bill Bartman, billionaire businessman, author. High school dropout.

Glenn Beck, radio and TV political commentator, bestselling book author. Enrolled at Yale University for one class but quickly dropped out because he "spent more time trying to find a parking space" than in class.

I am not anti-college.... There is such a thing as getting an education other than through the gates of a university that are charging our children $100,000 to $150,000 to $250,000 just to be able to have a certificate that doesn’t necessarily mean anything to them.... I’m not anti-education. I am anti-massive debt. I am anti-giving our children’s souls over to these universities.

James Francis Byrnes, U.S. representative, U.S. senator, Supreme Court justice, U.S. secretary of state, South Carolina governor. At the age of 14, he left St. Patrick's Catholic school to apprentice in a law office. Never attended college or law school.

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 08:07 PM
Doesn't the government borrow that money, which has to be paid back. Soo, no one is really making anything right?

And I never understood why the federal government which is not American by the way has so much power in making laws and setting minimum wage?

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by georgemoseleylander

Minimum wage is just another way the Progressives keep poor people dependent on government programs, and by doing so that keeps poor people voting for them. Let the free market set the price of labor, and let businesses compete for employees. Pay would be better, service would be better, product would be better and of higher quality, and consumers would be happier.

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by OptimusSubprime
reply to post by georgemoseleylander

Minimum wage is just another way the Progressives keep poor people dependent on government programs, and by doing so that keeps poor people voting for them. Let the free market set the price of labor, and let businesses compete for employees. Pay would be better, service would be better, product would be better and of higher quality, and consumers would be happier.

Yeah and we can all dance and sing kumnbaya at the campfire pooping rainbows and skittles, I'm sure.... YAY.

What a joke does anybody really buy the above post as fact? Please if you do believe this PLEASE attend a economics class.

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by ldyserenity

Originally posted by OptimusSubprime
reply to post by georgemoseleylander

Minimum wage is just another way the Progressives keep poor people dependent on government programs, and by doing so that keeps poor people voting for them. Let the free market set the price of labor, and let businesses compete for employees. Pay would be better, service would be better, product would be better and of higher quality, and consumers would be happier.

Yeah and we can all dance and sing kumnbaya at the campfire pooping rainbows and skittles, I'm sure.... YAY.

What a joke does anybody really buy the above post as fact? Please if you do believe this PLEASE attend a economics class.

I believe it. Do you know how much money corporations spend on advertisement, billions. You know why? So that they can actually sell their inefficient products. Make it look pretty and all.

Now why not use that money on their employees?

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 09:09 PM
Maybe a better solution is to start pressuring other countries to start treating their people like human beings instead of slaves. Expecting people to work 70 and 80 hour weeks, paying them slave wages, having lax environmental regulations and shoddy safety regulations?

Maybe instead of letting businesses treat their employees like dogs in our country, we need to encourage others to start forcing businesses to treat employees in their countries better.

We could also stop giving tax breaks to businesses that routinely ship jobs overseas and stop giving free trade agreements to countries that manipulate their currency, have incredibly lax labor laws and safety regulations, and have sky-high tariffs on imports from our country.

Lots of options we can take without screwing over the little guy and letting those at the top, who already have more than enough, rape the rest of us even more.

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 09:20 PM
reply to post by Kaone

Short answer they won't they'll continue the exodus out of here quicker than you can say kumbaya...that's the truth....because honestly without the minimum wage I'd ask for twenty five dollars an hour because that's a lot less than I need to survive, I wouldn't budge and the opposite would be happening nobody will want to work because they won't be getting even a minimal standard there's no way in h e double hockey sticks.

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 09:25 PM
Of course, you can let people work for $0.04 an hour.

It can start right that day when an apartment to live in will cost $0.50 per month, gas will be $0.01 per gallon and monthly utility bills and groceries won't exceed $2, in total.

Really, really good plan!

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 09:30 PM
4 cents an hour?

I could look under my couch and comb a gas station parking lot and have 2 month's pay!

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 09:43 PM
GTFO. enough said.

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 10:04 PM
Setting minimum wage in the US is a great idea, but only if the opposite is true. There has to be enough workforce and supply.

1. Reduce Retirement Age to 50
this will help eliminate those damn annoying people who are taking up jobs when they don't need to. you know those...(I am retired but i will keep working, thats all i ever did when i was young..blabla).people need to go! ASAP
2. If your retired military GTFO of the workforce and enjoy retirement and your GI!
3. Reduce Globally the cost of Freight and Supply. Materials are too expensive. Especially in the USA because all these americans with Bust of Pride, need $40.00 an hour and A union and 10 bathroom breaks and paid vacations just to hook up a few wires for a robot arm.
4. If we kept wage the same, and brought down costs of materials (GLOBALLY), people can still profit while keeping good work, retire early, enjoy the benefits, and move on.

In a nutshell it is bland. I can do better when im not on the sauce so excuse the screw ups in this post, but majorily you should be able to understand what im saying


posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 10:11 PM
reply to post by AnIntellectualRedneck

Of all the posts on this issue this one carries the most weight with me, lift the sinking boat and all rise with it!

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 10:34 PM

Originally posted by Night Star
We have minumum wage for a reason. people need to make enough to live on.

While i do agee with you, minimum wage will never be able to keep up with the ridiculous inflation so in reality people working for minimum wage are really working for less than minimum wage when you factor in inflation costs, and theyre just spinnign their wheels going nowhere. We can't spend our way out of 15 trillion debt, what we need to do is have a revolution and overthrow this corporatism that destroys our economy and sells out to China.

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 12:41 AM
I dont understand your logic.

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 01:36 AM
reply to post by georgemoseleylander

Well it's not your day . When I was young we as a nation imported nothing . We allowed Japanese junk in this country and some German things but, we needed nothing from outside this country at all but chromium . We were a manufacturing powerhouse . You were looking to work in the factory that your dad worked in .
The Global bunch had to take the good paying jobs and send them to cheap labor countries to make more money and lower the wage rates of America to level the playing field with China . This was to promote Global Trade and Global Government ( NWO ) along with a Global Currency . I remember when Nixon met with the Bilderberg Group. It was actually on the news and he was sent to China to open up the Iron Curtain they had to send our Jobs over there . There was no hiding what was happening then . People probably didn't figure it would amount to much , look at it now ! Then Bush and his bunch welcomed in the Mexicans to undercut the rest of the jobs they couldn't export . They instead imported cheap labor . There are no good paying jobs now for Blue Collar and the White Collar jobs are getting thinner . The damn crooked politicians that sold us out will be well off though .

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 01:51 AM
Minimum wage minimum effort, the the skills of the people set the wage, just like banks loan you the money and you pay your house 3x the value. that required 0 effort. banks should get paid less than minimum wage for that loan.
edit on 6-11-2012 by Arsenis because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 02:53 AM
reply to post by Jeremiah65

Shareholders are the problem, cashed up free-loaders who want dividends without doing anything to earn it.
That's what the corporates will tell you that they need huge profits so they can pay a dividend to the Mum and Dad investors who used some of their life - savings in a hope that some profits will come their way.
So corporations cut jobs and force employees to work ever lengthening hours to make -up the shortfall.
How many poor CEO's do you know? How many doctors who don't drive Merc's and BMW's?
Banks cut workers from jobs they've toiled in for 20 years and give themselves huge bonuses.
Minimum wage be damned, a fair days work for a fair days pay, anyone who is willing to buy a cheap asian knockoff in the place of something manufactured in their own country just because its cheaper couldn't look someone out of work in the eye.
I dont blame the asians, I blame the westerners who are exploiting them.
You know who you are.

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 03:02 AM
reply to post by merlin07

Reduce retirement age to 50? What are you 30 years old? I can tell you one thing workers between 40 and 60 are
1. more reliable - they turn up to work everyday.
2. more experienced- they don't need supervision. They know their job.
3. Are willing to work in roles that don't involve computers and sitting down.
Come back when you've had some experience in the world young feller.
In Australia the retirement age is increasing because we have an ageing workforce, which is why lowering the retirement age is very wrong.
If we're all retired supply to demand grinds to a halt.

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