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Ohio Union Workers Caught With Truckload of Stolen Romney Signs

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posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by beezzer

Research is pointing that social liberals tend to have higher IQ's. It's a very debateable topic, and I'm surprised you would even go there. But here's some information:

Despite their important implications for interpersonal behaviors and relations, cognitive abilities have been largely ignored as explanations of prejudice. We proposed and tested mediation models in which lower cognitive ability predicts greater prejudice, an effect mediated through the endorsement of right-wing ideologies (social conservatism, right-wing authoritarianism) and low levels of contact with out-groups

Here's the abstract for the study:
Bright minds and dark attitudes: lower cognitive ability predicts great prejudice through right-wing ideology and lower intergroup contact

Here's an article on that same study in Discover:
Social conservatives have a lower I.Q.? (probably)

Beezzer, won't you be glad after tomorrow so we can go back to talking about aliens and UFO's?

edit on 5-11-2012 by MystikMushroom because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by MystikMushroom
Wait, is this supposed to convince me to vote for Romney? Some dumb people stealing signs?

Why on earth would you think that by reporting this story, someone wants you to vote for Romney because of it?? That really doesn't make sense. These union guys in Ohio are idiots. This is a discussion about four idiots in Ohio stealing signs. WHY are they stealing signs?? Do they think that less yard signs = more Obama votes or something? It's absurd. All it means is that they now have criminal records. I don't know how you get that by discussing a situation that equates to someone wanting you to vote a certain way. Did you want it swept under the rug or something?? (Like many O-bots want Benghazi swept under the rug)

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by Trustfund
What does it matter if they are in a union or not? Why emphasize that? Political spin.....

If it were four guys from a Baptist Church who used the Baptist Church vehicle to go around stealing Obama signs .. THAT would be part of the news story, right? So why bury the fact that they are all Union guys and Obama supporters? Telling the truth isn't 'emphasizing' .. it's just telling the truth.
I agree that their affiliation and whose material they are stealing is part of the story...but it defines neither Obama supporters nor unions and any indication that it does is...wait for it...Malarkey!

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by milominderbinder
if such a hot story REALLY occurred I can't understand why the Ohio Liberty Coalition or the Ohio Conservative Coalition didn't grab a copy of it right off the bat put the .pdf all over the web immediately. It's public record, after all. Why wouldn't they...right?

The actual police report is public record? I didn't know that. Where? And how would they be able to get their hands on it? I know Police Blotters are public record. I just gave a link to them. (They aren't up to the date of the arrest (yet).) But the actual police reports? I've never heard of such a thing.

Anyways .. it IS big news out there. It's in all the papers. The people's names and places where they live and their facebook information is all there ... they are real and they are union guys and it's a real thing ...

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 06:50 PM
why, because knowing romney and the example he sets, all those romney signs were probably arrogantly planted right in front of the owners houses without even an hello, much less permission.

and some concerned neighbours probably got together to get rid off them.

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 07:11 PM

Lets look at it all: Its in OHIO, a KEY STATE. CHECK!! It makes the Union look bad. CHECK!! It makes Dems look desperate. CHECK!!! Republicans have been doing everything to win this lately pulling NO PUNCHES as they are gonna LOSE. CHECK!! Big dirty money from the Right has been active in stunts like this. CHECK!! Its WAAAAAAAAAY too suspicious. CHECK!!!!
reply to post by YourWIFI

So you mean to tell me there is no chance they actually did this? Caught with said signs it turns into a republican plot? As if unions have not resorted to worse things.
Just because you are a democrat does not mean you are a saint.

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 07:16 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Well I was going to vote for Romney, but then my neighbors sign supporting Romney up and vanished so now I'm voting for Obama.

Seriously though, your right, whose going to change their vote based on signs in peoples yards? Are their people out there that dumb that will actually change how they think based on something so simple as a sign in a yard?

As for me I'm probably not voting for either one of the two shiny turds.
edit on 5-11-2012 by GrimReaper86 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by YourWIFI
With all of the under-handed, unethical, dirty tricks that have been coming out of the Republican camp the last few months, I would bet it is WAY MORE LIKELY that a crew of Romney paid supporters put their extra stash of signs in the Union truck just to make the Democrats look as SLIMY as them to level the field.

That's funny.

My neighbor in CA - - - has had every Obama sign she put up stolen.

Even the homemade one on a brown paper bag.

It's funny how the Republicans dramatize everything - - like this kind of thing only happens to them.

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 07:30 PM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by YourWIFI
With all of the under-handed, unethical, dirty tricks that have been coming out of the Republican camp the last few months, I would bet it is WAY MORE LIKELY that a crew of Romney paid supporters put their extra stash of signs in the Union truck just to make the Democrats look as SLIMY as them to level the field.

That's funny.

My neighbor in CA - - - has had every Obama sign she put up stolen.

Even the homemade one on a brown paper bag.

It's funny how the Republicans dramatize everything - - like this kind of thing only happens to them.

And yet, I live in Bible belt, completely republican in every way, in a city in Texas, and the woman at the front of the subdivision has had an Obama sign in her front yard for over a month. Yep, still there, imagine that! In Texas none the less! Take your IQ theory for what it is worth, which is nothing. The thing about a decent IQ, is that hopefully you are smart enough to reason that almost all politicians are not out for your best interest, Repub or Dem.

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by xuenchen

I know... they were GOP plants stealing them there signs ... HA HA HA

Partisan people are such fools ..... funny I have seen you in two other thread claim them GPers who were caught were Dem plants .... HA HA HA

the blind leading the blind and the blind voting of pathetic sheeple!

a vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil! ...... but in this case both R & D parties represent the same evil!

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Eh, who cares? Like you said, it's not like taking the signs down a couple of days before election is gonna make anyone change their mind about voting for Obama or somehow not knowing that Romney exists. The fact these men have done this for that very reason makes them idiots. I wonder if they're gonna get in any trouble for using a company vehicle and making the news?

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 07:56 PM

Sometimes people infiltrate groups and try to make groups look bad. But then again sometimes a cigar is just a cigar and four rotten union guys are just that .. four rotten union guys. Both the left and right have people who are not the best ... like in this case with the four ohio union workers

For sure. I'm not saying it's impossible...or even IMPROBABLE for that matter.

Think about it. We know A LOT for certain .. their names ... their occupations ... their facebook accounts where they proclaim themselves proud union members and proud Obama supporters. Their names and ages and place of residence were given. It's all there.

Yep. Everything except...well...all of the particulars surrounding the arrest, questioning, and officers statements.

So...what do we have? Unsubstantiated allegations. Given that just last week there was a blatant attempt two states away to pin baseless allegations on Obama supporters, I'm just saying that it's prudent to be skeptical.

The false claim in Wisconsin last week started this same way where it "was all over the news"...and as soon as anybody actually contacted the police it was revealed to be nonsense.

So once again...has anybody seen a police report?

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 09:12 PM
I wish I could be shocked or even a little surprised at this.

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 05:23 AM

Originally posted by Annee
It's funny how the Republicans dramatize everything - - like this kind of thing only happens to them.

I don't recall anyone having said that. In fact, most people here have said that it happens to both Republicans and Democrats. The only one saying that one side doesn't act this way - the Democrats - is one particular far lefter (I won't name him .. you can tell by his posts here).

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 05:27 AM

Originally posted by milominderbinder
So...what do we have? Unsubstantiated allegations.

Dude ...
.... we have their names .. we have their affiliations ... we have the stolen goods in their possession ...

So once again...has anybody seen a police report?

So, once again I ask, other than the police blotter that is printed in the local paper (and that I linked to) .. are ANY police reports printed in the paper or put online?? I've never seen any ...

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by milominderbinder
So...what do we have? Unsubstantiated allegations.

Dude ...
.... we have their names .. we have their affiliations ... we have the stolen goods in their possession ...

So once again...has anybody seen a police report?

So, once again I ask, other than the police blotter that is printed in the local paper (and that I linked to) .. are ANY police reports printed in the paper or put online?? I've never seen any ...

No...but it can be requested if you contact them.

And you are incorrect. You DO NOT have their names, affiliations and stolen goods in their possession. You have a stripped down account of those things in a newspaper article which has not yet been fact-checked.

I really don't care if they did it or didn't do it. I have no stake in the matter and no vested interest. I'm just pointing out that it's easy to jump to conclusions when we are being told what we WANT to hear.

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

What they think, based on the comments in Twitter, from various talking heads, from a sitting president telling people to vote for "revenge", etc, is that they can intimidate people into either voting for their guy, or not voting. Violence has been threatened against Romney supporters when Romney wins. This is yet another attempt at intimidation, coupled with trying to make people think that those whose signs were stolen might have changed their minds.

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 05:10 PM
I've seen plenty of blacks picking up Romney signs these last few months.

They probably just believe in keeping the medians and roadside grass clean.

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by ldyserenity
Quite honestly, I couldn't care any less for those signs. Personally if I owned a community it woulld be deed restricted and have an HOA Just for the sole purpose of keeping those ugly signs from being out on their front lawns. I think it's so white trash. You like your candidate, good go out and vote do not make my beautiful world a trailer park with campaign signs. The only signs they could put up is for sale signs, advertisement for their contractors that did their work (But only for a limited time), and those tiny signs that tell you their house has ADT security system or whatever security system. I think the only thing trashier than campaign signs are plastic lawn ornament Pink Flamingoes.
I actually wish that St Petersburg would put a law in that says nobody can do it. I think that if they can raise hell about a woman putting a cross on her lawn and signs about bible study on her front lawn than they need to get on the ball and stop these white trash political trolling signs. That's my .02.
edit on 5-11-2012 by ldyserenity because: clarity and spelling

Well, that is your opinion, and you are, of course, entitled to it. That said, does "freedom of speech" mean anything to you? Personally, I plan to NEVER live anyplace with a HOA. Those organizations are nothing but fascist. Telling people what they can do on THEIR property, what color they can paint their house, that they can't have a satellite dish, etc, etc, ad nauseum. My sister lives in such a place, and can't get satellite TV because the place the dish needs to go, the HOA forbids them. You know, on the ROOF. Political signs are an exercise of free speech, and NO ONE should be able to restrict them. Not those, not a cross, or whatever. City coding laws tend to take care of real issues, that involve sanitation or safety. HOAs don't add anything useful, and are very controlling. Plus...."white trash"?? Interesting choice of to elaborate?

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 05:23 PM
I think it is poetic justice for sending all of the union jobs to China.

When you achieve "SuperDouche" status like Romney, you will have mad people who steal your signs.

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