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May 1, 2003

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posted on May, 1 2003 @ 09:58 AM
greetings, comrades!

Happy May Day!
... from the Workers International League!
This May Day, working Americans need to take a hard look at the state of the world today and ask themselves if their interests are being served by the tiny minority of rich people which controls our government and our lives - Republicans and Democrats alike. They are driven by the pursuit of profits, power, and spheres of influence. The American capitalist class has as much an interest in truly "liberating" the people of Iraq as they do in guaranteeing jobs, healthcare, education, stability, and peace here in the US. The only way we can reclaim all that has been taken away from us and improve our conditions of life and work is to organize as a class in defense of our interests. Let�s reclaim the militant traditions of May Day!
src (adobe acrobat/print out leaflets):

[Edited on 5-6-2003 by echelon]

posted on May, 1 2003 @ 10:10 AM
But I do live in a comfortable house, drive a decent car, and lead an ok life...and I certainly classify as a "worker"...and this is all in a capitalist society. Sure beats standing in line to buy bread, or not having enough oil to heat my house....

posted on May, 1 2003 @ 10:26 AM

Happy working day !

posted on May, 1 2003 @ 10:26 AM
Happy Labor Day for all of those outside of that capitalist hell called America. I dont get off school here unfortunately because the directors hate us. I hope the rest of you have a nice day off.


posted on May, 1 2003 @ 12:51 PM
Celebrations began calmly in London, with a march from Camberwell Green to Trafalgar Square, joined by members of the Trades Union Congress, the International Union of Sex Workers, the Communist Party of Great Britain, the Stop the War Coalition and Amnesty International, among others. It was attended by police officers in 35 vans. Two police helicopters flew overhead.
In France, the Labor Day marches signal the start of a series of protests by unions, which are calling for a May 13 strike to protest government pension reforms. Labor groups oppose plans to lengthen the contribution period for obligatory state-run pensions.
German labor unions marched through Berlin, signaling their dismay at government plans to trim the country's welfare systems. Ver.di, Europe's biggest services union, summoned members to join the May Day demonstrations in the city and protest planned health care cuts.
In Moscow, thousands of communists waving red flags marched through the city center to mark May Day and to demand the resignation of President Vladimir Putin's government, Agence France- Presse reported. The march was attended mainly by elderly communist sympathizers. The organizers, who brought in supporters from around the country, said they expected to gather 50,000 people.
``The problems of this government will not be solved by replacing this or that minister,'' AFP cited party leader Sergei Stanichev as saying. ``This is about a prime minister who put into place right-wing, anti-social policies. Because of this, we are asking that the whole government step down.''
In Athens, several thousand people took to the streets in two separate marches by communists and by trade unions and anti-global groups, both heading to the U.S. embassy, AFP said.
Tens of thousands of people took to the streets of Madrid for the May Day demonstration during which the leader of a union that helped organize the event was attacked, AFP reported. Jose Maria Fidalgo, the leader of the Workers' Commission, was taken to a hospital to receive stitches after a demonstrator hit him on the head with a placard, according to witnesses.
In the Ukrainian capital Kiev, as many as 10,000 people demanded more jobs and an end to President Leonid Kuchma's political reform plan, under which he could stay in office until 2007, opposition leaders said.

Communists, socialists and supporters of former Deputy Prime Minister Yulia Timoshenko led the May Day rally, waving Ukrainian national flags and shouting ``Kuchma - out.'' Nationwide, as many as 500,000 people were expected to join May Day demonstrations, police said.

... that's more than enough evidence showing you that your system of capitalism is failing us. Q&refer=europe

[Edited on 5-1-2003 by echelon]

posted on May, 1 2003 @ 12:57 PM
...they say it's because of the Joan Of Arc Day.

[Edited on 1-5-2003 by Nans DESMICHELS]

posted on May, 1 2003 @ 01:20 PM

[Edited on 1-5-2003 by kegs]

posted on May, 1 2003 @ 01:31 PM
LOL! Yet you push a system that has either failed or holds people in worse conditions that ours.

Our problem is that our system is no longer taught in school. Look at it this way. We have Labor Day. Wow! Let's all celebrate being workers dedicated to building other peoples' dreams. How about a Free Enterprise Day? How about preparing kids to become their own boss, to build their own business and dream? Free enterprise isn't failing us.

posted on May, 1 2003 @ 02:08 PM
I'm not pushing for a system that has failed. I'm pushing for an entirely new one.
All the systems that exist were created by man. As was money, it is only something we came up with. If we can invent all these systems, why can't we invent another with all of the intelligent, educated people we have in the world, and with our ever evolving view of what the world is and what is right and wrong?

I'll tell you why.
This one's too profitable for the rich and powerful.

If you think that free trade isn't failing us then you must be seeing things in such a way that nothing would change your mind, so I wont try to, but the idea that this system that takes from the poor to feed the rich, that rewards money for the love of money, that turns people into slaves in the workplace, that stunts the emotional growth of our children and our selfs with our full speed work more and more and more and more hours till you've got nothing left for anything else, a system that that encourages cost cutting in every department of life for the maximization of profit, that replaces culture and community with McDonalds and malls, and business sanctioned and sponsored entertainment, that creates a problem then the cure in the ever expanding demand for profit, that turns our towns and cities into one uniform conformed block of concrete and plastic, that tell us greed is good and ... Frankly I could go on all day but It would get boring quickly and I think you know what I�m saying. If you think this is working, I don�t know what world you are looking at.
I find it bizarre in the extreme.

What is the end point of Capitalism? What�s the goal? Where does it end?

There always has to be more and more and more.

What happens when there is no more?

posted on May, 1 2003 @ 02:20 PM
Do you know what makes me hate capitalism and free markets? Seeing the billions of poor and disadvantaged being taken advantage of by a very small collection of rich people. Seeing these poor working at three jobs, just to feed their kids, while CEOs relax in their hot tubs and mansions, oppressing the masses. I would be supportive of capitalism if it didnt hurt anyone but admit it TC, in capitalism 99% of the people lose, while only 1% really wins (these are just offhand numbers). TC, you too are one of those being stepped on, mistreated by those who have succeded and will do anything to stay where they are.


posted on May, 1 2003 @ 02:23 PM
ahh i see that there already this kind of thread.

posted on May, 1 2003 @ 02:25 PM
da vzdravstvoet den solidarnosti!

posted on May, 1 2003 @ 02:34 PM
May Day is about the Satanists of the Illuminati. This is no day to be happy. This day will see many sacrifices and murders carried out by the NWO Elite and the Satanist crowd.

posted on May, 1 2003 @ 02:35 PM
These are EXTREMELY offhand numbers... Look more at statistics, such as average family income, what percentage owns their own home, car, how many tv's, computers are in each household, etc. in our "capitalist hell" and then compare it to just about anywhere else in the world...and then see if you really think it is SO bad here... Please, our bums are better off than most people's "citizens"....

posted on May, 1 2003 @ 02:49 PM

Please, our bums are better off than most people's "citizens"....

Exactly, all of the other countries have been oppressed and exploited by powerful American corporations. They are not allowed to run their own industries, and once again the masses are oppressed by the powerful few.


posted on May, 1 2003 @ 02:54 PM
"May Day is about the Satanists of the Illuminati. This is no day to be happy. This day will see many sacrifices and murders carried out by the NWO Elite and the Satanist crowd.

Mmmkay, you don`t go by the name of David Icke in real life do you? Come on get over it. These may day celebrations have nothing to do with that. And if they do I invite you to post your evidence here.

"Yet you push a system that has either failed or holds people in worse conditions that ours."

Much as I have commie tendencies TC is unfortunately right but only in one respect. No political or economic system will ever be totally fair to everyone due current human nature ( and due to the nature of the systems themselves)

This is why we should all learn to grow up, get along and share.

[Edited on 1-5-2003 by cassini]

posted on May, 1 2003 @ 03:02 PM
Capitalism simply was not designed to benefit more than a small number of people. If it were not the system which suited those in power, it would be changed. One of the greatest problems with capitalism is that people just don't think about it - they stand back and let the oppressors do their opressing. Maybe if people knew that things could be better, and knew that the masses have the power to run their own countries, then things would change.

P.S. Glad you got rid of that awful avatar kegs

posted on May, 1 2003 @ 03:58 PM
Our May day holiday is this coming monday...Personally it's just another excuse for me to get the boat out of the shed and do some fishing.. Cause for some astronimcal reason it's always great weather on a monday...THE BLOODY DAY AFTER THE WEEKEND.


posted on May, 1 2003 @ 04:18 PM
May Day was celebrated by Druids in Britian. The ritual was called Beltane and involved the burning of children in the belly of a wicker effigy of a man. This ritual burning of children is an offering to the flying lizard they call Moloch. Just look up Beltane or Moloch and see for yourself. Why make me do all this???

Besides, doesn't one see that May Day is very important??? Doesn't one see that May Day has seen many Days of dismays???

[Edited on 1-5-2003 by Abraham Virtue]

posted on May, 1 2003 @ 04:32 PM
"Why make me do all this???"

Because you have made a claim,

"May Day is about the Satanists of the Illuminati. This is no day to be happy. This day will see many sacrifices and murders carried out by the NWO Elite and the Satanist crowd.

Which is wrong. Being familiar with Ickes work and the variously false and misrepresented ideas he presents I had a feeling you would say that.

Druidism has very little to do with Satan. I`m sure someone more versed in such things like Byrd would fill you in properly. You would do better off going to university and giving yourself a decent historical and religious education rather than listening to the horse crap of a delusional man.

(and please I`m not attacking you or trying to insult you and if you feel I am u2u me. Its Mr Icke and his pack of lies I hate. He is getting fat off the crap he publishes and leading people up the garden path. You are entitled to your opinion, its just a shame that Mr Icke has such an obvious influence because you seem be to an intelligent nice person)

Abraham I`ve sent you a u2u about what you said below. Tell me if you did n`t get it.

[Edited on 2-5-2003 by cassini]

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