posted on May, 1 2003 @ 02:08 PM
I'm not pushing for a system that has failed. I'm pushing for an entirely new one.
All the systems that exist were created by man. As was money, it is only something we came up with. If we can invent all these systems, why can't we
invent another with all of the intelligent, educated people we have in the world, and with our ever evolving view of what the world is and what is
right and wrong?
I'll tell you why.
This one's too profitable for the rich and powerful.
If you think that free trade isn't failing us then you must be seeing things in such a way that nothing would change your mind, so I wont try to, but
the idea that this system that takes from the poor to feed the rich, that rewards money for the love of money, that turns people into slaves in the
workplace, that stunts the emotional growth of our children and our selfs with our full speed work more and more and more and more hours till you've
got nothing left for anything else, a system that that encourages cost cutting in every department of life for the maximization of profit, that
replaces culture and community with McDonalds and malls, and business sanctioned and sponsored entertainment, that creates a problem then the cure in
the ever expanding demand for profit, that turns our towns and cities into one uniform conformed block of concrete and plastic, that tell us greed is
good and ... Frankly I could go on all day but It would get boring quickly and I think you know what I�m saying. If you think this is working, I don�t
know what world you are looking at.
I find it bizarre in the extreme.
What is the end point of Capitalism? What�s the goal? Where does it end?
There always has to be more and more and more.
What happens when there is no more?