reply to post by demongoat
"i smell projection "
funny I smell something worse coming from your direction. ^^
250k is a great number , although IM not even talking about this planet, I BELIEVE we are older than this damn planet and the remains, what's left,
is probably the third, fourth, fifth, installment of humans. And civilization has been chewed up and spit out several times on this planet and
probably even more in other systems over millions of years, where is my proof, absolutely none, wasn't alive 500million years ago. Same as no proof
for god, love, giants, souls, Easter bunny, middle earth, ufos or any other hair brained idea out there or here on ats that either leads us to a dead
end or a new truth. That's why they call it a belief, I never said I had irrefutable evidence and my word is law, lol
as far as them not teaching us, giza pyramids are still being used as a marker for man when we have building under water by almost 50-100 feet of
water placing them well before last "great" ice age, Bosnia pyramids, ancient sites in Iraq, pyramids in china etc ect ect, the fact that we have
clear Arial pictogram's and designs that can only be seen from high up and stories of native Americans using a form of hot air balloon, and Indians
using "flying machines" Baghdad battery/ Egyptian light bulbs, both remade using avaible materials then and they work! i we just to pretend these
"real" things don't exist because some fake ones do? But with giant blocks the size of football fields and building we supposedly can't create now
for any kind of money, either there was a huge discrepancy in the gravity of this planet, or we had 20 foot giants living here or aliens did it? Ill
take my first theory that gravity here was much much lighter, or the bubble wasn't filled with cloud matter/atmosphere with a higher density
simulating a heavier gravity. I don't think that was anywhere near 250k years, I think it was millions, maybe hundreds of millions of years ago, and
since there is no way to date rock, no one can really say if building and stone tools are 10 years old or 100 million years old can they? Combined
with " SOME " ooparts, dinosaur art mixed into human cultures/building art/ it keeps leading me to believe we are much older/wiser/intelligent then
we are taught at school/higher education level or even in mainstream media.
In any event IM pretty sure I started out with I believe, as its my belief, as in not main stream as in people arena following me around writing down
every wisp off my lips because IM not a ACADEMIC TEACHER of any sorts lol just a guy with a pretty decent iq, a couple a degrees, and a mind that
keeps churning out wonky ideas, love em or hate em, they are MY IDEAS if you don't like it, don't subscribe to them.
"calling someone an idiot for posting a website full of lies and fraud is a good call, the person was ignorant and it seems you have something up your
arse over my treatment of stupidity. do you desire to believe idiotic and wrong things?"
Not everyone on this website is a hardcore theorist like you, sometimes its just a 10 year old kid trying to get into the conversation, so calling
someone an idiot definitely makes you a TOOL. I too treat stupidity harshly, but only when I know the person knows all the information and is trying
to "sell" me on a bad idea. Some people have been at this since they were 8 years old, some are just getting into the conspiracy scene and don't even
know jfk is a conspiracy. It doesn't mean they are stupid.
But again, if you don't like my idea humans are older, thats fine, but dont cry about it, just keep believing what you are told is the truth and
everything will be fine.
edit on 22-11-2012 by ~widowmaker~ because: bunnies made me do it