posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 11:38 AM
If Mitt Romney were to hammer home the following point to the American public, IMO he will win the election:
In January 2009 when Obama took office, the unemployment rate was 7.8 percent. Last month, the unemployment rate was 7.9 (in October 2012), up from
7.8 percent in September 2012.
He should use the following information to boost his point that Obama has hurt the economy home:
- 46,681,833: The number of Americans receiving food stamps as of July was 46.6 million—the most in one month ever. Today, 15 percent of
Americans receive food stamps, an increase of 45 percent since President Obama took office.
- 15 percent: The official poverty rate in 2011 according to the Census Bureau— the same as 2010 and up from 14.3 percent in 2009. This was the
highest poverty rate since 1993.
- 40.2: The average number of weeks it takes for job seekers to find a job rose to 40.2 weeks in October 2012. The average time it took to find when
President Obama took office was 19.8 weeks.
If this information is delivered in the manner as outlined above which uses actual facts that cannot be disputed, Romeny wins hands down.