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** ATS Members ( The Prediction of 2013 ) Sharing Predictions **

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posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 04:42 AM

Originally posted by bellagirl

Originally posted by Ben81

Originally posted by xxshadowfaxx
Lets get past dec 21, 2012 before making any more predictions please!

I have been waiting since the early 80's for this date.


but i was born in 81 .. so lets say 90s

was feeling through my core when i was very young
that something very important would happen during this lifetime
and i didnt even knew about 2012 .. then i started to make a lot of connection

for me this 21 december 2012 will be like a big birthday lol
a birthday that happen every 26000 yrs

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 04:43 AM
reply to post by FeelingPure

On January third the date will be 1-3-13. Add 13 and 13 together = 26.

Or, take the zero out of 2013, then multiply 2 X 13 = 26

Numerical value of the name of God in Hebrew when formed of the Hebraic letters yod, he, waw and he, YHWH, 10+5+6+5=26.

In the English alphabet, GOD equals: G = 7 'O' = 15 D = 4 Total = 26

Number of letters in the English alphabet = 26

The Hebrew alphabet represents Israel. The English alphabet represent the U.S.

So, with God on our side, on January 3, 2013, these two nations will war against the Muslim nations, and WIN!

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 04:44 AM

Originally posted by Bluesma

Originally posted by xxshadowfaxx
Lets get past dec 21, 2012 before making any more predictions please!

Wait a minute...... you're not the OP, why are you trying to make the rules here?
Damn, I erased my post because of you.

i also edited my post to fit 2013
so i follow the Op rules

at first i had put 22 december 2012 lol (realised my mistake after)

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 04:53 AM

Originally posted by Ben81

i also edited my post to fit 2013
so i follow the Op rules

at first i had put 22 december 2012 lol (realised my mistake after)

The messages I am getting do not give an exact day, but they do refer to a time period within the next two months... but I can't change the time period they refer to just to please others, that doesn't make sense.
Anyway, enough derailing the thread, I shut up now... carry on friends.....

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 04:55 AM

Originally posted by Ben81
Prediction Date : January,1 2013
Prediction Subject : Science
My Prediction: 11 days since the Age of Aquarius has started !
How Long : 26000 yrs

What will really happens then ? : Only God knows that !

no balls or mediums are able to see after this 21 december 2012
or any ATS members with advanced intellectual properties

edit on 11/3/2012 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

Incorrect: Age Of Aquarius beginning.

In 1929 the International Astronomical Union defined the edges of the 88 official constellations. The edge established between Pisces and Aquarius technically locates the beginning of the Aquarian Age around 2600 AD.

Age of Aquarius-Wikipedia

Though it is heavily debated I believe this to be the most accurate date for the beginning of the Age of Aquarius.
edit on 3-11-2012 by Renegade2283 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 04:57 AM
reply to post by Bluesma

Ah ok
im interested !
maybe you can open a thread of your own in the prediction forum

looking forward to it


reply to post by Renegade2283

Wikipedia .. really ?
its worst then Wikileak

edit on 11/3/2012 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 05:02 AM
reply to post by Ben81

Ya, i probably should have posted the actual source provided on Wikipedia.


Ray Grasse, Signs of the Times, 2002, p. 263

Also, I edited my post to include more info, please review, thanks

Edit: Also, that source isn't accurate enough either. This is the site that is referred to in the source I provided
edit on 3-11-2012 by Renegade2283 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 05:16 AM

Originally posted by Ben81

Originally posted by bellagirl

Originally posted by Ben81

Originally posted by xxshadowfaxx
Lets get past dec 21, 2012 before making any more predictions please!

I have been waiting since the early 80's for this date.


but i was born in 81 .. so lets say 90s

was feeling through my core when i was very young
that something very important would happen during this lifetime
and i didnt even knew about 2012 .. then i started to make a lot of connection

for me this 21 december 2012 will be like a big birthday lol
a birthday that happen every 26000 yrs

i was in my early teens when i first heard this date. i remember thinking i will be 40 married with

well here i am. and here comes the date.

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 05:22 AM

Originally posted by bellagirl

Originally posted by Ben81

Originally posted by bellagirl

Originally posted by Ben81

Originally posted by xxshadowfaxx
Lets get past dec 21, 2012 before making any more predictions please!

I have been waiting since the early 80's for this date.


but i was born in 81 .. so lets say 90s

was feeling through my core when i was very young
that something very important would happen during this lifetime
and i didnt even knew about 2012 .. then i started to make a lot of connection
for me this 21 december 2012 will be like a big birthday lol
a birthday that happen every 26000 yrs

i was in my early teens when i first heard this date. i remember thinking i will be 40 married with
well here i am. and here comes the date.


i was thinking a lot of things to when i was young
still not married and no kids

but i have a lot of plans for 2013 .. like getting married and having a few kids

didnt find the choosen one yet to be my perfect wife
im not the kind of guy who likes bars and clubs yuukkkk

so i take my time to avoid futur "mistakes" .. i have no rush !

have other things to think and do before 21 december arrive
edit on 11/3/2012 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 06:01 AM
well, since i was about 9, i had this vision of the end of the world. population is reduced by 97%. the turmoil will be unbelievingly incredible. it starts slowly and then gets faster and faster until the final moment of doom. after that the remaining 3% live a very peaceful existence for a long time and develop cosmic consciousness.

when i look at the powerful corruption that is rampant on this planet and getting worse, i see no reason to doubt we are in serious trouble.
when i see complete disregard for innocent bystanders, especially children, in these war zones, i see its the end times.
when one realizes how much radiation is being dumped on oceans and land masses you just know that lunatics are running the world.
when i see people more concerned with themselves than the 'have nots' in their own and other countries, i realize that compassion is leaving the planet, and leaving an ethical void.
many civilizations have risen and collapsed, ours is about to. the thin skin of civilization that most wear quickly disappears on many when the belly is empty.
mans ventures into the bowels of the earth and the near and far reaches of space are gambling with his own existence but he is too greedy to notice anything.
science has replaced god in many.

its hard to imagine war NOT breaking out in the middle east in the second half of 2013. america cant go on like it is without economic collapse and doubtless war will follow. the phsycos in israel are begging for war with iran. many moslems are just as fanatical.

WW3 no later than august 2013.

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 06:43 AM
reply to post by Ben81

i can assure you of one thing that will happen on that day.

after 30 years of waiting for this date, if nothing happens i will be switching of the computer, all documentaries regarding anything that resembles prediction etc etc and going out to sit in the sun.

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 06:47 AM

Originally posted by bellagirl
reply to post by Ben81

i can assure you of one thing that will happen on that day.

after 30 years of waiting for this date, if nothing happens i will be switching of the computer, all documentaries regarding anything that resembles prediction etc etc and going out to sit in the sun.

after 26000 yrs of waiting
big cycle like that surely means something
if nothing happens .. then nothing happens
but with all that has been happening so far .. something is clearly going up
i think it will be a tough ride till the 21 december but after that
it will be the "Age of Enlightment has started" i have predicted 3 yrs ago with a thread on ATS

trust your heart .. not your mind that is filled with illusions

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 07:17 AM
I want to make a political prediction. I think we will witness the birth of a new nation in 2013 and I predict that America will be assisting at the labor.

The name of the new nation? Kurdistan.

Born out of wedlock at the coming together, of Iran, Iraq and Turkey, the infant will hit the ground running, RPGs flying in every direction, watched over carefully and dotingly by it's very special uncle, Uncle Sam, who will make sure that the little fellow survives and thrives in a very rough neighborhood.

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 07:34 AM

Originally posted by ipsedixit
I want to make a political prediction. I think we will witness the birth of a new nation in 2013 and I predict that America will be assisting at the labor.

The name of the new nation? Kurdistan.

I like it..

Very different prediction

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 08:24 AM
Prediction. More like a premonition.

I had a recurring dream the other night. So here it is... I kept waking up not with the dream in my mind, but with a static picture in my head and feelings...

There is a bridge or something like it in the US. It's long and it seems to be for people and cars. It is over the water, but at the same time it is over concrete. While I did not see it come down, there is a sense of, like, OH MY GOSH, and PANIC and OH NO!!!!

I don't know how a bridge can be over water and concrete and the same time... There seems to be brown all around it. This makes no sense as bridges should be surrounded by blue.

Anyway, that's it. No dates.

I have had dreams that have happened twice before in exact detail. But both of those were within 24 hours. I don't think this one is though.

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by FeelingPure

Prediction Date : December 21st 2012 @ 11:12.

Prediction Subject : End of the world as we know it.

My Prediction:

1. Certain ATS membership & 2012 forum regulars in particular have a mass Epiphany.

2. Mega-trolls unleash and clash with ATS Drunks, 2012 forum goes into over-drive leading to the forum being "closed until further notice pending staff review" for the 2nd time it the history of the site.

3. Skeptic Overlord has a mid-life crisis & buys a Bugatti Veyron (Black with chrome trim) and invests in a personalised number plate that reads "Jesus Saves"


edit on 3-11-2012 by Sublimecraft because: it simply had to be done!

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 10:25 AM
OK I'll play along.
Date: 2013 (US Political) The winner of the 2012 election will not receive the most votes by the people, however will win the electorial college vote. Leading to no faith in the electorial process. The winner of the election will be facing riots in the streets of major cities. Having to declare Martial Law in those regions. Much pressure will be put on both parties to have another election with different canidates.

Date: 2013 (World Economy) The EU collapses and brings down the worlds economy. The US through the UN calls for a huge reset in all Nations debts. It is Veto'd by the Chinese, the world does it anyway.

Date: 2013 (World War) China to save face and stiffle internal strife starts a regional war. The US through treaties is bound to defend the region. China succeeds in destorying a US Carrier fleet costing 10's of thousands of US military lives. The US responds with a limited Nuke strike (EMP's only) then China responds in kind to the US. Both countries are forced to sit out WWIII until the end when the US recovers and joins forces with Russia to quell the growing power that is the Calaphate. Which declared war on Europe and is in total control of all southern Europe.

Just my 2 cents. It won't happen but would make a damn fine book or movie.

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by Ben81

I do not understand what you are saying.
Are you saying that psychics cannot see past this date? If you believe in psychics. Me I am not sure. I am not psychic so I cant say if someone else could be. I have read that there are many psychics who do see past this date. The best thing about all of this is that the end of the delema is close at hand. We know one way or the other in just a few more weeks. How exciting huh?

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 11:40 AM

2013 will be an interesting year for this country...

The american people will have failed the ideals of the constitution by playing politics with their own lives... they will have no one to blame but themselves...

The politicians will ignore the people with little to no fallout. The political class will move to protect their cash flow from lobbyest and donors will providing only a bare minimum of leadership

Several border incidents will occur with mexico... the worst will involve marines or sailors I cant tell precisely which (marines are department of the navy so either way technically they are all sailors

A prominent newscaster will be cashiered for refusing to tow the company line... approval from the majority and the minority will be harrassed by those who approve

California government forced to institute austerity measures... as more cities file bankruptcy

Police violence on civilians will go up... more and more police departments will try and stop recording of said acts...

More police assassinated by frustrated people... and some degree of slight lawlessness forms as people lose more faith in police

The hollywood mob will be forced to kill another member of hollywoods elite as they actually take a stand against them

Corruption scandal in Whitehouse--- attempted coverup

Guns siezure act proposed to congress for national guard units during natural disasters... ( not sure on this one may by pass and assign to military no authorization)

Economy gets worse due to poor business leadership and none from DC...

Tax hike is coming to offset government cost-- causing the cost of basic supplies to double if not more

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 11:50 AM
Prediction Date :Summer 2013
Prediction Subject : Religion
My Prediction: The tension between Christians/Jews and Muslims will reach critical mass. As war is on the verge of breaking out in the Middle East, Christians, Muslims and Jews will rebel against their governments and church leaders to unite for a common cause.......The Second Coming?

And we will enter a new era of peace. One in which religious extremism and bigots are cast-out to the doldrums of society.
Current Events Leading to my Prediction : It has to happen. If it doesn't, the religious nutbags will burn this world to a crisp just to feel better about themselves.

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