posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 01:44 AM
I wish to share two quotes I am giving to the world for the rest of time and I invite others to share thiers and give me permission to use the on a
new website I am building that will be called "The human experience 2004 thoughts of the masses" you may email suggestions to me at
[email protected] or U2U me or leave them here and they will be taken and put into the website as received.
"Goverments are full of best intentions, deniability and cover up scandals and those who dont raise a fist are the ignorant masses who have no right
to complain when it all goes wrong and it always does for this is the nature of the Govermental beast. If it can go wrong the Goverment invented it or
made it policy."
Dr. Bryan K. Kruta 20/10/2004
"The best intentions and good ideas at the time are the traps of an ignorant society"......Dr. Bryan K. Kruta 20/10/2004