posted on Nov, 2 2012 @ 02:36 PM
Alrighty, this was my first attempt at poetry in High School, and well, I haven't written many other poems since. Honestly, I've never shared this
with anyone else and I thought I would like some insight on it.
Years gone by, all a blur, can you remember?
The clock is ticking. Tick Tock Tock Tock Tock. The pain will soon pass. All with time.
Here we go now. The last moments. Trying to conjure up the past, nothing comes to mind.
The pain sets in. All those years gone by. No one to hold your hand, no warmth, turning cold pale.
You can feel it moving closer. You can smell it. It's settling in now. White walls, white gown, white sheets, Death has visited this place more than
once. You have to remember, still nothing, years gone by and you finally get to rest.