+26 more
posted on Nov, 2 2012 @ 06:01 AM
Consumer confidence is at a 5 year high
U.S. unemployment claims are at a 4.5 year low
U.S. Growth is better than all major Western powers
Manufacturing in the U.S is growing while China's manufacturing industry has shrunk 11 months straight.
Under President Obama the U.S. has experienced "the longest stretch of employment gains in manufacturing in almost two
Automobile sales are the best they've been in over 4 years
Thirty one straight months of private sector job gains with over 5.2 million private sector jobs since 2010
The S&P 500 up 81% since Obama took office.
The U.S. ranks #1 in clean energy investments
Corporate profits are at an all time high
Core CPI inflation is below historical averages at around 2%
The Congressional Budget Office projects 9.6 million jobs will be created in the next 4 years under the current path.
Ever since 1991 I have been a Union Millwright #1031 out of Louisville, KY. So, yes I am a blue collar worker. Actually I was an apprentice my Dad was
a Millwright some 15 years before me, My Papaw some 40 years before that at International Harvester. I saw jobs booming before I got in and from '91
on slowly over the years jobs where growing scarce. Up until 4 years ago where all the trades seemed to be taking hard hits.
Three years ago because of the employment climate, No jobs, I lost everything and ended up at a homeless shelter desperately trying to regain my
footing. Slowly I started rebuilding my life.
Two years ago, Using my Millwright background I got on Maintenance at General Electric. Since that time I have seen around 2500 people hired here. If
you know anything about Appliance Park in Louisville, Ky that has not happened since the 80's. Even the Ford plant here has hired about a thousand
people, The housing market is getting better too. I see a recovery here not only for me personally but also for this community.
In the list above the "Corporate profits are at an all time high" article is also describing although while corporate profits are at its highest
American wages are at its lowest. That, I believe, is the doing of the 1% and the same people Romney rubs elbows with ... They would have us believe
that "All hope is gone" and everyone is taking hits when obviously they are not.
Even over the past two years my Dad tells me he is getting more taxes back on his fixed retirement income, thus making his retirement better for him
and Mom so they can better enjoy themselves.
Yea, Obama has done some things I do not agree with. But presidents long before I have got here have been tearing the constitution apart, If the
presidents are even really in control of this (Conspiracy Alert) The last president I can remember who tried to right those wrongs got his head blown
of on national television, Haven't seen one president try that again since.
So, yes ... Because I do see a recovery for me, my family and my community and because I do not want to go back to 2008 again, I will be casting my
ballot for Obama.
Flame away!