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Racial Tensions in Multicultural Britain.

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posted on Nov, 1 2012 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by TheMaverick


I myself have had the odd running with a muslim
its usually been brainwashed young men, i see them carrying their Holy book from house to house and mosque

Ive been spat at by them a while back
they hawk loudly and spit just behind my where ive stepped just missing you

I seen one young guy try and confront a spitter
next thing, about 30 of them came from nowhere,they were all curtain twitching

sorry i could go on, such as COVENTRY COUNCIL admits it has an immigration problem

posted on Nov, 1 2012 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by dollukka

It not just sweden were asain's raping young white girls is on the increase, its happening in the UK aswell.

As the shocking figures below indicate.

However, in 2010, in separate trials held in Derby and Rotherham, some 14 men, overwhelmingly of Pakistani origin, were convicted of a catalogue of sexual offences against vulnerable girls, young white women – with some as young as 12 – who were groomed and sexually abused.

In 18 child sexual exploitation trials since 1997 – in Derby, Leeds, Blackpool, Blackburn, Rotherham, Sheffield, Rochdale, Oldham and Birmingham – relating to street grooming of girls aged 11 to 16 involving two or more men, most of those convicted were of Pakistani heritage. Whilst these particular trials dealt with Pakistani perpetrators and white victims, it is both inappropriate and incorrect to extrapolate from it the conclusion that all sexual offences of this type are committed by Pakistani men.
For example, through the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP), the government concluded after investigation that of known suspects since 2008:

38% were white
32% recorded as an unknown ethnicity
26% were Asian
3% were African American less than
1% Chinese
However, as 2.1% of UK population is of Indian or Pakistani origin (2001 census), it is beyond dispute that that group is disproportionately represented.
While detectives and prosecutors in the Rochdale case were at pains to point out that the men had not chosen the girls because of their colour, the judge in question left no room for doubt when he said,

Some of you acted as you did to satiate your lust, some to make money. All of you treated them as they were worthless and beyond all respect. I believe one of the factors that led to that was that they were not of your community or religion.


posted on Nov, 1 2012 @ 04:13 PM
I think a lot of non-UK members could get a bit of a mis-conception of UK society by reading some of the posts in this thread.

There is very little racial tension in large parts of the UK and people of all races / creeds live side by side with very little confrontation.
Whilst I'm not saying it's idyllic I've got to be honest and say there are very few racial problems, that I know of, in my home town and the surrounding areas.

However, I've got to say that it's not the same when I travel around the country.

I personally don't really want to go into the problems we have with creeping Islamification etc here in the UK, there are many ongoing threads about it already here on ATS.

But one thing I would throw into the mix is the intense dislike and mistrust between Black Brits of the Windrush era and their descendants and the recent influx of Black immigrants from Somalia and surrounding nations.
I've noticed this more in London than anywhere else.

Tensions are also frequently high between people of Pakistani and Bangladeshi origin and those of Indian descent.
This seems to be worse in places in the North West and Yorkshire.
I've been told it can be a problem in The Midlands too.

I have my own theories why this may be but I'd be interested in other's opinions and observations.

posted on Nov, 1 2012 @ 04:15 PM
Let me make it clear that I am an American who has never been to the UK. The views being expressed are based solely upon the Britons I have spoken with and news reports from the UK.

There is naturally going to be conflict in a society where you have more than one culture in play. Some different cultures can actually co-operate such as if the UK were to have an influx of Norwegian, Dutch, or Danes bringing with them their cultures. There will be certain tensions but the results will be relative peace. Why is that? The similarities in cultures result in less conflict.

Imagine it this way. Two people stand on opposite sides of a table with a handful of pebbles. Each at the same time throws their pebbles on the table with a fair amount of force. Many of the pebbles will hit each other; some will reach the other side without impact. If side A (England) were to throw its pebbles all 2 cm in width, at the same time as side B (Hungary) threw its pebbles with varying size from 2 cm to 4 cm in width, what would be the result? Obviously the smaller Hungarian pebbles will pass with more ease; these would be minor cultural differences such as cuisine, work ethic, etc... The larger Hungarian pebbles would be more likely to hit the English pebbles; these would be larger cultural differences such as religion, views on social issues, etc... Now imagine the same experiment being conducted between British and Moslem immigrants. The Moslem immigrants will have much larger pebbles than 2 cm because of the greater magnitude of difference between the two cultures; therefore more conflict is likely to ensue.

People argue for multiculturalism on the grounds that culture can be universalized. The British culture is easily adoptable or tolerable by anyone from any corner of the globe so long as they want to adopt or tolerate it. That is a necessary axiom in the fight for multiculturalism. But is there a logical basis for this axiom? How can we prove that the majority, not working on a case-by-case basis, of people from around the world can successfully live in the UK retaining their culture while at the same time living alongside not only the native culture but other foreign cultures? Thus far there have been no known scientific studies to prove this, instead you are the studies. If we were to take history into consideration (which no one cares to do) it clearly reveals that only in rare instances can different cultures live together in peace for long. Typically, even in such instances, there is an external factor such as in Moslem nations during the Middle Ages when Jews and Christians were allowed their cultures but treated as dhimmis. Or in places where it was necessary to present a temporary, unified force against a mutual enemy.

Culture is itself a word derived from the phrase used by Cicero, “cultura animi”. This means ‘cultivation of the soul’. Therefore, a culture is defined by its spiritual/religious principles. It is for that reason Islam is having a particularly tough time fitting into British society. When people thought of multiculturalism they assumed it would work like in America. Although we have our own problems with multiculturalism, Western Europe is having a particularly tough time because they are truly experiencing multiculturalism. Islam is being brought into a historically Christian, modernly Secular culture and being told to live peacefully alongside it. However, culture does not work that way, especially not Islam. We must not forget that what makes that religion particularly unique is that its political and social system is intimately connected to its theological system; this is largely due to their founder (Mohammed) having been a military and political leader. He instructed his followers not only on the ‘cultivation of the soul’ in a private sense but extended it to all aspects of one’s life. One, then, cannot be both a true Moslem and adhere to the British political system. Their loyalty, by nature of their religion, is to their faith first.

Northern Europe is particularly unprepared for this and is having a difficult time understanding the conflict because of its Protestant roots. In Protestantism faith, and the practice thereof, was largely considered to be a private affair. There were no official middle-men between man and God as in Roman Catholicism. The concepts of individualism, private practice of religion, right to privacy, ‘a man’s home is his castle’, are all tied into the Protestantism of Northern Europe’s past. They felt that all religions were similar to Protestantism in that they could and should be practiced in private without the adherent coming into conflict with his religion’s principles. This is wrong and is being proven wrong right now. Roman Catholicism taught that man was a social creature by nature and that the world around him, for man to live any semblance of a good life, needed the social atmosphere to be in-line with the faith. This was a leading cause of conflict between Protestants and Catholics before WWII in America. Islam agrees with Catholicism in that regard but then goes a step further by expanding upon the intricacies of state; whereas Catholicism seeks an atmosphere in agreement with its faith, Islam demands a political system in agreement with its faith.

The United Kingdom is realizing, even with a Moslem population of less than 5%, that it is not capable of living side-by-side with another culture. We believe our ancestors to have been fools for having fought over religion when they were really fighting over culture. We do not fight wars in the ME to export Christianity; we fight it to export our culture. In the past we fought to export Christianity because it was our culture. When a person advocates for ‘human rights’, ‘democracy’, ‘equality’, ‘freedom’, etc... Abroad, they are pushing for the expansion of Western culture into foreign lands; a cultural imperialism. This is no different from our ancestors who fought to expand Christianity. The only difference is that more people like the modern culture of the West than the older Christian one. If we understand and accept that, we must also accept that Islam is doing the same thing. Moslems are vehemently advancing their culture. When they celebrate their culture in England, Germany, France, Sweden, etc... They are celebrating the advance of their culture. With every convert to Islam they celebrate their advance. And with every Moslem convert to Western culture they strike out as they lost a member of their culture; a member of the never-ending war that forever has and forever will shape human history.

edit on 11/1/2012 by Misoir because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2012 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by glen200376

I think the worst part is actually being branded racist in all this.

I'd like to think I'm above racism - I love people from all walks of life - BUT these crimes are within the ethnic community - as the majority of them lack respect and morals.

I'm in the heart of the West Midlands and the OP's video if a very FAIR AND ACCURATE representation of how it is over here.

Did you all catch the part where the one said "No one comes round here - this is Pakistan territory - In 20 years England WILL BE Pakistan".

Welcome to Alum Rock - Where the police get chased out - and no whites are allowed unless your up for group action

posted on Nov, 1 2012 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by Freeborn

Well, I'm not sure what part of the UK your from - but here in Birmingham the OPs video is spot on

Its real footage with a very REAL lack of white people seen about.

I work on the "Back to work program" and 90% of my clients are people seen in the vid.

We all know if your a girl walking round town or "their" areas "they" will stop you.

We don't even have to discuss the ins and outs any more.

Come home looking fed up:

Friend "You look stressed whats happened to you"

Said person - "Ahh you know, bloody Paki's"

Friend "Ohh".

posted on Nov, 1 2012 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by Misoir

Hi Misoir

I agree we can adapt and adjust to this influx of migrants
after all our forefathers did also

But when there is nearly 3millon unemployed in a country where on average their is only 1million jobs
how can it be justified to let more and more in, and give them free housing when the average brit is struggling

posted on Nov, 1 2012 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by Sinny

I live in the North East.
I'm not saying everything's perfect here because it most definately is not, just that it doesn't seem as bad as it appears to be in other area's of the UK.

I worked in The Midlands for a while but to be honest it was just work, couple of pints in a local, food, bed and then back home as soon as possible.
During that time I didn't witness anything at all - but it was a quite insular lifestyle.

I know a few lads through the scooter and football scenes who live in Coventry, Wolverhampton and Birmingham and they've told me a few stories - but to be fair that's only one side of the story.

posted on Nov, 1 2012 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by Sinny

I have been labeled a racist many times, especially here on ATS. It has ceased to affect me. To say that I will like my neighbors more if they are living in their home, on their land, with a fence separating us, compared to having to share a bathroom and refrigerator while they stay in the room next to mine would not make me a neighborophobe. But to say that I will like my fellow races/cultures more if they are living in their own country, on their land, with borders separating us, compared to having to share a bus and workplace while they stay in the house next to mine would make me a xenophobe/racist.

People say “I do not tolerate intolerance” but what they really mean is “you are not allowed to not like x or y”. To tolerate something means to deal with it, even if you do not like it. Therefore, when they say your intolerance cannot be allowed, what they mean is that anything less than complete acceptance is intolerable. It is sad people are willing to throw their own kin under the bus for some ridiculous ideological ideal; is there no loyalty anymore or what?

posted on Nov, 1 2012 @ 04:35 PM
Its hard to have faith that all the issues between ethnic groups will ever been solved. The gap between them is too deep and religious beliefs makes it even deeper. When someone teaches their children that only their own religion saves them and all the others are violating the God and so they are their enemies and you will not be prosecuted by your own people if you harm those.
It seems to be that mission is to make whole World Islamic so there will be peace. I don´t want to live in that world where there is no rights for females.

sorry about finnish subtitles

Im not a racist but i don´t like where World is turning to
edit on 1-11-2012 by dollukka because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2012 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by davesmart

Your ancestors were not bringing in people of an entirely different race, from a geographical location thousands of miles away, speaking an entirely foreign language, with a very different, imposing religion. They, in fact, brought almost no one in. All foreign cultures were the result of conquests by people of very similar language, appearance, history, and culture. This is not the case now. To compare the two as though only minor aesthetic differences separate them is to commit a logical fallacy; one grounded in no actual historical precedents or carefully studied scientific experiments.

posted on Nov, 1 2012 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by dollukka

Exactly! I mean put it this way - In school we visited Mosques about once a year to get to know their religion - we studied Islam in school - We cope with them owning every Taxi and corner shop in the country - and last month - I even spent 90 minutes letting a preacher preach to me!

He converted me to Islam (That shocked me! lol) and we had a really great discussion on religion.

Then he had to spoil it all by telling me I should be covered from head to foot!

So I left and gave up attempting to understand - We're open minded, and yet they are incapable!

edit on 1-11-2012 by Sinny because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2012 @ 04:40 PM
I always find it puzzling that Israel openly barrs immigration for non Jewish persons and states the reason as preserving their identity and culture.
But if you are a christian Brit saying you want to preserve your nations christian culture you can end up being labelled as a sympathiser to The Norway mass murderer.
Strange isn't it?
Very odd the double standard.
Japan is similarly like Israel.
Yet no one places sanctions on either nation.
I think British people have been swindled.
Out of their own land.
But life is short get over it make muslim friends not all are xenophobic just as not all Christian Brits are xenophobic.
Until we realise God is inside and all we have to do is pray quietly or meditate quietly conflict between religious based cultures will never cease.
Pity the powers who decided mixing such differing cultures within a tiny island so quickly didn't have a brain.
Or perhaps they knew exactly future problems they would create.
Lets all work for peace.
But just remember you shouldn't be ashamed of being concerned about your countrys future.
Millions died last century defending it.
edit on 1-11-2012 by Dr Expired because: insert of words

posted on Nov, 1 2012 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by Sinny
reply to post by Freeborn

Well, I'm not sure what part of the UK your from - but here in Birmingham the OPs video is spot on

Its real footage with a very REAL lack of white people seen about.

One of the reasons I left Birmingham and moved away from the Midlands.

posted on Nov, 1 2012 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by Misoir
reply to post by davesmart

Your ancestors were not bringing in people of an entirely different race, from a geographical location thousands of miles away, speaking an entirely foreign language, with a very different, imposing religion. They, in fact, brought almost no one in. All foreign cultures were the result of conquests by people of very similar language, appearance, history, and culture. This is not the case now. To compare the two as though only minor aesthetic differences separate them is to commit a logical fallacy; one grounded in no actual historical precedents or carefully studied scientific experiments.


But i dont care about the past at the present
the past is not producing food and shelter to me at this minute in time

It may not affect the moment,
but it is affecting me and many others and in time it will affect us all

posted on Nov, 1 2012 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by TheMaverick
It's no longer white V blacks(Africans), its now Muslims V everyone in the UK, and thats the impression i'm getting.

I was going to say.
There seems to be a needed distinction there.

It seems that almost all races and cultures get along pretty much just fine it tends to be when "Radicals" of the Islamic and other faiths get out of hand that there are problems....

my two pennies.

posted on Nov, 1 2012 @ 04:47 PM
reply to post by davesmart

I agree with you in that there is no justifiable reason to continue bringing in immigrants by the thousands. The Western economies are doing horrible yet our political elite insist upon bringing in more immigrants. When unemployment is high, why would anyone want to add more people to the job market? Just look here at the United States; during President Obama’s first term 2 out of every 3 jobs were given to immigrants, legal and illegal. I would not doubt if the situation were similar in the UK.

posted on Nov, 1 2012 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by Misoir
Northern Europe is particularly unprepared for this and is having a difficult time understanding the conflict because of its Protestant roots. In Protestantism faith, and the practice thereof, was largely considered to be a private affair. There were no official middle-men between man and God as in Roman Catholicism. The concepts of individualism, private practice of religion, right to privacy, ‘a man’s home is his castle’, are all tied into the Protestantism of Northern Europe’s past. They felt that all religions were similar to Protestantism in that they could and should be practiced in private without the adherent coming into conflict with his religion’s principles. This is wrong and is being proven wrong right now. Roman Catholicism taught that man was a social creature by nature and that the world around him

Roman Catholicism is wrong about this, Vatican sees this from their point of view, being in a area where people live like in a herrings in sardin can, then you can see they are social.
In North our countries are sparsely populated we are far away from social, you could easily say here lives the aspergers. So privatly suits us well.

posted on Nov, 1 2012 @ 04:53 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69

Originally posted by TheMaverick
It's no longer white V blacks(Africans), its now Muslims V everyone in the UK, and thats the impression i'm getting.

I was going to say.
There seems to be a needed distinction there.

It seems that almost all races and cultures get along pretty much just fine it tends to be when "Radicals" of the Islamic and other faiths get out of hand that there are problems....

my two pennies.

Muslims in Birmingham - 140,000 (14%)

Now- I won't lie, very few muslim women cause any trouble - They just shut up and do as their men say - not sure of gender stats so lets halve it.

70,000 Muslim men in Birmingham.

Again, I cannot be accurate - but from *personal perspective* only 10% of those are decent people.

So that 63,000 "extremists" In Birmingham (excluding the MANY other ethnic groups).

Extremist being your choice word - not mine - I prefer to call them anti-social racist foowkwits (The censors clocked on to my special spelling, so I have to be rather more inventive now! lol)

posted on Nov, 1 2012 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by Freeborn

I know this is off topic but an interesting tit bit there about you and the scooter scene.I used to do the runs in the mid nineties when I was in East Coast Connection.I've still got a 1982 bog standard px125 at the door.Its been off the road for years but when I get a few quid I'm getting it a mot.
Best days of my life-bridlington,southport,oban etc.

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