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US military planned mutiny on the Bounty to topple Obama. Planned backlash

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posted on Nov, 1 2012 @ 11:05 AM
I will have to agree that Bush had nothing todo with 9/11 pt1, Simply because all arms of the media HATED bush. Look at the media today.. They all love Obama and are trying to derail Romney, End of story.

Ignorance in denial.

posted on Nov, 1 2012 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by daaskapital

Originally posted by PvtHudson
Why do so many of you try to defend Obama, by saying "Bush did it too"? Obama STILL blames everything on Bush.

Because the effects in which the USA is feeling now is not a result of Obama, but Bush. Your economy was crashing before Obama gained Presidency. You can't blame Obama for the economic collapse.

Bush inherited the same mess though. It was Clinton and Obama who supported and promoted a policy of giving out loans to low income people, which lead to housing bubble burst.

You're just happy to pass the buck for your guy, because you're a dishonest partisan.

posted on Nov, 1 2012 @ 01:21 PM
reply to post by PvtHudson

YOU are correct but you will have a hard time selling that clinton began this mess.

posted on Nov, 1 2012 @ 01:55 PM

Originally posted by Larry L
I have to LOL so friggin hard at anyone naive (and I only use that word as to not directly call anyone STUPID, which is what I really think) enough to honestly believe G.W.Bush had anything to do with 9/11. Are you out of your bloody mind?!

Now I'm not saying it wasn't an inside job. In fact, I believe it was 100% in one way or another.....but the group behind it was:
1) genius......and G.W.Bush was NOT genius. Do you really think that the geniuses behind 9/11 would be stupid enough to IN ANY WAY fill GWB in on that plan? That would be probably the absolute stupidest possible move. If GWB were in any way in on that plan, he would have let the cat out of the bag, so to speak. He would have slipped somewhere. The bottom line is.....G.W.Bush is simply not smart or clever enough to have been "in on it", or to cover it up.

And 2) the real perpetrators had "the media" 100% in their control. And not just right or left media......ALL THE MEDIA. Because all the evidence was there that day that lies were being pushed on the American people in regards to the 9/11 tragedy, and all of the media not only completely ignored it, but when someone did/does bring it up, all of the media labels them as whackos. Now in case you "George W Bush was behind 9/11" real whackos (probably left wingers, who typically are the biggest whack-jobs out there) have major memory problems, here's a refresher........ALL THE MEDIA WAS AGAINST BUSH!!!! Let me repeat that. Every "news" source, from FOX to MSNBC to CNN to BBC....hell....even CSPAN, did nothing but bash Bush on a daily basis after say.....2003or4.

The fact that 100% of the media cover-up 9/11 facts, and 100% of the media did nothing but attack Bush, should be enough of a connection for any THINKING conspiracy theorist to disconnect GWB himself from the 9/11 conspiracy. And besides that, just the fact that it was a good plan should be enough to disconnect the two.

The absolute closest the 9/11 conspiracy can get to GWB is Dick Cheney and Rumsfeld. Those are two fellas that can make **** like that happen. But there's no way in hell George W. Bush himself was in on 9/11. It's likely NO sitting President would actually be in on a plan like that, aside from George H. W. Bush of course, him being a CIA guy who I also believe had a connection the JFK. But his SON?!?!?! LOL.....don't make me laugh. Anyone who thinks that has to be SO braindead I'd be in shock if they were even able to wipe their own bottom.
edit on 31-10-2012 by Larry L because: (no reason given)

What if his real genius is that he can con everyone into believing he's a bumbling idiot where in fact he has the mind of a supreme strategist like General Patton?

Not saying I believe that, but it is a ponderous what-if?

posted on Nov, 1 2012 @ 02:15 PM
reply to post by primus2012

Actually that is exactly what I thought a few years ago when I was watching 24 season 5, with Gregory Itzin playing President Charles Logan
He seemed exactly like GWB to me.

Back on topic: The author of the article (Gordon Duff) seems like a nutjob.
Here is another article written by him:

So I call B.S on this one

posted on Nov, 1 2012 @ 05:38 PM

Originally posted by Larry L
I have to LOL so friggin hard at anyone naive (and I only use that word as to not directly call anyone STUPID, which is what I really think) enough to honestly believe G.W.Bush had anything to do with 9/11. Are you out of your bloody mind?!

Now I'm not saying it wasn't an inside job. In fact, I believe it was 100% in one way or another.....but the group behind it was:
1) genius......and G.W.Bush was NOT genius. Do you really think that the geniuses behind 9/11 would be stupid enough to IN ANY WAY fill GWB in on that plan? That would be probably the absolute stupidest possible move. If GWB were in any way in on that plan, he would have let the cat out of the bag, so to speak. He would have slipped somewhere. The bottom line is.....G.W.Bush is simply not smart or clever enough to have been "in on it", or to cover it up.

And 2) the real perpetrators had "the media" 100% in their control. And not just right or left media......ALL THE MEDIA. Because all the evidence was there that day that lies were being pushed on the American people in regards to the 9/11 tragedy, and all of the media not only completely ignored it, but when someone did/does bring it up, all of the media labels them as whackos. Now in case you "George W Bush was behind 9/11" real whackos (probably left wingers, who typically are the biggest whack-jobs out there) have major memory problems, here's a refresher........ALL THE MEDIA WAS AGAINST BUSH!!!! Let me repeat that. Every "news" source, from FOX to MSNBC to CNN to BBC....hell....even CSPAN, did nothing but bash Bush on a daily basis after say.....2003or4.

The fact that 100% of the media cover-up 9/11 facts, and 100% of the media did nothing but attack Bush, should be enough of a connection for any THINKING conspiracy theorist to disconnect GWB himself from the 9/11 conspiracy. And besides that, just the fact that it was a good plan should be enough to disconnect the two.

The absolute closest the 9/11 conspiracy can get to GWB is Dick Cheney and Rumsfeld. Those are two fellas that can make **** like that happen. But there's no way in hell George W. Bush himself was in on 9/11. It's likely NO sitting President would actually be in on a plan like that, aside from George H. W. Bush of course, him being a CIA guy who I also believe had a connection the JFK. But his SON?!?!?! LOL.....don't make me laugh. Anyone who thinks that has to be SO braindead I'd be in shock if they were even able to wipe their own bottom.
edit on 31-10-2012 by Larry L because: (no reason given)

Larry, George W Bush is one of the Greatest Left Wingers of All Time. His was a policy of extreme growth of the federal government and federal spending. The fact that you put "left wingers" out there as those who would bash Bush the most is about as laughable as your post belittling those who don't subscribe to your apparently omniscient post about what really is what.

Sure, its possible that Sr., Cheney, Rumsfeld worked around him, but wouldn't that be FAR more difficult? Constantly having to adjust plans or persuade him if he decided to make a move that disrupted their plan? Honestly, it didn't take any genius at all to perpetrate 9/11, just power, money, and resources. There was really no reason to keep W out of the loop. This, of course, is all assuming it was an inside job.

I juat don't understand why the "everyone is stupid because they don't see things my way" tobe of your post.

posted on Nov, 1 2012 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by PvtHudson

You are correct that Clinton was instrumental in the financial collapse. However I have to disagree with you that it was bleeding heart liberal principals that created the mess. First of all Bush also pushed for lending to low income households. This was a cleverly disguised way to bypass normal credit rating and lending standards. This was not some partisan plan to help low income families. The rules the financial sector plays by are created by the lobbyists from the financial industry. There is a revolving door in Washington between the public and private sector. Those who make our laws know they must appease the lobbyists and the entities they represent if they want to keep their jobs, and more importantly if they want to get those seven figure jobs when they leave office. The whole it was poor peoples fault is meant to distract you from the real culprits. The facts are the banksters got filthy rich lending to these people, packaged the toxic mortgages in SIVs and CDSs they knew would blow up on other people's balance sheets, and then held us the tax payers hostage with the threat of complete collapse. I don't remember any large banks or investing firms complaining about these sub prime mortgages they were being "forced" to hand out, they were seeing unprecedented profits. In fact banks were issuing many more sub prime mortgages then they were asked to. Its easy to blame the encouraged lending to low income families in retrospect, but when it was happening the banksters were more than happy to be part of it. Nobody was holding a gun to their heads in fact it was the other way around. You are right to attack Clinton and Obama for this, but your dead wrong giving republicans a pass. It doesn't matter who is in office they are owned by the same masters. At first it may seem this is off topic, but just like this thread what we are dealing with is the powers that be selling us make believe partisan non-sense. Do you people really think that Obama and the military industrial complex are at odds? That's laughable at best, Obama is only where he is because the military industrial complex, banksters, and intelligence community let him get there. When somebody they choose gets out of line they don't plan a coup with nukes, its way easier than that, look no further than Kennedy.
edit on 1-11-2012 by jcrockva because: Grammer

posted on Nov, 1 2012 @ 06:36 PM

Originally posted by ~widowmaker~
reply to post by CaptAmerika

There are no missing nukes in the USA,

theres one stuck in a swamp to the south ^^

Whoops: Atomic Bomb dropped in Goldsboro, NC swamp, Neuse River Basin, HUC 02

Just like the 6 nukes from the Minot incident.
Its not missing if you know where it is.
The 6 from Minot are back in storage and the one you are refering to is deep in the mud where hopefully it will stay forever without incident.

posted on Nov, 1 2012 @ 06:43 PM

Originally posted by daaskapital

Originally posted by Destinyone
reply to post by rolfharriss

But...but...but....what if Obama doesn't win.....


The USA will fall. Chaos will ensue as Romney declares himself a God and proceeds to drive the USA into the ground by declaring Russia and China an enemy. He will go to war with Iran, and the people will be powerless. All the while kissing the boots of the Israelis.
edit on 1-11-2012 by daaskapital because: (no reason given)

And he might even force us all to participate in the next Romney Family Olympics.
Give me a break, you act like Romney is some Evil genius when hes about as harmless as it gets.
Heck, he even set up free healthcare for the people in his state. (States right to do so, not the Feds)
And quite frankly, it would be nice to not have some boot licker in there kissing up to Russia and China. They are trading partners and thats it, they would smash us like a bug first chanse they got and Obama is just the person to give them that chance.
The best Defense is a good Offense and Obama is hell bent on dismantling our Offense.

posted on Nov, 1 2012 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by PvtHudson

Originally posted by rolfharriss
I don't understand why Benghazi gets all this attention.. and hatred for Obama, when under Bush you lost six nukes and his cronies killed 3000 people in 9/11 part 1

You're on a forum that HATES Bush and live in a country where the MSM was united in destroying him. What does that have to do with this? Why do so many of you try to defend Obama, by saying "Bush did it too"? Obama STILL blames everything on Bush.

The buck stops with the president. Why does a conspiracy forum suddenly not want to to know about a cover up that's pretty blatantly going on right before your eyes? Are you all really so programmed and awe struck by this man?

Never could quite figure out how the tin foil hat group could bash Bush for his actions and yet praise Obama for keeping Gitmo open and renewing the Patriot Act each year.
Obama is just an exact duplicate of Bush except he spends more than Bush did.
Anyone want to cry about Fast and Furious? If Bush had done that people would have been marching on the white house.
I love how we have factual proof, 100% undeniable proof on the fiascos the Obama admin has been responsible for, as listed above and Benghazi, yet they only want to go after Bush for masterminding the 9/11 attacks.
How can you ignore the facts against Obama yet make such a huge leap with zero evidence against Bush?

Its simple. You hate the GOP and love the DNC and therefore need to fabricate a story to justify the hate.
Obama has done it for you, put your anger and hate where it belongs, in the party that has spent 4 years screwing you right in front of everyone in the open.

posted on Nov, 1 2012 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by daaskapital

Originally posted by PvtHudson
Why do so many of you try to defend Obama, by saying "Bush did it too"? Obama STILL blames everything on Bush.

Because the effects in which the USA is feeling now is not a result of Obama, but Bush. Your economy was crashing before Obama gained Presidency. You can't blame Obama for the economic collapse.

How long do we have to sit back and watch the hole grow larger?
At what point does the Obama admin take responsibility for their actions?
Obama has spent more in 4 years than Clinton and Bush did in 16 years combined.
When does the blame end?

posted on Nov, 1 2012 @ 07:01 PM

Originally posted by rolfharriss
It was a failed false flag, the soldiers refused an order to bomb their own country.
The missing nukes story was played out to seem like incompetence.. But these soldiers saved the US from a strike.. They should be traced and hailed heroes ! But they are dead

I would laugh at your statement but i am afraid you actually believe it.
Why dont you do something for us all.
Will you please post the names of the people who died because of this incident?
Lets put their names up so we can all see these heroes that stopped the certain nuclear war that was about to take place.
Shouldnt be too hard, i believe there were only six of them listed on all the conspiracy websites.
We await your posting of these heroes.....

posted on Nov, 1 2012 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by Ben81

I like your fairy tale version of things, except of course the mention of terrorists attacks. If you are anywhere correct in your thinking there will be a fierce fight between the powers that are and the powers to be. A move toward the society you envision is inevitable in my mind. It will happen because it must.

posted on Nov, 1 2012 @ 07:22 PM

Originally posted by sealing
Dang Rolf ! You are on it !
I'm with you 100%. It's a tough road convincing
this group about a conspiracy against Obama.
I've tried and tried. It's the OBVIOUS scenario.
Is that card from the illuminati deck?
That's frickin spooky if so.

Yep, and the Media is probably the ones behind the conspiracy right?
Who could possibly be conspiring against the guy who has the media praising him from the rooftops.
The guy is shielded from every possible failure he has made.
If theres a conspiracy against Obama its the worst one ever.

posted on Nov, 1 2012 @ 07:23 PM

Originally posted by Aqualung2012
reply to post by CaptAmerika

No missing nukes in the u.s?

you should hold off on the rants and do some homework buck-o.
edit on 1-11-2012 by Aqualung2012 because: (no reason given)

Enlighten me. Where are these "missing" Nukes you think i am unaware of?

posted on Nov, 1 2012 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by rolfharriss

First of all, Benghazi WASN'T an accident...

BTW, 4 Americans were killed during this incident, it wasn't 3. This let's me know the lack of knowledge you have on the subject.

Second of all, the administration/Obama, reduced the special security teams for Libya months before the attack. Because of this diplomats in Lybia had to rely on local Libyan security and the police force for protection.

The commander of the U.S. military security team whom left Benghazi a month before the attack explained to the OBAMA administration that it was a bad idea to rely on the Libyans for protection, because they often sided with the enemy/terrorists.

The Libyan police were not doing their job, and instead were seen by at least one U.S. guard to be taking photographs inside the embassy complex.

Not only that, but as the mob was surrounding the embassy, and they were turning violent, embassy diplomats asked Obama for more security, and to be rescued, instead Obama, and his administration tried to keep these concerns, and calls for help from U.S. diplomats in Benghazi a secret...

There is actual documentation to all of this. BTW, the conspiracies behind 9/11 are conspiracies, most of them are exagerations, out of context, and even lies.

There were reports on the possibility of an attack, but it wasn't known where these attacks would occur...

All these claims from the 9/11 conspiracy theorists that "the planes should have been shot down" have no idea of what they are talking about.

First of all, NEVER have we been in that situation before. Second of all, you all are/were talking about shooting down planes full of AMERICANS, and people from other countries... Third of all, the administration could not read the minds of the terrorists set on crashing the planes against the towers. Fourth of all, which planes would they have shot at?... Any plane that deviated from it's course? There are rules regarding this, again not to mention the fact that you are talking about SHOOTING DOWN PLANES FULL OF AMERICANS AND OTHER PEOPLE... Not to mention the fact that shooting down passenger planes in the middle of New York, and Washington would most probably have killed a lot more people from all the debris flying all over the place...

Anyway, you can't compare what happened on 9/11 with what happened at the embassy in Benghazi... The Obama administration knew full well what was happening and they did NOTHING...

BTW, you seem to forget that Obama approved the killing of an American citizen with a drone without due process... Not to mention his "indefinite detention" which he wanted/wants to make legal arresting, and incarcerating any American, and anybody else, even if they hadn't committed any crimes, and even if there was no proof that they would commit any crime but rather just because of a "possibility" that because of the views of that person he/she could commit a crime... And these Americans would be INDEFINETELY INCARCERATED...

If you don't want to believe me about the above, here is a video of Rachel Maddow talking about what Obama wants to make legal in the U.S...

Obama and his administration are 1,000 times worse than Bush was, and the fact that you are trying to exonerate Obama and his administration of any fault on the Benghazi incident shows me that you are a brainwashed Obama fan, if not part of the administration itself trying to cover for your messiah...

edit on 1-11-2012 by ElectricUniverse because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2012 @ 09:47 PM
I always wondered if Cheney somehow diverted the nukes to use as blackmail against the American people, so then he could NEVER be prosecuted for 9/11. I always thought it was strange how Bush and Cheney could just walk away from what happened and NO ONE was willing to even discuss a serious investigation, much less prosecution. For a while there was somewhat of a movement to impeach or even prosecute them but no politician would touch it. Or maybe couldn't touch it....

posted on Nov, 1 2012 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by votan

YOU are correct but you will have a hard time selling that clinton began this mess.

Hillary Clinton upon becoming Secretary of State did a speech before the Council on Foreign Relations. She spilled the beans on her husband.

She said her husbands "Quadrennial Defense Review" was to cut every blue collar Federal Wage Grade job out of DOD as well as entire military units (and replaced by a couple cheapo low paid contractors) so mega BILLIONS could be freed up....and the money used abroad to buy off people/countries.

Doing her speech she told the Council she was doing the same exact thing to the US State Department.

President Bill Clinton neutered the United States military. On 9-11 when you watched the CNN live footage, those F-16's that first arrived with no missiles under their wings.....that was President Clinton's doing.

There IS no longer a real military. If China invaded now and took over they'd be surprised to find they'd only have to build a small compound to imprison a few military officers that all they do is oversee a bunch of contractors.

Bill Clinton is the worst PResident America's ever had. When he used 20,000 troops to put that dictator in charge of Haiti...that was horrendous and a story you don't know about.

France set up Haiti so they all had jobs working in Agriculture. They all had money, they made their own food. Haiti was doing GOOD. Then Clinton sent in 20,000 troops to put that Apartheid dictator in charge. Then Arkansas farmers who's crops were heavily Federally subsidized...dumped their hyper cheap crops on Haiti at lower prices than they even could grow it.

This lead to Haiti's money being sucked out by Clinton, Haiti went broke and they all lost their jobs. Clinton destroyed Haiti long before the Earthquake did.

That operation also highly demoralized the US Army as they knew what they were doing was severely wrong.

Most people of the world know nothing of what Bill Clinton ever did. All you see is what he is trying to do now to get the world to forgive him for what he did.

posted on Nov, 2 2012 @ 12:17 AM
If there ever would be a military coup in the US, the financial elite would be the ones behind it. And that would not work out to the advantage of anyone except the elite themselves...A very small percentage. Do you remember what happened after WWI? The unpublicized event that should have been talked about all over the world...The effort by the leading businessmen, the wealthiest in America, to hire former soldiers to stage a coup in Washington, establishing a totalitarian type of regime. It seems crazy, but it actually occurred, or would have occurred, had someone not blown the lid. And those wealthy guys who initiated it all...What happened to them? Absolutely nothing. No repercussions at all, and that my friends is what being a member of the financial elite means. No consequences for your actions, because there is always a way to get out of anything, legally or illegally.

posted on Nov, 2 2012 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by rolfharriss

I don't understand why Benghazi gets all this attention.. and hatred for Obama, when under Bush you lost six nukes and his cronies killed 3000 people in 9/11 part 1

I dont know how you can compare a month of Benghazi speculation with 7 years and counting of Bush bashing and widespread conspiracy theories involving ideas about planned demolitions, fake planes, no planes, thermite, confusion caused by a planned military exercise done on a regular basis, not to mention Bush holding a childrens book upside down implicating him in the dastardly deed.

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