posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 11:13 PM
To begin with, I would like to explain how religion gains control over a society. First, it isolates its society from the outside world and its belief
system through many methods. This prevents people in the congregation from being able to experience and learn a healthier, more positive way of
Next, although it is a normal process for someone to learn real healthy values through trial-and-error, the religion will blame anything that goes
wrong in your life on not following the religious code - when in reality, you SHOULD CONTINUE so you can learn real values, ones that involve
understanding actions and consequences.
Finally, religion not only isolates its congregation from reality, the ones that are surfacing as mainstream forces today isolate their congregations
from both science and people outside of the faith.
This is very dangerous, because the religions that are around today are not about helping people or learning how to be a good person. They are about
the opposite - maintaining control over the masses and keeping them in an outdated lifestyle, where personal growth is limited and, more recently,
instead of working towards helping the poor, more work is spent towards denying basic human rights to certain groups.
A religion should never be used to deny human rights to anyone, or as a mechanism for making people's lives worse. This should give you a clue that
the religion you follow is, in fact, a mimic - not a religion of God at all, but a religion of Satan.
In my life, I have noticed a drastic shift towards this line of thought in the world around me. I am not sure why. It could be a path I am supposed to
take, or it could be signifying a greater change that is occurring in the world.
I think that the only thing that we can do is, look at the world around us and see if we notice any of these changes.
I feel a darkness, a great darkness, one that I have felt coming for a long time. People I know seem to be returning to an ancient (1800's or even
earlier, possibly Dark Ages) way of life - where routines must be followed, and people who do not follow the routines are sabotaged by society and
then blamed for it.
Science is no longer of any value, even though the True God would want us to learn science, logic, how to care for each other, and things that are
generally not found through fundamentalist ideals.
The setup is basically one where, if you dare to have ideas that might actually make a difference in the world or make it a brighter place, you will
have your resources for survival taken away - be it food, money, friends, whatever.
I believe that part of this problem is the polarization of our two political parties. Instead of having a balanced way of thinking created by mixing
the two extremes, the two extremes have isolated themselves from each other and we are left with something very bad indeed.
The far left has its problems as well, for example, it should focus on family structures more (I don't care if they are homosexual or straight)
because family units help support each other and result in a higher quality of life. People desire at least some stability in their lives, and could
get burnt out after spending ten to twenty years cycling through various lovers and friends, left feeling constantly betrayed.
So. I have a deep fear. A deep fear that I am not going to have freedom of speech, that I am not going to be able to pursue goals that are of interest
to me, but am instead going to have to become a gear in the machine, working long hours, coming home, going to sleep... and repeating the same process
over and over again.
I am seeing this fear manifest itself around me, but hopefully I am mistaken. It could be because I am not able to escape from my parents, and they
are very conservative.
I hope I was able to portray how I feel effectively, and what I sense. I am not sure if it only applies to my life or what. I am aware that I speak in
What does everyone think? This is a situation where I would like input, or stories from people who aren't experiencing this at all, etc.