posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 08:01 PM
well the Hindus believe the cow to be sacred.
Hindus also invented some pretty cool concepts, like the "third eye" awarded to deities capable of seeing-in-more-places-than-one.
And of course, we can't forget the Hindus also coined the Vimana (Chariot of fire/Flying Saucer)
So that's kinda interesting, innit?
I really do not buy the idea that some coyote with mange is behind these mutilations - I think it is a cop out and a farce. Though that coyote is
strange looking, and possibly some strange mutation, I think it has very little to do with the mutilations on the scale we've seen over the years.
Back on point... Maybe they are monitoring their evolution, in a way we cannot understand. Surely they've got an app for that, they are aliens of
course - so why not just shine a light into it's cornea and collect it's DNA that way? Why remove the genitals with laser precision and drain it of
all blood?
If you find yourself on a space ship, please ask them for me --- I'll make sure to do the same.