posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 06:51 PM
Hello my question is can we also blame the Politicans the President and the Political Leaders for the New World Order since the Politicans are Puppets
of the New World Order not the Banking Elites themselves ? What does Religion say about this subject people have free will and choices right ? I did
post a thread about the Nuremberg Trials and following Orders I just wanted to know if following the Elites's orders make the Politicans not guilty
of anthing wrong thank you ?
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Non-puppetry related usages of the word
The word puppet can mean a political leader installed, supported and controlled by more powerful forces, without legitimacy in the country itself. In
modern times, this usually implies no democratic mandate from the country's electorate; in earlier times, it could have meant a monarch imposed from
outside, who was not a member of a country's established ruling dynasty, and/or unrecognised by its nobility. "Puppet government", "puppet
regime" and "puppet state" are derogatory terms for a government which is in charge of a region or country, but only through being installed,
supported and controlled by a more powerful outside government (see Quisling).
In a more general sense, a puppet is any person who is controlled by another by reasons of (for instance) undue influence, intellectual deficiency, or
lack of character or charisma. Science fiction writer Robert A. Heinlein's novel The Puppet Masters depicts alien parasites who attach themselves to
human beings and control their actions.