reply to post by godlover25
My hope was not to de-rail the OP's thread any further than we already have, so let me see if I can answer you one last time, and still put something
on topic in this as well.
As to your first post. "You never stopped being a Christian and you still believe." I promise you, I am no longer a Christian, and I never will be
The Christian God does not exist. But then, neither do the other gods exist.
Jesus, if he existed at all, was a man, no more, no less. And probably said very little of what is attributed to him.
The bible, while having some historical accuracy, is nothing more than a conglomeration of belief systems mixed and matched to suit the authors that
wrote it, and propagated it. However, the bible may be one of the better witnesses we have of pagan teachings from that time, considering most of its
doctrine is relabeled and reworked paganism.
is the Earth only 4.5 billion years old and 2 + 2 = 4, are those things only facts in the minds of people who believe them?
Again, imho. No one truly knows how old the Earth is. Not the religious, nor scientists. However, scientists could probably be counted on to make a
better guess at its age. 2 + 2 = 4 only because I can count that high, and I can test it for myself.
Is the Earth truly only 6,000 years old and Dinosaurs roamed around with a literal Adam and Eve
I can only give you my opinion. Religion and science are both wrong about the age of the earth, and the universe.
Please, give me your version of Truth
I don't have a version of the truth. Truth either is, or is not. I am not foolish enough to think I have a handle on the truth of our origins, or our
existence. I only know what I personally believe in a given area. And as I said before, opinion is fine, as long as it isn't masquerading as fact, or
What is Truth?
"conformity with fact or reality; verity"
OP, I actually did watch the whole video, and found it quite interesting. I am familiar with Michael Cremo, and have read some of his work. Although I
haven't tackled his original book. It's seems somewhat of a foreboding task. But I have plans to do so at some point anyway.
The biggest problem I have with dating the past is rate of decay. We rely on it to be consistent for dating, but I'm betting it wasn't always
consistent, and therefore, using it to date anything is a gamble and guess at best. Still, it's what we have to work with until we find better