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Is it okay to kill someone?

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posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 07:02 PM
A moral gray area we're all familiar with. Circumstances make all the difference, of course... if someone is trying to hurt you or a loved one, by all means, tear em to pieces.

But what about other situations?

Lets say you had a once in a life time chance to kill some awful person--say, a child molester--and you could murder them without leaving any evidence, and you'd never be caught. Sure, you'd be taking away their chance to change their horrible ways and redeem themselves, but hey... they've had all their life to do that. Instead, they spend it hurting innocent children.

So, who cares?

This moral question mark wouldn't be such a big deal to me if I was alone in life... I wouldn't care so much. My morals would be simple, straight forward, and... well... who knows. All I know is, I'd be more careless.

But, I have a fiance, a lot of friends living with me, and a little brother and sister looking up to me and learning from me, so I can't be careless in who I am (no matter how much I want to).

Attacking, hurting, or killing someone out of anger is wrong, of course...

But, lets look at it from a logical stand point.

My fiance has an idea... he sometimes wonders what it would be like if he was an assassin. He would want to kill the evil, corrupt, fat cats of the world.

I would never want him to kill for a living... I always say to him, I don't care if they're evil... you're not any better for wanting to put a bullet in their head.

Then again, sometimes, I get in a dark mood... like I am right now, sitting here, stressing about rent, affording food, listening to Linkin Park and getting depressed... and I think.... God, who really cares if they die?

They're bad people. The world doesn't have time or room for any more bad, greedy, evil, heartless people.

And when I feel this way, I begin to think about Bilderberg... and my first thought is;

They should just die.

I believe in God, and I believe its up to him who should live or die.

Then again, some part of me wants to believe differently.

I believe it is always wrong to kill, and you shouldn't do it unless you have no other choice.

Then again, some part of me wants to believe differently.

How wrong would it be to assassinate the most evil, corrupt world leaders?

How wrong is it to kill someone period?

My mind and heart are seriously wandering right now...

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 07:09 PM
depends on the situation. most of the time its not because most people have those that love them and you would be causing them pain. Unless you are in mortal danger and even then you should feel remorse over the pain of the family.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 07:10 PM
Heads up, you are going to get some really deep and lengthy responses here.

I would offer more advice, but I don't know if this thread might be subpoenaed in a few weeks.

So the short answer is that you have already answered yourself,

I believe in God, and I believe its up to him who should live or die.

Unless you are protecting your life or some one elses.....Ignore everything else.
edit on 29-10-2012 by Lonewulph because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 07:11 PM
Honestly i think life is experience... Choice for good or worse.
Stick with your gut... we all have a moral compass.
11 years ago i wanted nothing more then putting a bullet in bin-laden's chest, and id do it for free even.
Years ago the tables turned, and id rather put a pullet in the US presidents chest...
Today i dont know... My point is, whos to say who the bad guy is?...
Illuminati is the bad guys? why would they advertise so openly that they were "in control"...
Why were the early illuminati against monarchy and control?...
My point is, things doesnt always appear as they look.
Whos to say what will happen when we die.
I say live fearless, be good, do good, act good.
today id rather die then hurting someone, exept if i could save somebody ofcourse.
But then again, you wont know until your standing there with a choice.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 07:12 PM
I read the title and giggled.

Is that normal?

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 07:13 PM
Only yourself bro. Keep your hands within the ride at all times. If you off yourself then that is just you opting out, which is your right. You, however, have no right to make that choice for someone else, no matter how vile they are.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 07:14 PM
The problem is these powers that be you are talking about may think the same about us. They may believe we are the ones that need to go. In their eyes we may be the evil ones consuming and multiplying irresponsibly.

What is the deciding factor that decides if they die or live?

P.S. I had a similar thread months ago and it lasted one page before it was removed.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 07:16 PM

Originally posted by Sinny
I read the title and giggled.

Is that normal?

I've done that before.

Granted, I'm in a down mood right now, so no giggling...

But my friends and I are the kind of people who make nazi and dead baby jokes.

To me, its pretty normal.

And, yes, I'm sure I'll get a lot of different viewpoints. I want to

Won't know until I'm in the situation... I've always believed that too. But, I want to set a guide of moral rules for myself. I've always had them before, but lately in life, my morals have been drifting.

Then, dark moods come around and I start thinking about killing...

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 07:18 PM

Then again, sometimes, I get in a dark mood... like I am right now, sitting here, stressing about rent, affording food, listening to Linkin Park and getting depressed... and I think.... God, who really cares if they die?

It affects your karma. In hurting others, even in only hurts you. If you are angry enough to want to kill another..they win. be better than that. Wish them a long happy life.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 07:22 PM
I know someone whom found it perfectly acceptable to contemplate the death sentence for drunk drivers. Said the first time, a year in prison automatically, the second time, execution.

I never did find out his distaste for DDing..

I suggest like to like only. If someone is a murder (serial killer), it is acceptable to take that person down in order to secure another persons life...otherwise, no...I am sure I do things someone with hang ups has a moral issue with, I have a moral issue with some peoples choices, etc..but short of serial killing, the law tends to work well enough. Its rehabilitation we are generally aiming at if possible, not execution...if rehab isn't possible, then incarceration.

Judge society by how it treats its poor and prisoners.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 07:28 PM
In my opinion, you should only worry about yourself and the ones you love.

If you kill for the sake of a person who you don't know, although it may seem like a moral decision at first, it can become a very horrible mistake later on. What if that person that you saved is a harbinger of a disaster? A killer him/herself? Then you've made a stupid decision.

I have a mother, a sister, a brother and a cousin I have to care about, although when I leave the US after college the only people I will keep in contact with is my sister and my mother. I don't do this for evil reasons of course, but it lightens the load of the people that I have to stress over. Killing in the sake of protecting them wouldn't put any guilt on my shoulders.

Killing someone who poses no physical harm to me directly or indirectly would be brash, and immoral. So that's a no-no. Sadly, the question of to kill or not to kill is not a question that can't be answered in such a short amount of time.
edit on 29-10-2012 by mr10k because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-10-2012 by mr10k because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by XxNightAngelusxX
But, I have a fiance, a lot of friends living with me, and a little brother and sister looking up to me and learning from me, so I can't be careless in who I am (no matter how much I want to).

I've always been against capital punishment for the reasons above. WHen you kill someone you deprive their family, their children!! Why should their innocent children have to suffer? Imagine an innocent young child being told that daddy is going to be killed tomorrow, what the hell would that do to that INNOCENT childs mind!!

Theres a lot of people who I think dont deserve the space they occupy, but killing is wrong.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by XxNightAngelusxX

double posted
edit on 29-10-2012 by VoidHawk because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 07:35 PM
Some times circumstances put you into a situation of which you have allmost no time to think thru the moral perils of what's getting ready to go down. I was the victim of home invasion, I protected my self & family and took a life. I deal with that daily. As for what you said in the op. That's murder. Plain & Simple murder. Are there folks who deserve to die? I beleive there is. Except it isnt up to a lone vigalante to dispense justice.

Revenge is a completely different animal. I could honestly say say that if my family was harmed in a violent way and was no more. If the folks responsable can be gotten to, I think their days would be numbered. We have a criminal justice system, broken all to hell but it's the system we have. And the system we must use as a civalized society..
edit on 29-10-2012 by openyourmind1262 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 07:36 PM
I'll let Lawrence speak for me.

I don't believe anyone has the right to kill someone at all for any reason. If either person dies trying to disarm another in an accident. Then there is nothing one can do. It's better to protect a life, then take it way.
edit on 29-10-2012 by ssj2gohan83 because: Additional thoughts added.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by mr10k
In my opinion, you should only worry about yourself and the ones you love.

If you kill for the sake of a person who you don't know, although it may seem like a moral decision at first, it can become a very horrible mistake later on. What if that person that you saved is a harbinger of a disaster? A killer him/herself? Then you've made a stupid decision.

I have a mother, a sister, a brother and a cousin I have to care about, although when I leave the US after college the only people I will keep in contact with is my sister and my mother. I don't do this for evil reasons of course, but it lightens the load of the people that I have to stress over. Killing in the sake of protecting them wouldn't put any guilt on my shoulders.

Killing someone who poses no physical harm to me directly or indirectly would be brash, and immoral. So that's a no-no. Sadly, the question of to kill or not to kill is not a question that can't be answered in such a short amount of time.
edit on 29-10-2012 by mr10k because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-10-2012 by mr10k because: (no reason given)

I believe I've always had the beliefs you have.

But lately, my views and morals have been getting slightly blurry and jaded.

In the long and short of things, trying to rid the world of evil by comitting more evil really makes no sense... and I've often decided that for myself, that it only makes sense to protect people who are close to you and who you can care for.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX

No, because self-determination comes into play.

I no longer kill other organisms intentionally (i.e. insects, animals). If I see a spider in my house, I'll capture it and let if free outside. I see no point in ending its life simply because I feel the need to.

The only acceptable scenario is if an organism threatens your survival. For instance, what if a killer breaks into your house and threatens to kill you, are you just going to let him/her kill you, or defend yourself? If you willingly let yourself die, think of the impact that'll have on your family member(s). They'll be without a father/mother/son/daughter because you decided it wasn't alright to kill another person (or possibly harm) in self-defense.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 08:29 PM
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX

What makes these bad people bad people is that they are willing to kill to get what they want. They proceed through their lives with an abundance of selfish and discompassionate behavior. That is the hallmark and defining quality of their evil. That is why they are hated.

If your boyfriend were to assassinate them then he would be behaving exactly as they do. He would become, in effect, the very evil that he seeks to destroy. Additionally, the removal of those in power and control would create a vacuum that would be filled by other people. Once in those positions of power, even well intentioned persons would find themselves having to make those proverbial deals with the devil... Deciding who might get access to limited resources, etc. They would find themselves facing the very same temptations and corrupting forces that caused the last set of men to either become evil or to be perceived as such.

What you demonstrate is a common type of rage but one that is, in the end, impotent and misguided. To use the parlance of the hip crowd... you're hating the player and not the game. Until the rules of the game changes, no amount of killing will change anything. The operative question is Are you truly willing to put your actions where your heart is and seek to change the game?

Before you say "Yes", understand that you are inherent to the system; you are part of it. So there is blood on your own hands as well. The car in your driveway. The computer you are currently using, the TV you watch, the clothes you just bought at the mall, the food in your refrigerator... every single creature comfort that you have around you is a direct indictment of your complicity in this game and of your own guilt.

Are you willing to sacrifice that to create the change? Are you willing to crucify yourself along with those you envy?

Or are you just another person who is unwilling to understand that you, yourself, are part of the machine you claim hatred of?

Be the change you wish to see or accept that change is beyond you.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 08:49 PM
I believe what goes around comes around. I don't think you should fathom over this too much, just live life to the fullest. These murders, rapest, and pyschos will get what they deserve... be it justice or death. I consider that life throws these kinds of people in this world to test the intelligence and will of mankind. Get through the challenges in life with a positive attitude and life will reward you in a positive way.

You sleep in the bed you make. Be sure to make it the right way.


posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 09:31 AM
First, stop listening to linkin park. ha ha.

Ummm, no I don't think there is any reasonable excuse for killing another human being. I believe full well, there is always a non-lethal solution, and a preferably non violent solution.

Even if your life is being threatened, there are more than a dozen ways out of it with out having to " Kill " another individual. You can run away, or if you're in a bind you can fight with out the intent to kill. I really hate situations where someone shoots someone killing them because they broke in their house. I agree, this is terrifying and could be life threatening but most break ins occur when the burglar thinks you aren't home. If you have a gun, you can always attempt to turn on a light, sit tight and call the cops. IF you're in an open room away from the person, lights on and they walk in point and tell them to get out or get on the ground and keep your distance. If you had to shoot, shoot low a leg, lower stomach hit will easily disable a burglar and you're less likely to kill them. Chances are you will both survive and not take a life.

Sorry, had to rant there. I've had a darker past, where I would likely have been gung hoh on your post but since my views have changed... entirely.

Society seems to drill into our heads that the world is in a state of crisis and we have to fight for our selves, take matters into our own hands if we want anything done. No one can be trusted, the governments are corrupt, society is crumbling, disease, disaster and desperation are the norm. How ever it is this wedge of individuality that is perpetuating all of this. Every man for themselves, so no one gives a # who suffers. It's all a game and we're all playing as selfishly as possible, so long story short no, I don't think their is an acceptable moral reason to kill anyone. As horrible as it sounds, if a man killed my family member, I would not seek him out and kill him. It just isn't for me to do decide. Given If I was there at the attempted crime, I would intervene and do everything in my power to save their life.... The world just isn't so simple unfortunately, and you would probably come out looking worse for killing the worst of people today, no matter the reason.

Not trying to come out being weird, but I've been through depression, anxiety, trauma, still attend counseling for PTSD. If you need someone to talk to, I'm willing to listen anonymously. I'm a little concerned that in your dark time, you feel aggression towards others. I understand being frustrated, with day to day life as it certainly seems #ty these days, but murder is a pretty heavy thought for feeling blue.

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