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McCain on Face the Nation: Obama Might Be Conducting ‘Massive Cover-Up’ With Libya Attack

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posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 02:18 PM
McCain: Obama Might Be Conducting ‘Massive Cover-Up’ With Libya Attack

John McCain's remarks during an interview on a major television news outlet "Face the Nation" may very well be the final blow to a corrupt and inept Obama White House. Many in the intelligence community, and in the military have had it and are not going to take it any more - that's for sure. Thsi is not as much a "coup" in the making as it is an outright "overthrow" of the present government.

What we are seeing now is the MSM

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 02:52 PM
bump for the op as i wanna see where this one is going .if McCain can prove this this could turn out to be a october nightmare to obama and most likely play a part in the elections

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 02:54 PM
If he's trying to cover it up, he's done a spectacularlly horrible job.

It's not incompetence. It was a nest of CIA activity.

We don't always get told about every covert CIA op that goes down. I'm sure that if Romney was in charge, the same CIA program would have been going on.

It was a CIA op that went bad. End of story.

I doubt Romeny would have done anything differently.

This is what happens when we decide to "Nation Build", and have to go back to clean up our own messes.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 02:56 PM
McCain lost his credibility when he picked Palin.

His judgement has been compromised and is now suspect.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by Taiyed

Oh wow, that had me laughing!

I just can't get on board with the idea that the President has everything going on under his thumb at all times.

Imagine how many memos and emails and crap *you* get at work each day. Now imagine being the POTUS. Granted, he has staff members that are supposed to sift through it and give him the most important stuff.

What happens when the CIA is exposed and trying to cover it's own arse?

Perhaps extra securtity would have compromised the intended mission of retrieving the weapons? I have no idea what really happened, but I doubt the POTUS has every single clandestine operation on a wall of video screens in front of his evil dictator-tall-backed chair.

Oh and a cat, he has to be petting a cat with an iron claw-like hand. Also, he has to do that evil laugh that you never hear (it's a conspiracy!) it goes like this, "Mwahahahaha!"

Yes, this is exactly what went down that day.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by Taiyed
McCain lost his credibility when he picked Palin.

His judgement has been compromised and is now suspect.

Couldn't of said it better myself. Anyone who would give any credibility to the religion doused trash that woman actually believes in has no credibility in my book.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by MystikMushroom
If he's trying to cover it up, he's done a spectacularlly horrible job.

It's not incompetence. It was a nest of CIA activity.

We don't always get told about every covert CIA op that goes down. I'm sure that if Romney was in charge, the same CIA program would have been going on.

It was a CIA op that went bad. End of story.

I doubt Romeny would have done anything differently.

This is what happens when we decide to "Nation Build", and have to go back to clean up our own messes.
Absolutely, friend. Blowback can be a real b!tch when it hits too close to home.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by MystikMushroom

Posts such as you just made cause me to look back with great nostalgia and longing for the days when I was a Super/Moderator on a well known 9/11 truth site so that I could hit the DELETE button on such nonsensical talk as yours is. Better yet - to be able to hit the "Post Ban" button.

If you have such an issue with the Honorable John McCain I suggest that you write him with your brilliant observations - I'm sure he'll give you a hearing on your suggestions - or are they actually complaints?: Go Here

Here's his contact info: Better yet - just give him a call ............ ROTFL uproariously

edit on 29-10-2012 by Vitruvian because: txt

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by poloblack

Thank you!

We have three important players in this mess:

1. The CIA
2. The State Department
3. The White House

Do I really have to remind everyone of how well federal agencies cooperate and communicate?

I have postulated that the CIA might have wanted to keep a low profile, and having armed Marines might have made their little compound a juicier target. More lives might have been lost if we had more guards stationed there.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 04:04 PM
They are all heads on the same evil chimera.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 04:04 PM
reply to post by Vitruvian

I kind of expected to see evidence when I opened the thread...guess I was wrong.

Zero facts, just more political pre-election nonsense...

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 04:04 PM
reply to post by Vitruvian

Are you Hoping "Bomb Iran" McCain will add Credence to your Arguement?

Thats like attending a MENSA Meeting with Palin Guest Speaking.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 04:06 PM

Well, considering the fact that I didn't even bring up McCain's name in any of my posts thus far, I'm sure you were quite the Super Moderator!

I don't need to contact his office, I can just go down the road and visit with Palin.

Does anyone else here understand what the heck Vitruvian is talking about?

Oh, and the title "The Honorable" is applied generally to judges in a court of law.

edit on 29-10-2012 by MystikMushroom because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-10-2012 by MystikMushroom because: spelling

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 04:09 PM

For those who don't want to read.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 04:10 PM
Who says you get to choose your running mate?

Anyways I would have to cut him some slack - he served his country and got messed up a bit in the process

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 04:15 PM

Originally posted by MystikMushroom

Oh, and the title "The Honorable" is applied generally to judges in a court of law.

Oh yea right..........

again ROTFL ......

As for this rather odd comment.....--->..........Quoting MystikMushroom."Well, considering the fact that I didn't even bring up McCain's name in any of my posts thus far, I'm sure you were quite the Super Moderator! ".............Just a small reminder: the thread is focused on John McCain and his devastating interview regarding his exposing the gross incompetence and the cowardly cover-up by the BHO White House respecting the Benghazi scandal .......
edit on 29-10-2012 by Vitruvian because: txt

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by Vitruvian

Okay, I can admit that I was wrong about his job title. Fair enough.

However, I never slammed McCain or made any personal remarks about him. I was responding to the "cover up" aspect of the attack. Because if it's a cover up on behest of the POTUS, it's the worst cover up I've ever seen from either political party!

I'm sure you'll skirt that issue and continue to lambast me

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 05:12 PM
With all this distraction on Benghazi attack, yes 4 people died and its a shame, but its been turned into a politico headline by fox and many on the right.

Don't forget :

1983 Beirut barracks bombing, "241 American servicemen: 220 Marines, 18 sailors and three soldiers, along with sixty Americans injured"
."There was no serious retaliation for the Beirut bombing from the Americans, besides a few shelling. In December 1983, U.S. aircraft from the USS John F. Kennedy and USS Independence battle groups attacked Syrian targets in Lebanon, but this was ostensibly in response to Syrian missile attacks on American warplanes"

.June 25, 1996 The Khobar Towers bombing, 19 United States Air Force
"After the bombings at Khobar Towers, the US military and intelligence community came under heavy criticism for their lack of preparation and foresight for what was considered an intelligence failure. There were "significant shortcomings in planning, intelligence, and basic security left American forces in Saudi Arabia vulnerable."

There are many more such as the USS Cole bombing, sh!t happens and yes we want the truth, but the truth sometimes is not convenient, for many who have never served in the military,they seem to be the first to call for blood and the charge of the cavalry but at what cost another Mogadishu.

Honor comes with sacrifice, could you be as Honorable.....

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by Tw0Sides
reply to post by Vitruvian

Are you Hoping "Bomb Iran" McCain will add Credence to your Arguement?

Thats like attending a MENSA Meeting with Palin Guest Speaking.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by Vitruvian

Well, he is a total war monger...

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