We have been granted a very nice opportunity, All we have to do is to simply convince everyone what they already know to be the truth.
First off I will address JB1 points.
Point number 1
1/In July 1947 there was an incident near Roswell,New Mexico.
We will not have to even argue against this...Why? You may ask...Simple, we will prove that the inventors were already working with silicone and were
well on their way to creating the transistor many years prior to 1947.
The key to this debate is presenting the facts, so rather than you all having to take my word for it, I'll tell you some of the
In 1874, 73 years before the Rosewell "incident" a discovery made by Ferdinand Braun, a German Physicist, proved that crystals can conduct current
in one direction under certain conditions. This phenomena is called rectification. The original transistors were very crude, as is shown in this
If this is the result of reverse engineering then I for one
The reason that the transistor is easy to make, is in large part that it is not based on an "alien" technology, but rather a vaccuum tube. Once the
properties were known about how certain crystals, especially silicone, work, It was just a matter of time until someone figured out that they could
make electric circuits.
In 1925, yes 1925, still 22 years before Roswell, Bell Laboratories brought together worldclass scientists pursuing research in electronics,
chemistry, physics, communications technology, and lots of other disciplines. They realized that early discoveries by Braun and others about the
strange properties of crystals could be used to make circuits. These materials became known as semiconductors-because they have properties that place
them somewhere between conductors and insulators.
One of the most important of their discoveries was that impurities in their structure caused them to act in different ways, much like the vaccuum
These facts alone should prove that the silicone transistor was brought about by the work of scientists. There was no "magic" look I invented the
transistor, it was a long process that had its roots in the mid 18th century.
Points 2 and 3 were both answered in the above passage, but as a refresher they said:
2/Major Jesse Marcel(Head of Intelligence at Roswell Army Airfield at the time)visited the crash site,removing artifacts of some description.
3/ 6 short months later in December,of that same year,William Shockley,John Bardeen,Walter Brattain,working at Bell Laboratories produced the first
Man-made transistor.
As stated before the work on the transistor predates the Roswell crash.
Now on to point 4:
4/That the scrupiously honest Nobel comittee awarded the three men the Nobel Prize in 1956 not for inventing the transistor, as is often assumed, but
for discovering it�s effects
No argument there, after many years of research, they discovered how a silicone crystal functioned.
Given that silicone is made form sand and/or quartz, a substance in abundance on earth, there is no wonder that experiments weren't done on the
Saying that they "discovered" the semiconductor, would be like saying that early man said, "I wonder what would happen if we rub these two sticks
I hope that this opening argument is enough for you to see the truth (Even though I am sure you already knew it), but if its not my team will proceed
to erase any doubt from your mind.
The only to disprove us, is to 100% show that the "aliens" did crash here
PRIOR to 1874.
In other words, I know that ATS is open minded, but we are not gullible!!
[Edited on 2-5-2003 by K_OS]