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What is the Collective Consciousness?

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posted on Oct, 28 2012 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by sgspecial19

The question is do YOU yourself see and walk and to connect to this higher plane? What's that saying goes? You have to walk the path, not to talk to about it. BTW, go read Jung's original works. I am talking about his collections of works. Not just few shorthanded chapters in a psychology book. Ultimately, applies his work to your life and the world around you.

posted on Oct, 28 2012 @ 11:07 PM
reply to post by ChiForce

I agree. The way people express themselves can have real world consequences. But each cultural idea must first be expressed physically in some way shape or form, perhaps in the form of language or art, before it can have any cultural effect on anyone else. There's doesn't seem to be any underlying ideas or 'archetypes' handed down genetically or spiritually.

posted on Oct, 28 2012 @ 11:17 PM

Originally posted by TheSubversiveOne
reply to post by ChiForce

I agree. The way people express themselves can have real world consequences. But each cultural idea must first be expressed physically in some way shape or form, perhaps in the form of language or art, before it can have any cultural effect on anyone else. There's doesn't seem to be any underlying ideas or 'archetypes' handed down genetically or spiritually.

Personally, I think it is beyond genetic. Something is at work here which is beyond our understanding. We call this the higher plane but few people know what it is. How can you explain that some people can receive Enlightenment while others can't even in their whole lives? Any conscious knowledge about this collective unconscious is through hindsights, speaking from experiences. By engaging in interacting with these cultural symbols (ie, music, rituals, and etc), it helps us to grow. To become more conscious of ourselves and the people around us. Now, without these cultural symbols, young people would have problems growing up in this world. That's one of the Jung's complaints about the modern world. The total lack of ways for young people to transition to a higher self.
edit on 28-10-2012 by ChiForce because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2012 @ 11:17 PM

Originally posted by sgspecial19
reply to post by ChiForce

I am familiar with Jung; I do study psychology in college. First of all, the collective unconscious is merely supressed memories within the vast amounts of individuals in this reality. Every memory holds energy to it through thought and visualizations, and those whom have an emotional attachment to it unconsciously cannot face the physical and mental pain consciously. Therefore, each memory lays dormant in a pool of repressed thoughts as a collective unconscious across this plane.'re talking about Freud's interpretation of the unconscious, not Jung's. I am not certain whether or not Jung said such things earlier in his career, when he was close with Freud, but if so he certainly went past that interpretation.
edit on 28-10-2012 by TheJourney because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2012 @ 11:20 PM
reply to post by ChiForce

I've sucessfully astral projected before, so yes I've raised my frequencies to a higher plane of existence than the current one we all exist in.
I definitely will read more into his works, because he was a very brilliant man..But wayyy too analytical to realize the engram is not a physical trace, but a form of etheric energy wavelength.

posted on Oct, 28 2012 @ 11:22 PM
There is very little understanding of Jung's concept of the collective unconscious being demonstrated throughout this thread...I'm sorry if that comes off offensively, I don't mean it that way...

In our physiology, all humans share physical characteristics. These can be traced back through genetic inheritance of evolution. The idea of the collective unconscious is like that, except of the psyche. All humans, as an inherent part of being human, have certain 'elements' to their psyche. It has nothing to do with the individual's experiences. They inherently exist, simply by virtue of having human consciousness. It is highly likely that this has a biological component, as well, in the nervous system and/or DNA.

Human rituals, as well as mythologies, stem from these elements. They are the essential motivating forces behind human experience.
edit on 28-10-2012 by TheJourney because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2012 @ 11:22 PM
double post...
edit on 28-10-2012 by TheJourney because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2012 @ 11:27 PM
reply to post by TheJourney

Then excuse my Freudian slip
both Freud and Jung dwelled in the unconsciousness with their own unique interpretations.

posted on Oct, 28 2012 @ 11:29 PM

Originally posted by TheSubversiveOne
Excuse the pedantry

What is the Collective Consciousness?

A man who lived alone in the woods would never perceive the phenomena of a growing collective consciousness. He doesn’t have access to an internet and is immune from constant updates from friends and twitter followers. He cannot have real-time information on hand without the avenues to access such information. His ‘consciousness’ cannot grow collectively as he isn’t in any way connected collectively via an internet or television. The amount to which he is aware of his surroundings and situation grows on its own accord, un-collectively. One must be physically connected through any medium to be considered part of a collective.

While I understand your point, and at surface level I'd agree. But I would also know that in agreement of your example that would only be an impulsive reaction.

Knowing what is, and what is, is only ever now.

Using the label or, identification of a collective consciousness (CC) helps some to wrap there head around the vague concept of that label.

Don't assume it is something only human, which seems to me an unconscious judgment of what is.

Is not an animal a life form? One could also argue that a plant might share another type of life form; albeit one that has an extremely slow speed of experience.

If they are indeed life forms, then the possibility of those life forms also having the ability or access of "being" is probable, sounds sane to me so far. Perhaps they too have not realized the unconscious higher intelligent interaction of being, this could be identified as "the law of nature" animals and plants amongst any life form don't seem to get enough credit for their part in the interaction of "being". We have to open our minds to the idea that any life form is also just as important as our own egotistical & narrow-minded consideration of ourselves. This moment is not just ours; we share it with all life forms. That is what is, and not just some hippy smack talk

Be avid present and you will see it is all around you.

It would seem that there is no such entity as a collective consciousness permeating like mist throughout the masses—only a chatter about, and relation to, a common subject or experience. The “collective consciousness” is the extent to which many people share an experience in common, and this phenomena only receives this label if there is an ensuing discussion about the common experience. The 'collective consciousness' could be more simply described as a common memory shared between many people.

I agree with this, it only becomes an "entity" or form, when it becomes a memory,

I tend to view CC in the form of an experience or experiences, and to be honest, it's got to show some realistic reflection within this realm of form for me to consider it as something within the realm of probability or realness. To me the communication is visible via coincidences or chance events that seem to be highly linked to something prior, skepticism is a nice train of analysis when experiencing these events, and to exercise honest avid awareness of what is, not to judge or react to these noticeable events but to simply be aware of them happening daily, this witnessing of what is, in real time, can be identified as intense joy, or happiness once you have honestly experienced this form of possible communication across each life form, human or otherwise.

Life's a buzz; all you have to do is pay attention, right now.


edit on 28/10/2012 by Ormuz because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2012 @ 11:31 PM

Originally posted by sgspecial19
reply to post by TheJourney

Then excuse my Freudian slip
both Freud and Jung dwelled in the unconsciousness with their own unique interpretations.

Still, I don't believe we should dwell in them too much because Jung tried to give a somewhat quasi-scientific approach to religions, especially to Eastern religions. He wasn't exactly an expert. I don't even know if he ever did receive enlightenment. The best path is to walk it. That's why I don't have much interest in his works much as I get older.

posted on Oct, 28 2012 @ 11:42 PM
reply to post by ChiForce

I agree, their works have to be expanded on; check out this gentleman John Hagelin give his interpretation on the collective consciousness, it is quite inspiring.

posted on Oct, 28 2012 @ 11:49 PM
you just inspired me to go pick up my old copy of "programming the human biocomputer" by john c. Lilly. i will suggest to the op that an objective and scientific approach to understanding the meta-meta-meta-levels of existence is possible.

your more "sterile" approach reminds me somewhat of brion gysin's "third mind", or, the shared int3llectual space of a mutual communication.

that's cool and all. but your "no reason to believe..." remark, I think, is your exsistential anxiety talking.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 09:22 AM
reply to post by tgidkp

In that case, why don't you provide me with a decent enough argument and convince me otherwise instead of just outright saying I'm wrong. Also, If I took a wrong turn in my line of reasoning in the OP, don't be afraid to point them out.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 09:26 AM
reply to post by sgspecial19

The video is nothing but a continuous onslaught of wide and daring assertions with no arguments or evidence to back up his outlandish claims. Doesn't that worry you in the least bit?

He says that "real cutting edge knowledge," what he calls the "unified field," which I think parallels the unified field theory, shows us that consciousness is somehow fundamental. If you look anywhere on the internet for the discovery of the "unfied field" you find nothing scientific about it.

edit on 29-10-2012 by TheSubversiveOne because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 09:29 AM

Originally posted by Ormuz

Life's a buzz; all you have to do is pay attention, right now.


edit on 28/10/2012 by Ormuz because: (no reason given)

I'm not arguing against 'now' in any way. I'm arguing that there is no collective conscious—that it is merely dialogue on a common trend.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 09:31 AM
reply to post by TheSubversiveOne

@What is the Collective Consciousness?

A species aware connection as a whole which generates metaphysical output energy into what many consider reality or the unseen ethereal influence. So there is a collective of humans mind energy and a powerful being(s) can use it to their advantage. Its not interweb related only if at all from what I observe, so that individual in the deep forest would still get the updates within their conscious program when its transmitted into the collective. On an animal collective scale its the collective data guiding information that tells animals to hide or avoid areas of high stress or danger for what ever reason or to migrate.


Definition of ETHEREAL

a : of or relating to the regions beyond the earth
b : celestial, heavenly
c : unworldly, spiritual
a : lacking material substance : immaterial, intangible
b : marked by unusual delicacy or refinement
c : suggesting the heavens or heaven
: relating to, containing, or resembling a chemical ether
— ethe·re·al·i·ty noun
— ethe·re·al·i·za·tion noun
— ethe·re·al·ize transitive verb
— ethe·re·al·ly adverb
— ethe·re·al·ness noun
See ethereal defined for English-language learners »
See ethereal defined for kids »
Examples of ETHEREAL

The windows give the church an ethereal glow.

My 3 cents

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 09:34 AM
EX. of collective conscious effecting physical hmmm WMD WMD WMD WMD= war?
but no WMD but WMD controlled the human collective to FEAR program and then to respond which =war? Its a real power the collective control that is if you try to understand it.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13
EX. of collective conscious effecting physical hmmm WMD WMD WMD WMD= war?
but no WMD but WMD controlled the human collective to FEAR program and then to respond which =war? Its a real power the collective control that is if you try to understand it.

Good example. I think it helps prove my point. People bought it hook line and sinker. The guy in the woods never ended up hearing about it.

Thanks for sharing.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by TheSubversiveOne

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13
EX. of collective conscious effecting physical hmmm WMD WMD WMD WMD= war?
but no WMD but WMD controlled the human collective to FEAR program and then to respond which =war? Its a real power the collective control that is if you try to understand it.

Good example. I think it helps prove my point. People bought it hook line and sinker. The guy in the woods never ended up hearing about it.

Thanks for sharing.

You don't hear about it with audio or visual perception its shared through the consciousness. Animals on one side of the planet acting like animals on the other side of the planet don't hear or share data they sense something somewhat at the same time??? Its within their collective they have connected to GIA?? So the guy in the woods got the program after all?

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by TheSubversiveOne

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13
EX. of collective conscious effecting physical hmmm WMD WMD WMD WMD= war?
but no WMD but WMD controlled the human collective to FEAR program and then to respond which =war? Its a real power the collective control that is if you try to understand it.

Good example. I think it helps prove my point. People bought it hook line and sinker. The guy in the woods never ended up hearing about it.

Thanks for sharing.

You took the bait thinking psychology is all a physiological process...The mind has no physical form and is not part of the brain, and consciousness exists in the macrocosm and mirrors the microcosm of the universe.

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