I know I've never posted a perspective on this subject before but for some reason I've been moved.....
Evolution and Creationism:
I'm not trying to "Debunk" both the Bible or Darwinism but both seem to be missing the point.
If there is a God and over half the planet believes there is. [Myself included] and most religions of the world perceives him/it as a spiritual
being and if he made us in his image wouldn't that be more along the lines of a spiritual nature rather than a physical one?
Darwinism tells us something along the lines of survival of the fittest and that the superior traits for any given environment would become
dominate and win out over lesser ones. Then if that's the case why didn't the Neanderthals win out? They were physically stronger, used tools and fire
and had larger brains.
As I stated earlier Science in one way shape or form and Religion have been with us since the earliest days of our existence and especially shown
themselves in the earliest forms of monument building. If standing stones and all other Megalithic site are not all "Astronomical" markers of some
sort then the are classified as some sort of "Religious" site.
I find that rather interesting for if a site is not based on "Science" then it gets classified as a "Religious" site. I believe that in Human
history the best periods are when both Science and Religion come together and cooperate. [An ancient now forgotten Golden Age?]
A Perspective on Evolution and Creationism:
It seems to me that both Darwinism and Creationism are both unwitting partners in a Conspiracy of sorts.
In Darwinism we are told that we "Evolved" to where we are today "Modern Man". And that everything of intelligence we find in the fossil record
belongs to "Homo-Sapien - Modern man". While anything lesser belongs to the other non-homo Sapien lines.
In Religion, God created "Man" in his image. I'm assuming here from what I've read they are referring to "Homo-Sapien aka Modern man" While
anything lesser that belongs to the other non-homo sapian lines are to be ignored.
Meanwhile those other lines, Were tool users, Made use of fire, Lived in a family unit. Some buried their dead with signs of a belief in a after
life [Religion].
Now I'm not saying Darwin's evolution and Creationism are both wrong. I am saying however that neither give the other lines any credit. Yet
Genetically speaking we are carrying those other lines contributions that make us who we are today. So, we CAN claim their history and possible
accomplishments as our own. Just like I can claim my Great Great Grandfathers even though we don't look anything alike nor ever met.
We as a species have always carried with us both Science and Religion. I believe deep down inside mankind has always understood this. We build
temples [Ancient or not] which requires planning, engineering and mathematics [sciences] to accomplish. Is this not a form of symbioses? For those who
believe in a stricter form of Religion did not God give us the ability for higher thinking? Maybe the Fossil record is nothing more than how an
infinite being went about his business during creation?
Religions original purpose was to teach man how to be in contact with his Creator on a spiritual level. Not for Religion to take on any physical
real world authority over him.
Science should be used to better the way of life. Not to create means in which to enslave and profit from others who need [For example] certain
medicines to live or to modify and then Patent certain foods [animal or vegetable] GMO etc.
Someday, When Religion expands and finally grasps the full potential that God Himself gave to us and Science finally figures out all there is to know
about the Macro, Micro and even the Multi through their advanced high tech tools. I have a feeling that while peering at the infinitely small or
infinitely large theyll find a sign of sorts hanging there that simply reads...
I see you finally figured it out
Welcome home
edit on 9/1/13 by JAK because: Edited fix upon member
edit on 9/1/13 by JAK because: Edited fix upon member request