posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 12:59 PM
I am posting this here as a Rant because I am bringing nothing new to the table, other than sharing brief personal history and experience.
I find it very difficult to shake the condition-ings and belief systems of my upbringing. I was raised in a conservative (republican) household, which
went against the grain in my NY Italian neighborhood, of which most were liberal democrats (primarily union-based, understandably).
I was super conservative in high school. I skipped school in 1984 to see Ronald Reagan speak in Boston knowing I would be grounded for 2 weeks for
doing so. Still glad I did it - more so as rebellious act and following my heart at the time rather than conforming to the rules. This, after all, was
prior to my knowledge and understanding of the Neo-Cons.
The USMC fed my conservative thought processes, what, with training me to hate and kill anyone who threatened the American value system (or even
differed in our views). I was a grunt, 0311, proud and ready. I am still proud of being a Marine, but not for the reasons some might think.
College loosened me up a bit, and I found myself centering politically. Those professors really know how to work ya, bless their hearts. More like
"professional students." Bachelors, Masters, Doctorate, post-Doctorate, Adjunct, Tenure...they never left campus, most of them!
When I got into the work force, I snapped back to the conservative right. I was making $20,600 dollars in my first job, paying taxes and working
toward the American dream. It was a year before I got off the student diet of spaghetti, tuna and PB&J. Yet I experienced people in my lower income
neighborhood who did not work but lived better than I. That motivated me to work harder and explore opportunities to do better.
Many years have gone by since then and I have arrived at a place that has existed in myself all along: distrust, non-conformity, rebellion, seeker of
truth, freedom fighter.
I am not buying the 2-party system anymore. I am not buying the BS. I will not vote for the lessor of two evils. I will not comply.
I've struggled with this similarly with my Catholic conditioning and belief system. But that's another rant in and of itself. I have managed to
transcend that, as well, however.
One question I have is what happened to the momentum of Paul? Other than, perhaps, Perot in the second Bush I election, it has been the greatest show
of 3rd party, outside-candidate support I remember in my lifetime. This despite the media suppression, blackouts and downright ridicule of Ron Paul
from Fox to MSNBC.
My voice is a small and individual one. But I will speak next week nonetheless by writing in Ron Paul. This is where I get off the train and depart
from the rest of the herd.
I no longer consider this a waste of a vote; in fact, I believe it will be the most important vote I have ever cast.
I no longer believe it matters which of the 2-party system wins because they are one in the same.
I Rant here not in attempt to change your mind in any way. Rather, I am just venting and encouraging you to explore your options.
I do feel better now that I have gotten this down, albeit in an electronic format.
If you have read this, thanks for reading. If not, I understand completely.
Blessings to you all, and to the United States of America (for which it once stood and for which I believe it could still be).