reply to post by spleenika
very good point you raise.
well here is something to consider. Buddha and Christ (weather or not you believe in these figures is unimportant) both stated that "we" the human
race..are asleeep..and that its possible for us to awaken..or "wake up".
So going back thousands of years there has been this concept of being asleep...even though we think we are awake. to me this is very interesting, so I
studied this idea an awful long time. it took me into learning about hypnosis.
in hypnosis, the concept is that people go in and out of trances all the when driving a go into auto pilot mode...well that's a
trance state..but before i told you it was a trance you would just not have even thought it unusual..and its not unusual..its a natural part of being
human...but it leaves us open to manipulation.
Another example is if you get confused during a conversion..or if someone does something unexpectedly "throws you off"...this also is a trance
state, and it can be induced really easily and quickly...and once your in this state of confusion people can..pick your pocket..for example, without
you even realizing. Or they can implant ideas or even commands into you unconscious mind...much like "These are not the droids your looking for"..that
turns out to be a real trick...look up NLP and instant inductions.
There are even a few hypnotist that think human beings are in a permanent, sustained trance state. I also believe this to be the case. I do not think
we are in a computerized false reality like the matrix, but i am convinced that almost all people are asleep. this being asleep, goes back to what
Buddha described. and I think the cause of this being education. because from a very early age we are indoctrinated with a form of mind
control and propaganda...its called school...religions do the same thing.
this programming overwrites whatever our natural instincts and thoughts would have been..and instead we are assigned a set of beliefs and nothing more
than programmed. the powers that be have to program society through education systems in order to have a cohesive functioning pyramid structure...made
up of willing participants..but how willing would we be if we had not first been indoctrinated into it? Exactly..if it were not for education
systems..and the media...people would be truly individual...this probably would be a bad thing however.... as it would be anarchy.
Due of this foundation of programming...we are made extremely suggestible. Being suggestible is a term used in means a group of people
who are very easy to influence and guide (the sheep or the flock as called in Christianity..or sheeple as known in other circles)..this is the case
with society because we are already programmed through years of school etc. the reason the population are so suggestible to advertising..for because the same TV that we grew up with as part of our normal the same TV we still have in our room and we still get
sucked in by it..even though a TV is completely unnatural. The TV is part of our cultural programming.
A few good examples of how suggestible society is..and how easily easily manipulated almost all people are.
1. The number of people who own uneconomical and polluting cars.(not a logical choice)
2. The number of people on away their privacy for free..(because its the popular thing to do).
3. The number of people who get married, almost always in the mid to late 20's. (societal programming)
4. The number of people who repeatedly get married and divorced.
5. The number of people who believe voting makes a difference.
6. The number of people who join the kill and be killed..usually due to notions of patriotism.
7. The number of people who believe in patriotism. ( a term so broad it could mean and justify literally anything) example... Nazi Germany..history
looks at the German population as being "brainwashed" by Hitler, yet people don't see the same brainwashing take place in every country, just not to
the same ends.
8. When the media says something is a number 1 movies, book or must have item...people believe it and are influenced to desire these things...sending
sales rocketing...Examples, harry Potter, Avatar and so on and so on.
i could go on and on...but i need to log on to Facebook and friend some people i don't know...then go and get my skinny latte in Starbucks, where I
should be seen to be seen...because thats the "normal thing to do"
edit on 27-10-2012 by TheBlackHat because: (no reason given)
edit on 27-10-2012 by TheBlackHat because: (no reason
edit on 27-10-2012 by TheBlackHat because: (no reason given)