posted on May, 30 2013 @ 05:43 PM
i also believe that deja vu is from some sort of spritual guide, for what i have no clue...i have had it tons of times but mostly in my dreams so i
dont know if you would call it deja vu, but i would dream about something months in advance. like when i was co-owner of a business. 4 months before
it happened i dreamed of it all, from the moment we started to the moment we had our fall out. it really hit me when we was painting a house and i
looked down at myself and freaked out cause i just remembered the dream about the house we painted and everything. my most recent one was of a girl i
really love, i dreamed about me coming back to my hometown sure enough 3 weeks later i came back. but that wasnt all. i dreamed of my friends fighting
and making up, sure enough it happened, it started getting better, my friend who is like my brother, i dreamed of him getting back with a girl who
deeply loves him, sure enough on may the 3rd they got back together. i also dreamed of the girl i deeply love becoming mines (which aint happened yet,
thank god an hope it dont) because in that dream she dies after we get a new house together, but what killed her was unexplainable, i couldnt see it
but it was throwing both of us around like we was nothing. it had me pinned on the wall, while her on the roof....
ive even tried to leave my
hometown so i know we would never get together, but something wont let me leave. (theres a legit reason why i cant leave but it happened the day i was
gonna leave which i find really freaky).....but the one thing i hate the most is in between all these dreams i get dreams of the world finally comeing
to a stop, as in the elite or something finally got its control. Marshall law was decalred and soliders starting running in everyones house, but they
wasnt taking anyone they was killing everyone in the sorry i have so much to share that it would be best to start a thread when i
can.....sorry if all this is off topic but in my experience i guess you could say i have had deja vu if you will call it that.