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Size of a Proton and Electron

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posted on Nov, 21 2012 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by hellobruce

Then I challenge you to split the positive.

If your so knowledgeable about electricity, then split the positive.

posted on Nov, 21 2012 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by FreedomCommander

Then I challenge you to split the positive.

If your so knowledgeable about electricity, then split the positive.

Split the positive? WTF are you babbling about, that is not a electrical engineering term, it is just a term used by frauds to impress the gullible - and it looks like you have been impressed by it!

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 12:08 AM
reply to post by hellobruce

And, if I may ask, according to what gives you the authoritarian measure to be a master in such field?

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 06:19 AM
reply to post by FreedomCommander

Same question goes for you. You've been talking gibberish for 9 pages now. It's very clear you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Sure, you might think you're a special snowflake privy to some elite knowledge out of reach for mere mortals but the sad fact is you're just deluded if you honestly believe the nonsense you've been spouting.

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 06:22 AM
I am honestly still amazed people reply to Freedom Commander. He freely admits he just says what he reads, has no knowledge, and will refuse any and all sources that conflict with what he has already determined to be true. Seriously, he should be ignored, completely.

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 06:39 AM
reply to post by OccamsRazor04

That is perhaps one of the biggest ironies of this website and the conspirital subculture in general. For all the boasts of being independent free thinkers a step above the naive "sheeple", I've never come across a more ignorant and anti-intellectual crowd of hypocrites in all of my real life and interweb travels.

Fine, people want to believe in quackery, I have no problem with that. But to posit oneself as being more informed and intellectually superior than the "norms" whilst veheminently supporting and wolfing down (with no questions asked) the unsubstantiated nonsense of psuedoscientific quacks (and expecting others to do so also) whilst not bothering to inform oneself to even an elementary level of the science they are so quick to dismiss is the height of closed minded hypocrisy. It's a toxic mix of delusion, narcism, hypocrisy and ignorance rolled into one package that actually gets supported by a worrying number of folks on here.

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 06:52 AM

Originally posted by FreedomCommander
reply to post by hellobruce

take the different route. Else I question on how much of a open mind do you have?

Current status on my view towards you: Shut Closed.


You are expecting us to completely dismiss a thorough understanding of electricity supported by a massive body of evidence that has given us all of the mod cons we enjoy today (including the device you are reading this post on) in favour of unsubstantiated hogwash that you've been belching for 9 pages now. That, good sir, is in fact the definition of closed mindedness.

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by john_bmth

How would you feel if your attacked, day in and day out, on the thing you have learned and applying?

I was in a fit of anger towards that person, and disappointment towards that person.

This stuff is free, no need to pay a college to teach you, you teach it to yourself, if you have the confidence.

But I'm not the only one that has been ridiculed like this. Men of the past such as Tesla, Aspden, Edwin Gray, and over a thousand others that try to make a difference by making others more independent from the grid.

Tesla was screwed over by Edison, then he tried to make electricity free but was shot down by J.P. Morgan.

Gibberish to you, but a way to learn more for me. This is the burden of being an unorthodox man of science, do things your own way, find what works, and then tell your side of the story.

How would you feel if your a scientist, a real scientist that has earned nothing from others including college, and try to make a difference in the world?
edit on 22-11-2012 by FreedomCommander because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by OccamsRazor04

Have you ever made a device that can create free energy?

Do you understand the concepts of free energy?

Do you know how to harness free energy?

Do you have the skills to grab free energy?

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 09:56 PM

Originally posted by FreedomCommander
reply to post by OccamsRazor04

Have you ever made a device that can create free energy?

Do you understand the concepts of free energy?

Do you know how to harness free energy?

Do you have the skills to grab free energy?

I do not feed wild animals.

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 10:49 PM
reply to post by FreedomCommander

How are you supposed to know where you're going if you don't know where we've already been?

Making fun of those who have devoted their life to the conventional sciences is just as much folly as those that dismiss anything that doesn't come from approved channels.

The reality is you have in no way in any of your threads you've posted proven that you've actually accomplished ANYTHING that conventional science cannot explain or in fact has not looked at and discarded decades ago.

Your random assertions that there's hard electrons and soft electrons and 300 types of subatomic particles are much less than convincing considering you obviously don't own any nuclear imaging equipment or a particle accelerator.

It's all well and good to tread the path less traveled but thinking you are going to revolutionize the world when you so plainly have no understanding of even basic conventional science leaves you unable to actually KNOW if you've discovered something interesting or worthwhile.

Your entire quixotic quest is based around dozens of faulty premises, a positive plethora of magical thinking, and no small measure of delusions of grandeur!

Further it's actually embarrassing for those of us actually trying to travel the road less traveled and achieve real results that help our fellow man to have you continuously trumpet yourself as a fellow free thinker and innovator.

If you actually want to get in the trenches and do some real research sometime feel free to U2U me and I'll be glad to have you collaborate with me on my journey to building a REAL and working alternative energy device that will be accesible and buildable by the common man! I will warn you up front it's not "Zero Point Energy" It's NOT "OVERUNITY" it doesn't depend on hitherto unknown phenomena. What it is though is a NOVEL and EXTRAORDINARILY efficient way to turn a naturally occuring and very renewable resource into not just power but also hot water and heat for your home or business.

The reality is IF we are ever going to find a way to harness these advanced modalities chances are it's going to take hundreds of thousands of dollars in equipment and instrumentation and quite possibly MILLIONS in manufacturing equipment to fabricate the devices.

If you really are serious about helping humanity you'll dedicate yourself to learning the basics and only then will you go out, now armed with this basic knowledge, to seek the extraordinary.

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 11:07 PM
reply to post by roguetechie

Well, say it, without the money. Say your idea. This is, however, a public thread, not a private one.

I'm open, what do you have on the table?
edit on 22-11-2012 by FreedomCommander because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 11:20 PM
You should check out my thread on the LLoyd Tanner Friction Boiler...
It uses friction to "burn" green hardwood very very slowly while producing very LARGE amounts of heat which can be used to generate steam to run a turbine sufficient to power your house while leaving you with hot water which could be used in various ways to heat your house or for on demand use for showers and etc.

Did I mention that you would use less wood in a month than a conventional wood fired boiler would go through in a day?

By any stretch of the imagination this is worth pursuing...

One of my big sticking points right now is engineering a bladeless disk turbine (aka tesla turbine) to put the steam through to generate power. Now some might question why do you need a tesla turbine? And to that I'll answer simply that standard steam based power generation systems require expensive and complex steam drying apparatuses to keep normal turbines in working order for a long term. Also if you've priced a parsons style steam turbine recently you'll notice that they can cost THOUSANDS of dollars and that's IF you can find one this small. All of this makes the Tesla Turbine basically my only choice.

Other than that it will be a fairly straight forward build using off the shelf components that wouldn't cost much when you consider the benefits.

So if you or anyone you know has a good dataset and set of plans for a working steam driven tesla turbine in the 10 horsepower range I'd really appreciate it.

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 11:23 PM
reply to post by roguetechie

ahh, Well, you always got these guys as well. A whole bunch of heaters that can be equal to Lloyd Tanner's deal.

As well, what I have stated previously, you don't need to moving parts to get electricity. Most of the people here think that the Earth and everything in the universe is dumb and dead. Guess again.

How is it possible for savants or people that are one-dimensional able to come up with answers so vast that it takes time for a computer to do it?

It it was to be put into a perspective, out of the field scientist would say that there is a Cosmic Computer. Every record, every thought, movement and such of every living thing, stored in one place, and some people have instant access to it.

What other explanation can someone come up with that fact?
edit on 22-11-2012 by FreedomCommander because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 11:44 PM

Originally posted by FreedomCommander
How is it possible for savants or people that are one-dimensional able to come up with answers so vast that it takes time for a computer to do it?

Care to show a example of that?

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 11:44 PM
Well first off ... No there is nothing in that page of resources that has anywhere NEAR the potential of the Friction Boiler... I've actually researched nearly all of the purported devices on that page and you know what?

They Don't WORK.... and the ones that do work work at efficiencies so far below what the LLoyd Tanner Boiler can do that they pale in comparison.

Hundreds if not thousands of people have tried and FAILED to build most of the devices on that page such as the frenette heater and the Peter Davey Heater, and the first few options are just standard wood burning stoves and not even very efficient wood stoves at that!

See this is what I don't get... I propose an option that has real potential to change lives and can REALISTICALLY be built by garage outfits, and you respond back with links to options which are either clearly inferior like the stoves on that page or just plain unworkable like the frenette heater or HHO devices. Are you just plain allergic to putting your efforts into areas that will actually produce REAL and TANGIBLE results?

You then go even further to ramble on about some repository of thoughts that "savants" can access which is neither here nor there in the conversation we are having.

See you always talk about how other people won't even bother to look at your material and yet when someone else tries to show you something that is genuinely worthwhile.... you come back with links to unworkable or inferior devices and act like they are somehow comparable to the device I was suggesting you look into which you didn't even bother to research.

I tried to show you something you could sink your teeth into that could produce real and tangible results and you who constantly chides people about not having open minds have the most closed mind of all.

posted on Nov, 23 2012 @ 12:39 AM
reply to post by hellobruce

still waiting on what makes you the master in that field.

posted on Nov, 23 2012 @ 12:46 AM
reply to post by roguetechie

Quick to anger. Hmm, to be honest, I take in the things that are simple, not complex. Due to the saying,

It's the little things in life that make you happy.

Most of these devices that I direct you to have at least a COP of at least 5. The device that you have given me, looking over the schematics, I would say it's at least above 1 but barely. Plus, your being a little too hasty to write them off as failures, there are more than what you think, just look here.

Today's heaters have an average COP of about 0.70.

From the looks of it, by using a hollowed metal cylinder and a motor, the wood heats up and the heat is diverted to the cylinder. The cylinder is then fed to an apparatus which diverts it's heat to a colder area. The apparatus has a pipe that has water in it that is sprayed onto the heated metal thus creating a steam. The steam goes two separate ways, one to where ever and one to a turbine.

However, it's flawed. Upon doing a mental simulation, you need a constant supply of wood in order to keep the heat up, which means cutting down more trees. If done on the first day, approximation of the RPM is around 5,000. Run at a constant rate, for the next 24 hours, the metal once cooled will begin to crack. If the simulation is correct, then you need approximately 50 lbs of wood per day. Plus, if also correct, the water will crack the metal over time due to the temperature difference.

As well as a question: When did this guy think it up?

To add to the note, seems like some of the devices are working to me.

edit on 23-11-2012 by FreedomCommander because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2012 @ 02:06 AM
First off No actually the Friction heater probably has a COP closer to .6 not over 1.... the only things that have a COP over 1 that I've ever seen concrete evidence of is the Heat Pump. Second off you don't put the water directly on the roller that wouldn't work first of all, and second of all even if you did get it to work you'd waste most of the potential energy.

Maybe you should spend less time talking and more time listening and reading, rather than ASSUMING you know everything about something. Now you are right about said heater taking about 50 pounds of wood a day to Heat and power a single family dwelling as well as provide hot water on demand.

Now lets look at what a Cord of green oak weighs... which is around 6000 pounds according to consumer firewood site which at 50 pounds a day means your cord of wood will last 150 days. Now according to this site I can expect to pay around $80 a cord if I shop around.... This works out to around 53 cents a DAY to heat my house my water and generate my electricity!!!

Now factor in the fact that if done right especially if someone were putting together kits for these systems they'd probably cost in the neighborhood of 10 to 15 thousand dollars at absolute most. Now figure in it'll probably cost you about 300 a year to maintain and upkeep your system and 200 a year to keep it fueled. That puts TOTAL energy independence at a very reasonable cost of a fifteen thousand dollar down payment and 500 dollars a year.

Now if we do some quick math and factor in that 500 dollars a year and your initial cost of 15 thousand dollars in 50 years you're looking at a total cash outlay of 40 thousand dollars for energy independence.

Now lets contrast this with a 10kilowatt solar system with battery bank which will cost you around 90 thousand dollars installed for a system rated to last 40 to 50 years at the outside! Oh and did I mention you'll probably replace your deep cycle battery bank of 25 or more batteries every 5 to 10 years? Did I mention that to buy batteries of that sort you are looking at serious cash outlay... Plus you have to maintain the system and replace inverters at least Once in that period. Overally you are looking at conservatively paying 3 to 6 times as much for a comparable solar installation!

Now factor in this next part, and you'll see why I'm so excited. In a time of crisis anyone who still has their lights on will be a target for the unscrupulous. Solar panels can't exactly be hidden....

Contrast this with the system I am talking about which with some careful planning and ingenuity could be installed in a corner of your basement or garage in the same space a washer and dryer takes up. Add in some blackout curtains and a small sacrificial firewood pile to make it look like your wood pile is just used for your fireplace, and you can be at home safe and secure warm and enjoying modern conveniences with noone the wiser.

So go ahead and throw your time and energy away on stuff that won't and can't work because it's based off of magical thinking and the sales pitch of hucksters... I'll spend my time developing something that can actually be built in a garage workshop and give real people real energy independence.

posted on Nov, 23 2012 @ 02:09 AM
I'll give you a hint about the Davey water heater... I spent several weeks researching it fairly indepth and tracking down the reports of attempted replications as far back as 30 years ago... If it's so simple how come NO ONE has ever successfully got the same effects davey claims?

All that you tube video shows is a poorly designed and executed immersion heater ... the technology is really quite common. you can get one on amazon for 10 dollars plus shipping and handling.

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