posted on Oct, 28 2012 @ 08:37 AM
Read the entire thread up to this point. Here are my observations:
Most of you don't read before you post. Literally 90% of you made a bad judgment immediately. If you had read even just a few posts in, you would
recognized that there is an article with the proof to back up the OP in his statement regarding the hippie and NASA renting his back yard. As if we
didn't know already, literally most of you are complete fools. And you made sure that you were seen that way, so it is your fault.
Now for you arrogant and ironic "naysayers". Just because you don't have a reason to believe that anything special is going to happen at this
event, it does not mean that you know WHAT is going to happen. That means all of you - especially Phage who is supposedly one of the more intelligent
ones here. Yeah.
The epitome of human arrogance and ignorance and foolishness has been portrayed here; not by the OP or those who are merely curious, but by the bulk
of you that resorted to making statements based on anything BESIDES curiosity (or 100% verifiable truth - of which I was only able to find a post by
two different people that I felt was worthy of a star - and their posts were simply of curiosity or setting the record straight for others). How
silly you supposedly "aware" people have become. Can you really be people who are seeking the truth? I don't think so. You're certainly a tribe
of fools here.
That being said, I am allowed my own curiosity and opinions simply for the sake of participating in the thread the way in which I imagine that Above
Top Secret and the OP would have it.
Firstly, the hippie in the OP stated that there would be an object visible during the eclipse. What I find most fascinating, as another poster
pointed out, is that this particular eclipse event is much grander and larger and hyped than any other one that I have seen. As well, the OP's
statement is mostly backed-up by the article. Now whether the OP added or took away from the statement of the "hippie" with whom he spoke, we do
not know. However, we do know that the OP made sure to say that he does not believe in these "Nibiru" theories. So the only possible reason for
the OP putting words in the mouth of the hippie with whom he spoke is so that he might cause a stir and a problem.
But if the OP genuinely wanted to get the proper attention here, I am sure the OP would have been wise enough to search the hippie's words, find the
article, post the article and picture in a professional format, and type a few witty and cosmic remarks (like most of the ATS "elite" usually do in
order to obtain massive amounts of attention). So therefore it is my low and humble opinion (which I detest having to continue to reiterate for
everyone because it is obvious that when someone says something it is clearly their opinion - but I do it for you silly children that still seem to
not understand that) that the OP has not made up a lie at all; rather that the hippie actually spoke those words to him and the hippie is the same
gentleman in the picture holding up the triangle in the sky in the article.
I do not have an opinion regarding whether the hippie was just trying to sell the OP a $500 ticket or he was telling the truth about something that
none of us really know about yet. I am leaning a little more towards the former for now.
That being said, I did have an interesting little thought worthy of wonder - what if there was a planetary object that orbited our sun that was
orbiting our sun on exactly the same orbital path as our planet Earth; and what if it was orbiting at the same velocity and acceleration; and what if
it was always on the exact opposite side of our Sun as our planet Earth? We would never, ever see it. Except........ for during an eclipse.
Parallax. What if the conditions changed just the tiniest fraction; just enough that the object would be especially visible during this event due to
For all of you who think you understand the workings of the universe, do yourself a favor and actually entertain the idea for a minute before your
brain shuts down.
It is entirely possible that the Precession that the Earth experiences could be due to the kind of object and the effects that it would have on the
rest of the solar system.
Now imagine if a comet were to hit that other planetary object... imagine that we would be in the orbital path of all of that destruction... and vice
versa of course, if that were to happen.
And further, because it is far less likely for my for now imaginary object to have the same kind of moon as us, if any at all, then there would be a
slight offset in the balance between the Earth, the imaginary planetary object that I have made the focus of this post, and all other objects in the
vicinity -
Really, I could go on all day on that imaginary idea. Which it is completely. But it is far more interesting to debate a few curious ideas than to
pose a bunch of useless theories as fact.