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What Is You Reaction To This Poster? ["Some People Are Gay. Get Over It!]

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posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by newcovenant

You can mash your own potatoes.

But stay the hell away from mine.

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 11:55 AM
I have to agree with the banner.

People are born that way.
and people have to get over it and learn to accept it..

What if you child is born this way..Do you want people cussing hope they die?..all the stereotypes you hear.
If you can say Yes to my question you absolutely have no dog in the fight your mind is made up on the subject.

Then the subject people bring up it's nothing but a sexual perversion.
Lets say some of them are for argument sake.
It doesn't hurt you in anyway.. Sure you can nit pick but it doesn't..
People put wax on there nipples get tied up even rape fantasy's if you can think of it people do it to get there rocks off.
Every person does it to some extent or another.

Not to mention when Gay talk pop's up it's always toward the gay male community...
Cause men fantasize over lesbians. Not men unless there gay them selfs
there is a bad stigmata in our culture over that..

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 11:59 AM
The message is obviously aimed at those who judge gays in a negative way.

Notice how gays never judge heterosexuals in a negative way just because they # the opposite sex.

But it seems to be a little different when the roles are reversed.

Some heterosexuals (a good percentage in fact) just cannot seem to live with the fact that some guys are into guys, and some girls are into girls. Most of them are brainwashed religious people or cannot come to terms with the fact that they crave sexual intimacy from the same sex.

And the ones that cry foul and say homosexuality is pushed in their face, maybe if they weren't so judgemental and hateful in the first place, every one would be getting along just fine. Suffer the consequences of your actions.

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 12:00 PM
I have seen the same poster on the sides of buses here in Birmingham UK too.... I think some people need to get over themselves.... If being gay is sooo right and natural then why the constant need to justify it?

Just sayin.........

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 12:01 PM
Lol i actually saw this poser last week and took a pic on my phone, my initial reaction was laughter because i thought "That'll probably piss someone off"

Looks like plenty of people are getting their knickers in the twist over it - Mission accomplished!

I suppose the point is to get the reader angry so they realise that they have to get over it.

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 12:01 PM
Well the poster is clearly not for you, OP. It's directed at people who DO have a problem with homosexuality.

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by thehoneycomb
reply to post by newcovenant

You can mash your own potatoes.

But stay the hell away from mine.

Touch your potatoes?
I wouldn't get within a hundred feet of you without a tetanus shot and a haz-mat suit.

I think the whole idea is liberty for people but you on the other hand want to impose fascist control over peoples lives, their birth control, reproductive choices and who they marry. Way to switch it around so it looks like you are on the right side of history. You are not and history itself will prove it so I really hope you live to witness it. Don't ask don't tell should have been your first clue.

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 12:05 PM
I can't really respond to how the advert makes me feel, because I've learnt this amazing talent of turning out anything that has a 48pt font in a city street ... but ...

I get regularly approached by all kinds of persons during the year. Regularly I have animal rights persons, anti-nuclear persons, Christians, scientologists etc ... trying to give me fliers, advice, a quick chat (that results in money askings), invites, questions, surveys blah blah blah ...

People advertise. Get over it.

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by Wonderer2012

The poster seems fine to me, it will only be offensive if you already label what gay is in a wrong sense.

If you thought it was a choice, you would be offended.

if you thought it was immoral it would be offensive.

if you thought that are inferior being and should not tell me their rights, it should be offensive.

"Some people are Straight, Get over it!" < -- do you feel anything from that? probably don't because you already know about it

That message is for ignorant.

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 12:07 PM
If I saw one here, I'd look at it, laugh and think what a pointless waste of money.

Just for the record... Brighton born and bred
which would mean for here the "some people" would need to change to "lots of people" but then again I don't think anyone around here would bother in the first place.

If I am honest I see little point in trying to insert your point of view down anyone elses throat.. but hey, that is my point of view..
edit on 26/10/12 by thoughtsfull because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 12:10 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

If My bus had a sign "Some people don't accept gays: get over it!" would it be offensive? It's simply stating the opinion of the "other side"

I don't think its the same..

"Some people are fat, get over it" < is what the bus says.

and your are saying..

"Some don't accept fat people, get over it" < this is the same for you?

2nd sentence is not helping anyone. Its like snarky kindergarteners comeback.

Feel free to substitute the Fat with Black, Poor, Immigrants.
edit on 10/26/2012 by luciddream because: (no reason given)

edit on 10/26/2012 by luciddream because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 12:53 PM
The word gay itself was artificially manufactured,a word bastardised from an existing word to define something.What does it really define?Nothing--because there is no such thing as gay or homosexual--these words were created to define how some humans express themselves emotionally.But there is no catalysing source in the tangible sense--never was and cannot be.So ask yourself why anyone would create or bastardise a word to artificially represent an emotional quantity with a physically catalysed word???Maybe to create a manipulative dynamic to support and reinforce their right to maintain and propogate the behaviours that catalyse the emotional fix reward desire??Why would one need to artificially support ones emotional needs??Possibly because they are societally unaccepted?Is the reaction to this natural as per numbers reaction to lawyer up and use fiscal and legal manouvers combined with a PR campaign to bolster the strength of this emotionally catalysed behaviour??It may very well be just as the evidence points out.

Some few people figured out how to manipulate situational and societal dynamics in support of their small special interest groups,and they used fiscally backed legalese and public sales tactics to do this.Where I live the younger generation has developed a word that makes me chuckle---it is NOHOMO---ha ha ha.Nature has its ways of fighting back--you see kids today are fed up with all the artificially generated hype--they actually are more tolerant and accepting than their parents and grandparents--so now we have a dynamic where kids are telling the gay factions that no one cares to hear about them anymore and in fact another word has been created to illiterate the point--NOHOMO--now isnt that ironic??Regular kids are going out of their way to not let a small special interest group hichike upon or hijack their societal votes or influences---no more spindoctoring--this younger generation is accepting and also defensive of the voice of the many.Full circle so to speak.

You must accept a word for it to carry any meaning and you must defend it to maintain its meaning,so the dynamic situation pretty much speaks for itself doesnt it??Some people from small special interest groups go rouge and will do anything for their cause--they will martyr themselves to maintain an artificially catalysed strength in their cause.

Just dont accept the word itself--no one--and let things carry on.Who wants to fight for and die for a cause that is really just an artificially created word??Maybe its the threat to the natural evolution of society presented and manifested in these defensive legal and high pressure dynamics utilised in defense of a word that is the real issue.I have never heard of roving gangs of people busting into bedrooms and arresting people who were living together or having sex??Have you???So then lets ask ourselves who really started this dynamic and why??
edit on 26-10-2012 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 01:04 PM
why gay? I bet some folks who like the same sex thing hate being called gay. I've seen old movies on TCM

and folks called people gay that liked the opposite sex. (for example : john was so gay at the ball last nignt his wife said...)

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 01:17 PM
See for me this poster actually makes me feel more inclined to dislike gays...

The fact that the homosexual community has to be so up in your face all the time about gay rights etc really bores me these days. The majority of people couldnt care less as to what someone does in terms of their sexual preferences. But as of late it seems that the homosexual community of the world are really trying to force this stuff down our necks. It almost seems that if people sit back and are not bothered by their sexual orientation; they feel they have to make more of a nuisence about it all.

To summarise the whole 'Gay' issue is absolutley boring the tits off of me these days

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 01:55 PM

Originally posted by one4all
Some few people figured out how to manipulate situational and societal dynamics in support of their small special interest groups,and they used fiscally backed legalese and public sales tactics to do this.Where I live the younger generation has developed a word that makes me chuckle---it is NOHOMO---ha ha ha.Nature has its ways of fighting back--you see kids today are fed up with all the artificially generated hype--they actually are more tolerant and accepting than their parents and grandparents--so now we have a dynamic where kids are telling the gay factions that no one cares to hear about them anymore and in fact another word has been created to illiterate the point--NOHOMO--now isnt that ironic??Regular kids are going out of their way to not let a small special interest group hichike upon or hijack their societal votes or influences---no more spindoctoring--this younger generation is accepting and also defensive of the voice of the many.Full circle so to speak.

I hate to potentially interfere with what seems like a nice view, but I think you might be interpreting that term incorrectly.

IMO it buys into the "gay is bad / unnatural" hype. Literally translated it would be something like "but I'm not gay."

Example with context: "Hey bob -- that sweater looks great on you. No homo."

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by Wonderer2012

If this upsets you then i bet those tampax ads on tv telling what tampon you need really grinds your gears.

Some ads arent directed at you. Get over it!

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by luciddream

Okay, there is another way to put it that is a bit more direct. When a group represents far less than 10% of the overall population, it may be my obligation as a decent human being to tolerate that small minority. In fact, I'd make a strong argument it is basic human decency to show tolerance.

Acceptance however, is not a right to be demanded and that's given as each sees fit. I personally do find the gay lifestyle offensive on many levels. It's not my place to put it in anyone else's face or make them uncomfortably aware of how I feel., either. It's something I keep to myself 99% of the time. This is that 1% exception.

It's also looking at this backwards to suggest I or anyone else have something to 'get over' because some find a private matter between adults to be offensive when paraded in public as a banner cause in various forms...every single day. It does get old...

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by SearchLightsInc
Lol i actually saw this poser last week and took a pic on my phone, my initial reaction was laughter because i thought "That'll probably piss someone off"

Looks like plenty of people are getting their knickers in the twist over it - Mission accomplished!

I suppose the point is to get the reader angry so they realise that they have to get over it.


And that is called social engineering

I say

edit on 26-10-2012 by HIWATT because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by HIWATT

Originally posted by SearchLightsInc
Lol i actually saw this poser last week and took a pic on my phone, my initial reaction was laughter because i thought "That'll probably piss someone off"

Looks like plenty of people are getting their knickers in the twist over it - Mission accomplished!

I suppose the point is to get the reader angry so they realise that they have to get over it.


And that is called social engineering

I say

Yeah but lets be honest here, social engineering has been needed to undo the sheer ignorance spreaded by such demons as the church, who's opinion's wrongfully embedded themselves into society - thankfully those hateful opinions have become just whispers in a more tolerant society.

So a sign is asking you to get over people being gay, why dont you get over the sign and stop making such a fuss?

Irony if your reply is:

Some people are whiny and dont know how to see a sign for face value and get on with their lives! GET OVER IT!"

If so, touché ATS poster, touché .

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 05:45 PM
Reply to post by KoolerKing

I fail to see how telling you to be nice to people is a bad thing...even with an exclamation mark.

I respect that it could he construed as telling you how to think, but it's hardly as if you're chained to a chair and being tortured until you uttered "I like gays!"

If it was promoting hatred, I would see the problem, but if somebody tells you what to think, and it benefits all, then it aint really a problem. I think that as a freely voluntary member of society, if you're expected to put up with certain memes, then you should, since you vote the people that create these ideas, and as a society, if being nice to people is what the majority want, but it aint what you want, then there are homophobic/racist/ageist/(insert whatever else somebody might be) societies willing to accept with open arms

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