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Horrible EU poster. "Praise Joseph Stalin + worldorder"

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posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 02:51 AM
reply to post by SaturnFX

The avatarpic shows something i dislike a lot - i actually dislike nuclear power so much I think we shuld replace the power plants ASAP, because of stuff like Fukushima. Reports show that almost all of the US and European plants got leaks or other machineproblems/saftyissues - that is in no way comfoting to me

I actually do think there is a few things we could build unions around - but that is unions with very little real power.

The EU was a great project untill they made the Maastrict treaty and startet the decentralization, untill then the goal with our union was peace within the boarders of the union and free trade. Since then it has just grown worse and worse.

Free trade, human freedomrights are some of the things it would be ok to add into a union. We could also make common rules that restrict/ban posison in our food, drinking water, the air we breath and protect the environment, BUT it need to be documented....I dont want to pay carbontax just because AlGore thinks global warming might be true. We could make world"projects" like common research into stuff like free energy and spacetravel.

As soon as you start micromanaging with all sorts of regulations, executive orders, topdownrules on how i should live etc. i say STOP!

edit on 27-10-2012 by Mimir because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 04:14 AM
Unions can never work, people dispise the idea of their nationalities and countries being consumed into a supranational organisation.

Which is why the delusional ramblings of those who desire to see the world unionised will remain just that; delusional ramblings.

What he fails to grasp is threatening strong armed tactics to force countries into unions only serves to further damage your cause.

posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 06:11 AM
reply to post by Rebroadcast

The Iroquois Confederation supposedly required 25 yrs. to be ironed out. Hence a lot of thought went into putting it together. Most of us know little about it because Indians were savages. Right?

In 1754 Franklin asked a gathering of American colonial delegates—white men—to use the constitution of the Iroquois Confederacy, adopted in a peaceful merger of six combative tribes, as a model for what would eventually, in 1781, be ratified as the U.S. Articles of Confederation. The Iroquois constitution banned the forced entry of private homes by a tribal government, protected freedom of political and religious expression, and imposed the impeachment of corrupt leaders. Among the long list of other fascinating Indian unknowns, the fact that Articles I, VI and VII of our Constitution are modeled after the Iroquois charter, is a story not widely perceived. Not until 1987 did the U.S. Senate finally pass a resolution stating that the U.S. Constitution had been modeled on American Indian democracy.

Unions can never work, people dispise the idea of their nationalities and countries being consumed into a supranational organisation.
Check out the Iroquois constitution and you will realize that it could be done. The Iroquois did it. The Indians only lost in the end because of technology differences and I suspect to them being jaded by these "advance beings" whose tongues were so sweet. Otherwise the Europeans would have had to hike it back or join the club.

those who desire to see the world unionised
Anyone thinking this is possible I think is dreaming.

What he fails to grasp is threatening strong armed tactics to force countries into unions only serves to further damage your cause.
This is done through "Enlightened Agents" and sold to the populace through heavy duty PR campaigns.

posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 07:32 AM
reply to post by Mimir

Worth reading with good (and sometimes amusing) footnotes:

AfterInfinity commented that "Communism is not a bad thing ... etc."

Sure, whatever.

posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by 11235813213455
How much blood has the USA spilled for Europe to defeat the communists, socialist, and fascists in the last century?

Not nearly as much blood as Europeans have spilled to defeat those groups.

In WW1 the US lost 116,708 servicemen and just 757 civilians from direct military action or suffering . In comparison, France lost 1,397,800 servicemen and in excess of 400,000 civilians from direct military action and suffering.

In WW2 the US lost 416,800 servicemen and only 1,700 civilians from military action or suffering. In comparison, Poland, who was the victim of an unjustified fascist invasion, lost 240,000 thousand servicemen, and 5,580,000 civilians.

It makes me sick to my stomach every time I hear a yank sounding off about how much blood they shed, if you could even comprehend how miniscule your losses were in comparison to those of European nations, you'd see just how outragous you are.

Originally posted by 11235813213455
You can only be saved from yourselves so much and I say if this is what you really want we should let you tie that anchor to your necks and jump overboard. You are no longer worth it.

You are just a joke. A bad, tasteless, ignorant and stupid joke.

posted on Oct, 28 2012 @ 09:15 PM
It's funny how Islamic symbols appear more often than Christian. I'm not christian- I'm an atheist- although I do prefer Christianity over Islam and Judaism.
It's their agenda blatantly clear.

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