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9/11 Journey for Truth

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posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 10:19 PM

Originally posted by hellobruce

Originally posted by JeZeus
I would like to ask you to provide video evidence of a tower falling in the exact same way as the wtc , this collapse must be due to fire damage alone to support the official story ... once i have seen this evidence i will change my mind in a heartbeat.

Actually, show me a tower constructed the same way as the WTC that was hit by a jet airliner that did not collapse. Of course you are unable to, so it looks like whenever a tower built like the WTC is hit by a high speed airlined it will collapse, as it has happened in 100% of the cases so far.

So why no change in building regulations then ? it`s been 11 years man.

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 12:21 AM

Originally posted by nighthawk1954

Originally posted by tinhattribunal
reply to post by nighthawk1954

and I lost friends that were on one of those flight's

you are friends with phony photoshopped creations? l

Yeah this will be removed...FYOU! What have YOU ever dome to save lives or help your fellow man???
You must be some dumd kid or or stupid adult with no guts!
edit on 25-10-2012 by nighthawk1954 because: (no reason given)

Still hasnt been removed ...... if that`s what he believes that`s what he believes ..... i`m partial to the idea as it seems plausable , but the lack of CONCRETE evidence kind of puts a halt to my line of thought.

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by BrianG
If only a small portion of what I read on that page is true it sickens me

It is not true, just a I hate jews site.

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 12:44 AM

Originally posted by hellobruce

Originally posted by JeZeus
I would like to ask you to provide video evidence of a tower falling in the exact same way as the wtc , this collapse must be due to fire damage alone to support the official story ... once i have seen this evidence i will change my mind in a heartbeat.

Actually, show me a tower constructed the same way as the WTC that was hit by a jet airliner that did not collapse. Of course you are unable to, so it looks like whenever a tower built like the WTC is hit by a high speed airlined it will collapse, as it has happened in 100% of the cases so far.

Hmm , i`m familiar with this tactic ......... as i stated , i have been in countless discussions and arguments over the findings of un official investigations into the events of "9/11", and that my friend , is a response i`d expect from someone who is blatantly trying thier damn best to keep the official lie going.

Show me the evidence i requested , and i will personnally get the funds to re-build the towers and attempt to knock them down. And i`m homeless - that`s how confident i am.

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 02:55 AM

Originally posted by TheBlackHat

after all we have seen a huge advance in drone aircraft over the last 11 years...but not holograms that can be pasted into the clear blue sky.

Yeah and who has that kind of technology anyway?

From video:

Brief Description...

"The holographic projector plays a 3 dimensional image in a desired location removed from a display generator. The projector can be used for Psychological Operations and Strategic Perception Management. It is also useful for OPTICAL DECEPTION and cloaking."


"Precision projection of 3 dimensional visual images into a selected area."


Here's some potential 'Strategic Perception Management' for you to examine closely:

And in case you missed it from the other thread:

Have a look at these 'people' hanging out of the tower in this here clip. Check out early on, there's a guy lower down the wall waving. His arm appears to float away and dissipate. What do you think? You think that's a real arm on a real guy or no?

Everybody, raise your hand if you think that's a real arm (or even a half decent depiction of a real arm) on a real guy.


edit on 26-10-2012 by NWOwned because: for clarity

edit on 26-10-2012 by NWOwned because: added partial text from first video

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 03:25 AM

Originally posted by JeZeus
Show me the evidence i requested ,

But no high speed jetliner has hit a building of similiar construction, so there is no evidence.

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 03:54 AM
Here's the way I look at it....

Lets say you got someone who's trying to build a house.

He gets in a bunch of TRADES PEOPLE. Each to do a different part of the job.

He gets each in at different times. If 2 end up at the job site together the home builder ensures they try and not communicate much as they're doing there jobs.

Gradually the house gets built. As it's getting built the plumbers says to the home builder "nice house you're building here". And the home owner replies. "oh no you got this all wrong, this isn't a house, it's a barn. And don't ask so man questions, just complete your job so I can pay you and get out of here okay."

Same thing happens with the electrician, with the drywallers, with the carpet people, painters etc etc etc.

Then at the end there's a house. So the trades persons start talking about this house. They say "look I knew it seemed like there was a house being built, but I wasn't allowed to talk to anyone". And All I knew was I was suppose to do one small job and get paid and be gone.

This happens with each trades person , but none of the trades persons talked much, none new each other, they were all told it wasn't a house they were building. So All the trades persons are confused. They're all like "I don't know what anyone else was up to, and all I knew was that we were building a barn, not a house???" So when they found out it was infact a house later they didn't understand the big picture. They couldn't understand how the rest of it was built. They couldn't understand why they were lied to.

So then someone asks one of the trades person "what was your roll? Did you know it was a house? Did you know who else was in on building it??" And the trades person has no good answers to explain any of it.

So I'm trying to make an analogy here. If each party involved with the build doesn't know what's going on. Is kept in the dark, isn't told about other trades people and what they're roll is, doesn't have any idea of what other trades people are doing or why? And doesn't ask a lot of questions. Then.....

the whole thing can be..... COMPARTMENTALIZED!!!

So when the SHTF everyone is confused. No one knows what happened or why.

so that's exactly what the controllers of a big op do. They compartmentalize everyone involved. No one knows about each other. No one talks to other parties involved. Key people are kept in the dark to give them plausable deniablity.

So in the end if they ask the plumber "we demand you tell us how they built this house???" .... all he knows is...I didn't know they were building a house, I was told it was a barn, and I have no clue how to build a whole house, all I know is plumbing, and now all I can do is "theorize" on what might have happened.

So you got all these groups theorizing. and postulating as to what actually happened. As they don't know it but it's the chess master moving the pieces on the board. "THEY GOT PLAYED!".

THAT'S WHAT 911 WAS, a big project but that was compartmentalized, and carefully orchastrated. That's what the see eye ah is good at doing. Setting up missions just like this.

so in the end know one knows for sure what really happened! and that way they can create the story using MSM to create the fall guy and the narrorative as to what happened. And most people will believe it.

Oh ya it was that been ladin guy, but the seals got his butt in the end!!!......YA RIGHT. LOL

edit on 26-10-2012 by r2d246 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 05:02 AM
Soooo they specifically constructed these buildings to withstand impact from planes, yet they forgot that planes have fuel in them which would burn them down anyway.. Riiiiiight...

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 07:45 AM
reply to post by vipertech0596

The 5 Israelis, were on their van, and did not show up until after the first jet hit. At that point, they became just like several thousand other people in the area that day and broke out their cameras.

Except unlike several thousand other people they were happy for some reason.... Maybe they need more financial aid?

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 07:47 AM
Yeah, nah the whole 9/11 situation makes complete sense! Osama was a Saudi. The 19 alleged hijackers were apparently Saudis. Israelis were arrested for dancing and filming it. So, let’s invade Afghanistan and then a couple year later Iraq. That’s logical. Stay out of Saudi A and Israel, but go for nations with no links to the event. Very clever. Announce the $2.3T going “unaccounted” for the day before... Very sneaky. Didn’t hear much about that after the attacks. The entire thing as has been told is full of holes and frankly, makes no sense. The commission was nothing short of a complete farce. I’m not sure how people cannot see that? Building 7 was never mentioned in it, why the hell not? The official story resembles a big, mouldy slab of Swiss cheese. If you don’t question authority you’ll surely be led astray at every opportunity. Whether the official story is true or not (haha, kidding aren’t you?) it’s a good thing to at the very least, question it.

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 08:56 AM
reply to post by hellobruce

It is likely that the famous 45 degree cut collumn was done during the cleanup.
But my favorite 45 degree cut is over a 150 feet in the air, and the only photo i know of it appeared in a large format austrailian book on 9/11
could not have been done in cleanup. only by shaped demo charges, which is a triangular tape wrapped around a column at 45 degrees to vertical made of c4 equivalent.
necessay for demolition, otherwise the upper column just falls an inch and sits on the lower.

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by NWOwned

Originally posted by TheBlackHat

after all we have seen a huge advance in drone aircraft over the last 11 years...but not holograms that can be pasted into the clear blue sky.

Yeah and who has that kind of technology anyway?

From video:

Brief Description...

"The holographic projector plays a 3 dimensional image in a desired location removed from a display generator. The projector can be used for Psychological Operations and Strategic Perception Management. It is also useful for OPTICAL DECEPTION and cloaking."


"Precision projection of 3 dimensional visual images into a selected area."


Here's some potential 'Strategic Perception Management' for you to examine closely:

And in case you missed it from the other thread:

Have a look at these 'people' hanging out of the tower in this here clip. Check out early on, there's a guy lower down the wall waving. His arm appears to float away and dissipate. What do you think? You think that's a real arm on a real guy or no?

Everybody, raise your hand if you think that's a real arm (or even a half decent depiction of a real arm) on a real guy.


edit on 26-10-2012 by NWOwned because: for clarity

edit on 26-10-2012 by NWOwned because: added partial text from first video

Im surprised Im replying to this...but you are part of the problem...on offence..Im sure your well meaning...but yeah, your part of the misinformation...or disinformation...Its like you cant have a rational outlook..and anyhow who does have a rational opinion that may differ from the official story, will get lumped in with you and people like you...who are choosing..perhaps willfully take the most outlandish and improbable explanation.
The same people who insist a smudge or a blur on a screen is absolutely without question an advanced alien space ship...
I mean does anyone take John Lear seriously?
Second point, your video shows a person stood in the impact area of a Why is that impossible to believe? If you were in one of the offices directly beneath the impact, would you rather stay there and die from smoke inhalation or climb up to where you could see least that would make sense to me...duh.
And as far as disappearing arms...go and light a fire in your back yard...and put a bunch of grass on will see it generates a whole bunch of thick grey smoke..then get someone do dance or wave heir arms on one side of the fire...and guess what happened...the smoke "obscures" of their body..then go about two thousand yards away and film this...and it will be a blur just like the footage you have...I mean is this state of the truther movement???? Or is it the state of the truther movement that some people want us to think is the state of it??? because these outrageous and impossible ideas only hurt rational arguments against the official story. These claims, make it so everyone who does not accept the official line are all bunched as crackpots...and this is exactly how the media work to discredit arguments and to discredit legitimate reasoning and debate...How many times over the decades did the media insinuate everyone who believed in aliens was a crackpot? And for decades the only ufo experts allowed air time on most mainstream media outlets were indeed...crackpots...helping to aid the mainstream media in discrediting all people who logically concluded alien life was highly probably, rather than a insane crackpot idea.

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 10:14 AM
A plausible story...Middle eastern extremist hijackers, took over American airliners.
Weather of not its true..its still plausible...Lots of people gets convicted, who happen to be innocent, because there is a plausible story behind their convictions.
An implausible a story that has little chance of being true..."The dog ate my homework"...Or..."those planes were holograms"
On very rare occasions even highly implausible stories turn out to be the existence of the platypus.
So bearing this in mind...people tend to go with the most plausible explanation.
The only time a plausible story is when you can produce "reasonable doubt".
In a court of say planes were holograms, would be considered unreasonable..because no technology exists in the public domain that can reproduce these effects that have been claimed...and unless you can demonstrate technology like this...full scale, then it does not wash...and your argument would be thrown out...reasonable people know this...only unreasonable people, who are wired wrong, hold onto ideas like this.
And its the same unreasonable and irrational people that push these wacko theories that help to discredit any reasonable plausible argument.

there is a stack of reasonable plausible doubt...against the official story...a mountain of reasonable plausible other explanations..however these reasonable explanations are shouted down by the loud crackpot as to muddy the water and discredit the whole truther movement. In fact the truther movement has been so infiltrated by wacko theories...that most reasonable people..would not want anything to do with the truther movement, because of the stigma of being associated as a wacko..

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 10:18 AM
My basic points to list are these:

1) The terrorists were from a region that the first Bush established connections with.

2) As soon as Bush Jr. Comes into office, these terrorists launch an assult on the U.S. due to the actions of his father (presumably).

2.5) Recap of above observations - Bush No. 1 forms a political bridge between two nations before retiring. Bush No. 2 is in place just in time to see that political bridge backfire. Coincidence?

3) Terrorists attacked almost exactly as the Japs did. Surely, we couldn't be hit the same way twice? We're America, dang it. Are we that stupid?

4) Official scientific investigation mysteriously lacking. Forensics fail to comb over the area, preferring to leave the primary evidnce avilable to the public as a handful of civilian-recorded clips of footage that don't give us a very clear idea of exactly how things went down.

5) We have one of the greatest and most sophisticated military forces in the world, and we failed to prevent a couple of commercial kamikazes?

6) We were warned of a possibly imminent attack, according to Al Gore, and yet points number 3 and 5 still happened. Pearl Harbor all over again.

7) A full and detailed description of the analysis of the collapses of the towers has not been released. Brief overviews are available, but they don't do justice.

8) Would anyone here trust the government NOT to pull something like 9/11 off for the completion, continuation, or commencement of agendas unknown? Do we trust them not to use us as expendable pawns to be offed for their political gain?

That's what I have for now. Looking the list over, our country is either extremely stupid or coldly cunning. I'm not sure which option I like better.

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
My basic points to list are these:

1) The terrorists were from a region that the first Bush established connections with.

2) As soon as Bush Jr. Comes into office, these terrorists launch an assult on the U.S. due to the actions of his father (presumably).

2.5) Recap of above observations - Bush No. 1 forms a political bridge between two nations before retiring. Bush No. 2 is in place just in time to see that political bridge backfire. Coincidence?

3) Terrorists attacked almost exactly as the Japs did. Surely, we couldn't be hit the same way twice? We're America, dang it. Are we that stupid?

4) Official scientific investigation mysteriously lacking. Forensics fail to comb over the area, preferring to leave the primary evidnce avilable to the public as a handful of civilian-recorded clips of footage that don't give us a very clear idea of exactly how things went down.

5) We have one of the greatest and most sophisticated military forces in the world, and we failed to prevent a couple of commercial kamikazes?

6) We were warned of a possibly imminent attack, according to Al Gore, and yet points number 3 and 5 still happened. Pearl Harbor all over again.

7) A full and detailed description of the analysis of the collapses of the towers has not been released. Brief overviews are available, but they don't do justice.

8) Would anyone here trust the government NOT to pull something like 9/11 off for the completion, continuation, or commencement of agendas unknown? Do we trust them not to use us as expendable pawns to be offed for their political gain?

That's what I have for now. Looking the list over, our country is either extremely stupid or coldly cunning. I'm not sure which option I like better.

Your forgot tower number 7...but something as glaring as a building falling without being hit...has always been the most compelling piece of evidence against the official story...along with the entire disintegration of the plane that hit the pentagon....something I don't believe has ever happened to a crashed airliner in history....I mean after a plane crashes in the ocean even then the pieces are always collected and the plane reconstructed...not with the pentagon hit though....

These unaccounted for anomalies...or whatever you want to call them...are only two of many concerning 9/11...yet the media disregard them...and worse rigorously insist anyone who questions these unpatriotic or a lunatic crank..This has led to a general acceptance among the public that 9/11 is what it has always been made out to be ...a terrorist attack...because unfortunately 70 percent of the population are highly suggestible...and easily manipulated...its a fact of some research and you will find im right on this. Look up the




People are the vast majority of instances very easy to influence..even when that influence files in the face of logic.

that leaves about 30 percent who do not believe everything they are told..simply because they are not highly suggestible...also keep in be highly suggestible does not mean you are stupid...ignorant or fact the higher your education and intelligence then easier you are to manipulate through propaganda and psychological conditioning. This is not me making up the research on hypnosis..advertising industry...the media.....and politics.

And its these reasons why society at large has gone along with the program...every society does the same thing...we buy products based on conditioning...we follow lifestyles due to conditioning...If you dont believe me...seriously ask yourself why you drive the car you drive or wear the clothes you wear...or any number of choices you make...Its all conditioning.

The 9/11 questions will only ever be asked by the 30 percent...and the 30 percent will never be able to influence the other 70 percent...because its whoever owns and dominates the media that controls the masses...people are designed this way...Civilization would not function unless you could have a majority follow the program and play ball...The people who know this , exploit this fact...TPTB throughout every civilization depend on the 70 percent ...the people we refer to as sheep...Even Jesus called them sheep...and himself the Shepard.

The sheeple...are not to be hated or blamed...and not to be woken up...because you cant wake them can only recondition them to another set of ideas and propaganda. if you tell them the truth, you would still have to indoctrinate them to it..because thats how the majority of people are made to function.

edit on 26-10-2012 by TheBlackHat because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 03:51 PM


posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 03:52 PM
reply to post by JeZeus

Because planes dont regularly fly into buildings that why. Change the building code?

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 03:56 PM

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 03:59 PM


posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by karen61057

Why you yelling?

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