posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 10:04 AM
I am not one to think about strange alien phenomenom in my waking life, period. Give me some good physical doom. breakdown, civil
unrest, ok maybe a solar event that knocks out the grid, but not aliens or wierd never before seen things. But for the second time in a month, last
night being the latest, I am dreaming of our skies at night filling with strange white to transparent things moving above us circling us. This vision
I have never seen before, not on tv, not in a movie, but both dreams were almost exact.
These thousands of lights seem to be convening over our earth in a fast pace, some are round and some are like short lines. A few in the pack drag
with them these translucent bags that seemed to glow yellowish like a jellyfish. In my dream I got the impression they were like extra fuel. In
these 2 dreams I and everyone is outside and mesmerized by the vision of this, and scared but not so scared as to run or do anything. Actually the
first time I dreamed this, the lights were fewer, and not as obvious, last night's dream, the night sky is a light show, of silent white orbs and
short lines.
It's just a dream, I know, but when you can not even imagine something in your mind prior to a dream it does make you wonder, what the heck? I woke
up before anything else happened, but at the end I was starting to have an epiphany, or just started to shake myself from being mesmerized and
thought, time to move into survival mode. Oh, an in the dream, I did actually think could this be an ellaborate illusion, like Bluebeam (which I've
read about here minimally in years past).
Anyone dreaming of anything similar? Just curious.