posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 12:08 AM
Hi again, I was contemplating a few articles posted here on ATS this evening, and suddenly it occurred to me that in the event of Nuclear Fallout,
most people will not know how to respond appropriately; So it dawned on me that even I would not necessarily know how to react and what to do if this
type of thing occurred;
I thought it might be a good idea to start a topic on how to prepare for N-FALLOUT, and for those of you who are are particuarly knowledgeable in the
area of preparedness "nuclear-style", please share any and all information or videos that you may be aware of for all to see!
I'm thinking breathing apparatus', water and food supplies, etc., but how long can one survive in any region of the world if some type of detonation
occurs and how long before the atmosphere becomes contaminated elsewhere: Does it take days, months or years, for the dispersion of contamination to
occur and does it depend on how the wind blows? What are the various factors involved in the dispersion, that would be another thing to consider;
There might be a bright lot of you who could be familiar with the Science of it all.. maybe you'll be interested in sharing some facts, points, and
Neat topic, eh? No doomsday, just wondering what an aftermath response should responsibly look like;
edit on 25-10-2012 by tony9802 because: typing error
edit on 25-10-2012 by Gemwolf because: Removed all caps from