posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 02:36 PM
Originally posted by Arken
Yet another pseudo skeptic about aliens do not exist because I'm such an original thinker and here's my thoughts on why post.
I'm wouldn't necessarily bash the idea of life on Mars, but I'm not going to believe that Kanye West mentioning a "Bar on Mars" in a song is any
kind of evidence whatsoever of cities on Mars.
I mean, really. I'm as open minded as the next guy, but confirmation bias like this in the OP could be seen as CLOSE-MINDED. What I mean is that
there are people who have such a confirmation bias that they would not consider anything at all that does not agree with their preconceived notions,
and at the same time they are very quick to see confirmation of those preconceived notions anywhere and everywhere (such as in a Kanye West
That's a definition of close-minded.
I'm open to the possibility of life on Mars, especially microbial life underground. Just show me. I pay attention to all of the information about
possible life on Mars, and make my own judgements based on ALL of that information -- not just the information that my closed-mind agrees with.
If I see evidence that goes against what I think and believe, I make it a point of investigating that evidence a little closer to see if it should
change what I already think I know. I'm always open to evidence of new/different ideas. For example, contrary to what I once thought about Venus,
there are some NASA studies that suggest that the higher-altitude clouds of Venus could hold microbial life. NASA does not have a lot of evidence to
support the hypothesis, but I -- and NASA -- still consider it a possibility.
...and, by the way, this is not that "original". ATS has had many threads over the years about pop stars who (for some strange reason) are made
privy to all of the secrets of the all-powerful "TPTB", and decide to litter their songs with references to these secrets. This thread is just one