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'Number 10 link to paedophile ring'

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posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 02:43 AM
reply to post by blupblup

Shame Top of the pops isnt on any more,imagine they had play that.

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 04:10 AM
Well well, this topic sure is hot in UK over the ages. The case of Dunblane caught my eye as I didn't know very much about it. Searching on ATS brought up this discussion thread where an excellent article is mention showing that this rabbit hole is extremely deep.

Discussion on ATS

The rumors and allegations concerning Lord Robertson's ties to Hamilton, and the possibility that the American intelligence services may be blackmailing Tony Blair into continued support for a U.S. invasion of Iraq, have been given fire by internet investigator and intelligence expert Michael Keaney: "An additional, and potentially explosive, aspect of US leverage over Blair is the FBI's investigation of users of child porn websites which has already claimed a number of high profile scalps. [....] The biggest two fish that come to mind are indeed high profile: firstly there is George Robertson, who today has announced that he will step down as NATO Secretary General after four years and two months in the job. Were he to be fingered the fall out would be spectacular but short-lived -- he's been a long time out of the cabinet and is sufficiently distant from Tony to be regarded as not requiring the presentational finesse of a "rolling" Cabinet committee, whatever that might be. However, our second candidate is most certainly very closely identified with the prime minister, and retains a high profile [and] continues to operate at a very high level indeed, whether in Europe, Japan, or even the Middle East."
Now this would explain a LOT as to why so many strange cases in the UK can so quickly be made to "disappear". It simply is too easy to do with crap like this being covered up for centuries.

There was a thread about how to make a politician/president do what the TPTB want. Well this is certainly one way.

edit on 3-11-2012 by tintin2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 06:55 AM

Originally posted by illuminnaughty
I think that these rich schools and colleges like Eton ect. Where the wags/fags thing is practiced, is partly to blame.

Not so sure about this. I didn't go to a "rich school and college", but rather a grammar school during the late 1970s and 1980s. A day school obviously, single-sex and we did have a 'fag' system (as well as masters in black gowns, Latin, Classical Studies, played rugby, had to carry a school bible, mandatory Cadet force &c.) but I'm not really sure what the fag system has to do with anything, to be honest.

Yes, it's bizarre, antiquated and legitimises fairly intense bullying behaviour but I'm not sure how it leads to paedophilia. Angry, repressed young men - certainly. Paedophiles? No. Fagging was basically about younger kids having to climb the school fences and run errands to nearby shop, being 'tapped-up' for change or carrying school bags. Maybe occasionally being human punch bags &c. Basically, the kind of bullying that can be found in practically any school of any kind. Nothing along the lines of young kid's arses being used for a toast rack in the common room or anything like that.

I think what you describe is more a case of a sadistic homosexual abusing their seniority in the school and this being a form of bullying that could arise practically anywhere. I know of a local secondary school where one of the 5th years forcibly bummed a 1st year sometime in the early 1990s. No fag system there: no messed-up class hierarchy, no school uniforms, no single sex streaming, no teachers wishing it was still 1870 with the proles knowing their place in society. Most large institutions (schools, prisons, workplaces &c) have bullying or people abusing their position in some kind of pecking order. Sadly, it's human nature and happens with or without a fag system.

Single sex boarding schools present specific problems that will allow the abuse you mention to happen. Maybe even single sex schools in general. One of the 'masters' (also a priest) was defrocked a few years after I left; he had a reputation for staring at lads getting changed after games. I can imagine that kind of scenario can 'up a gear' in an enclosed enviroment, removed from the outside world, families &c. However, again, that's not a 'fag' issue.

Certainly, not defending what you speak of though. I'm no defender of grammar schools (they're not the panacea of social mobility often claimed or even the hotbed of academic achievement others might also claim) and I'd certainly like to see parasitical 'charities' like Eton and the like closed down, mainly for political/class reasons though.

Sexual abuse, including paedophilia, is committed right across the class structure. It's not limited to people who went to grammar or private schools, which suggests that these kinds of places don't actually 'create' this kind of problem. I'd hedge a safe bet that young kids were getting molested in Britain long before any kind of school was set-up and it's not as if all paedophiles have double-barrelled names or any other kind of class signifier. A lot of them look like they can barely read, never mind pass an entrance exam to a school.

The issue here, and it's an important one, is that whilst this happens right across the class spectrum, the difference is in the ability to cover it up. Nursery worker who left school with little in the way of exams and scrapes by on minimum wage? No chance of covering it. Still good friends with old school chums who've now worked their way up to high political office and once had dinner with Prince Charles? Molest away! It won't come out at all!
edit on 3-11-2012 by Merriman Weir because: .

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 08:58 AM
reply to post by Merriman Weir

The issue here, and it's an important one, is that whilst this happens right across the class spectrum, the difference is in the ability to cover it up.
I suspect this is probable the key.

Once I watched a documentary in which it was mentioned that in an particular African tribe the men would "marry and have kids" but their "lover" would primarily be a "boyfriend". This was seen as being OK. Go figure

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 10:46 AM
On the issue of the paedophile ring in the government.
The mainstream in the UK have put a blanket on it and continue to talk about the Jimmy Saville story.
Nothing about what Tom Watson said in parliament has been repeated since he brought it up.

Even here on ATS, when a thread comes up about the government paedophiles .
The thread gets turned into a Jimmy Saville thread.

This issue can`t be just buried again.

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by lambros56
On the issue of the paedophile ring in the government.
The mainstream in the UK have put a blanket on it and continue to talk about the Jimmy Saville story.
Nothing about what Tom Watson said in parliament has been repeated since he brought it up.

Is this really the case though? The NewsNight thing was tapping into what Watson talked about.

The way I see this is that unless someone is politically autistic and loves the minutea of political figures long since out of office (how many people actually know the names of currentpoliticians, for example), then names that have long been the point of rumour are going to mean nothing to most people.

People are familiar with names like Savile, Starr, Glitter, Rossiter et al. A lot of us grew up with them being funny on the TV: comedy figures we laughed at and with, people we thought it was OK to like. It's a different relationship than we have with politicians and aristocracy: most of us are suspicious of the latter from that start. We don't trust politicians at the best of times!

It's this relationship with 'celebrities' (not all the names that will come out are celebrities) that provides the interest. That and what's come out about these names is more substantial (in the sense of the sheer amount) or even tangible than that of the politicians at the moment.

At the moment, the police are playing a game of Kerplunk. They've got to pull out the little plastic straws carefully and in the right order for it to all come crashing down. I don't think (current) police are in cahoots with paedophiles with this, holding stuff back. The Tories have made the mistake of shafting the police at every turn over the last 2 years and I doubt the police feel any sense of allegiance to politicians at the moment.

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by lambros56

Agreed,here on ats (the biggest conspiracy site on the web)this issue has been largely ignored,I dont like all the focus on savile however i feel he is coneceted to this(you cant discus a paedophile ring at no 10
without mentioning the necrophiliac child molester hwo spent christmas with thatcher)

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 03:51 PM
Tom Watsons(the man who first exposed the peadophile ring at no 10) blog today, 10 days that shook my world by Tom Watson MP,EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN THE COUNTRY SHOULD READ THIS,this is not going to go away,We should all thank this man for exposing this.

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 05:17 PM

I doubt the police feel any sense of allegiance to politicians at the moment.
Hope your right.

Since the case of the Belgium pedophile ring run by Dutroux, I am a pessimist. They will kill this if it means even putting a 100 yr. secrecy on it. Public Opinion = Zero.

posted on Nov, 4 2012 @ 08:56 AM
|If people want to know the name check out George Monbiot's twitter.feed.

oh and you migh tlike to read this now while you still can...
edit on 4-11-2012 by FireMoon because: add information

posted on Nov, 4 2012 @ 01:58 PM
link Check this out alleged *cough* bull#, guilty *cough* paedophile Lord Mcalpine's UK business telephone number. I think the nation should leave a few messages. Or get some Sun staff to hack it. If anyone is signed up to David Icke's forum, please put it on there for me on this fantastic thread. Ta.

edit on 4-11-2012 by magoo22 because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-11-2012 by magoo22 because: spelling error

posted on Nov, 4 2012 @ 02:22 PM
This is his luxury B&B in Italy. IEWS I think he lives there by the sounds of the reviews.

posted on Nov, 4 2012 @ 02:28 PM
Just gonna throw a few names here.

Lord Alistair McAlpine;
Ted Heath;
Derek Laud;
Michael Portillo;
Ken Clarke;
Gordon Brown;
Lord Peter Mandelson;
Michael Portillo;
Peter Lilley;
Alan Milburn;
Mike Hancock;
Mark Oaten;
Jeremy Thorpe;
Lord George Robertson;
Lord Greville Janner;
Lord Gerald Kaufman;
Lord Leon Britton;
Lord Andrew Hardie;
Sir Peter Morrison;
Alan Clark.

Who may or may not be guilty. These are names (among others) that keep cropping up.
edit on 4-11-2012 by mr-lizard because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 10:18 AM
So Keith Gregory, A man who's come forward about the abuse at the welsh care home in the 70's, said in an interview earlier that Politicians, Judges, Police Chiefs and Traders all abused boys at the care home.

And that ALL of them were Free Masons.

Very intriguing indeed.

edit on 6/11/12 by blupblup because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 03:30 PM
Also very interesting and something that others (on sites ACTUALLY discussing this topic) have mentioned before now, when talking about Savile's links to the Yorkshire Ripper.

He was actually questioned at the height of the Ripper incident

He had links and was in and around the area at the time.

Also the second man (who was never caught) that suspects identified, when this photo-fit was released

Also wasn't there a second set of footprints, 2 sets in one of the victims cases?


Oh well.

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by blupblup

I was reading last night, might have been on one of the links posted on this page - will try to find it a bit later - that one of the murders actually took place in front of a house belonging to SaVile. Lead me to wondering if he was home that night, watching from the window, went out to join in sort of thing.. After seeing that photofit - how much like him it is, well. Reckon it is worthy of further investigation at least. That picture that's going around with him, the Yorkshire Ripper and Frank Bruno - that is just totally creepy.

found it - it is here:

Strange - the tenth victim was killed on Savile Park Moor in Halifax - makes you wonder if Sutcliffe chose the place on purpose, name-checking his pal guessing that no one would ever figure it out.

Umm.. took another look at that list of victims here - victim number 1 was found on the Prince Philip Playing Fields in Leeds..

edit on 6-11-2012 by skjalddis because: link

edit on 6-11-2012 by skjalddis because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-11-2012 by skjalddis because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 09:34 AM

Originally posted by thebabyseagull
Tom Watson MP (the man who first exposed the peadophile ring at no 10) blogged at 10 days that shook my world by Tom Watson MP, EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN THE COUNTRY SHOULD READ THIS, this is not going to go away, We should all thank this man for exposing this.

Tom also states that his life has been threatened due to his persistence in exposing these scum in his above blog.

MP Tom Watson warned of threats after making no 10 paedophile allegation

Cameron's Investigation

Top Tory in child sex abuse scandal - Cameron orders full investigation

However Tom Watson has also just written an open letter to Cameron stating his expectation that the inquiry into paedophilia / pedophilia in the UK will reach into the highest levels of the UK Government including no. 10.

Letter to David Cameron regarding child sex abuse investigation

HOWEVER widespread opinion also has it that there will be a MASSIVE cover-up / whitewash. It is widely deemed that Savile was the tip of a very nasty mountain of child abuse which reaches from the very highest to the very lowest levels of UK Society including the Government (incl. past Prime Ministers(3)), MPs of all parties, SMPs, the Royal Family, high court judges, senior police officers, regional councillors, and care workers et al; Starr and Glitter are deemed to be but very small sacrificial minnows.

David Icke has bee exposing these scandals for a long while, now the authorities are beginning t take notice, typical is this report:

Scottish Paedophile Ring Exposed

Paedophiles in Parliament (and many other topics)

Chris Spivey Blog

More Paedophiles in Parliament

Chris Spivey Blog - more]

Paedophiles and the Royal Family

Chris Spivey - Royal Family expose]

BTY the term for the abused children was 'throw away boys' - and think exactly what male rape entails - without a condom. No wonder HIV / AIDS is a big problem. It is hoped by many decent ordinary folk on the Internet that these disgusting perverts abusing young children get what they deserve. But somehow it is also opined that the great white wash will be the biggest cover-up in the history of this nation.

posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 10:17 AM
We can't let this rest and be swept under the carpet like so many other things.The public need to not accept whatever scape goat the powers that be use, and force full and proper investigation no matter where it ends although not sure how we all could do this as every walk of life seems to have some very corrupt and depraved people within their ranks.

posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by skjalddis

Yep, have been looking at all of that elsewhere, there are so many weird things and "coincidences" in this whole thing, that you literally couldn't make it up.

This goes as high as possible and spreads very wide too.

posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by mamajo
We can't let this rest and be swept under the carpet like so many other things.The public need to not accept whatever scape goat the powers that be use, and force full and proper investigation no matter where it ends although not sure how we all could do this as every walk of life seems to have some very corrupt and depraved people within their ranks.

Exactly, we really can't.

They get away with everything.... but this, this is too important and too disgusting to be allowed to continue.

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