Let me make this simple. Dr Greer thought that a picture of a moth, taken at night, with a flash bulb, was an alien. Dr Greer, is either a fantasist,
or a bloody fraud, and in either case, has no legitimacy what so ever. He is part, in my opinion, of the least scientific approach to discovering the
realities of the alien question.
The fellow uses methodolgies which specifically CANNOT be tested by recongised science, in order to "prove" his "theories". If I ever met him, I
would rend him into his component atoms, just for misleading so many people, and wasting so much time. Him, and others who operate similar modes of
thought, have not only wasted the time of those they have managed to hoodwink, but prevent legitimate scientists from going near the subject without
significant risk to thier professional standing. Greer and his disciples are traitors to truth, and that makes them the enemy.
now i know this thead is slow as you are usually the first critic off the rack on Aliens.
Nah. I've just lost a degree of interest considering all we ever get are frauds like Greer, Thirdphaseofmoon, plus others, way too many people
gawking and goshing over balloons, Venus, conventional aircraft, lanterns, "something near the sun!!!", etc., as well as a never ending stream of
really poor "look what I found" youtube videos of the aforesaid identifiables, periodically punctuated with the occasional n00bish Drake's
Equation/'"Aliens have to exist because ..." threads.
On rare occasion there'll be an interesting thread, but, all in all for the most part, there's a consistency of overly predictable completely
noninteresting mush such that, I'm losing interest in checking this site for any refreshing new updates; certainly not as often as I have in the
More and more I feel like I'm repeatedly opening the same old Dr. Seuss book, expecting something different to show up.
edit on 24-10-2012 by Druscilla because: (no reason given)
feel the same way. I have just learned to accept that the truth will never be told.
I know there is something out there but its not going to be revealed to public as of yet.
Is Greer legit? Well, due to the campaign that surrounds him, so that he is more or less discredited, and skeptics rip him apart, due to the "moth"
photo many would say not. They really thinned the crowd around him, so that only experiencers can note that his information, his methods of
communication, and even some of his videos and recordings on real phenomenum, is most definitely authentic. And since he is trying to save this
cycle of humans, to oppose their depopulation and show that instead we can upgrade, I'd say, he has a lot of integrity and is actually keeps standing
up despite the real smear job that he was forced (he has a family) to participate in, because he knows ufology is real, is an experiencer, knows what
they're doing and what this NWO cycle means, and the new crop of cookies and new religions, new cycle they plan on forging, and by that I mean the
ruthless mismanagers and elitists/bloodlines of this planet and the negative entities they serve.
So I think he has a lot of integrity, speaking up despite the discrediting constantly done. However due to this real active campaign by Murder
Incorporated and due to him being compromised by them, every project he comes up with is put into some serious question. I would like to see a
miracle for a change, for him to be protected and be able to come forward with the real stuff. But all the ground crew can ever do is wait.
Here is a very good and very authentic presentation. And his recordings he's giving are real. The orbs at Shasta, are the same as Mount Adams and the
ufology is real. The Orion Tones is a very big greeting, that some of us recognize and can interpret.
Dr. Steven Greer presents "Contact & Disclosure: The Final Sequence"
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edit on 24-10-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)
My definition of integrity, standing up for what is right, no matter what kind of threats you end up with. Here on ATS, its standing up for what is
right no matter how many skeptics and wolves attack. Because you don't let down others with integrity. He is compromised but a really great guy, and
is working for solutions, that don't involve murdering the human race and NWO. It's ignoring, wealth, status, reputation, promotion, acceptance, etc,
and still doing the right thing and standing up for truth and LOVE.
edit on 24-10-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)