Every individual has their own way of handling each of these energies. How do you handle each? What makes you react a certain way when dealing with
adversity and how do you handle the joy of accomplishment?
Me I tend to handle each the same way. For every positive there is a negative and for every negative there is a positive. All actions have
reactions. The difference for each is free will.
If you hit the lottery and spend every dime of it on frivolous items until it is gone, did you learn anything from the experience? If you get a
college degree and end up waiting tables for a living, did you learn anything from the experience? if you become mangled in a terrible accident and
survive, did you learn anything from the experience?
Do like positive or negative attention for you behavior? I raised my son this way anytime he did something good he got rewarded and if he did
something bad he got punished. There is a lesson to learn from each experience.
My wife has asked me often, how do I deal with my circumstances and still maintain my positive outlook on life. I, tell her, I am here to learn
lessons in life, positive or negative, they both have something to offer.
I have many things that most would consider to be adversity that I chose to view as opportunities to learn something about myself and to take with my
soul when the time comes for me to ascend to my next existence.
It is very important to me that I be prepared daily for this occurrence, by allowing myself to not focus on the negative aspects of anything or get to
wrapped up in the positive aspects of anything and stay balanced. Balance is an interesting principle in it own right.
I do not live in fear, I let LOVE guide me and I prepare myself daily spiritually. I do my part to instill this in others because this is my
responsibility to my fellow souls/energies.
Do not let semantics get in the way of what is important. Religion/Spiritual, Prayer/Meditation, etc. There are many religions and many different
ways to pray, we have different levels of enlightenment and different levels of intelligence, You say one thing, I say another. For every reaction
there, is an action that it came from.
What is truly important? True LOVE. For yourself and for others this is a very difficult lesson to learn, but we need this now more than ever. I am
not a doomsday prognosticator, I believe every day can be the day I ascend. Just remember this bit of information though when you go to sleep tonight
and tuck your children in or say good night to your spouse or tell your parents you hate them? It may be the last time you do it, so make it count
and don't let your soul sleep on negative thoughts.
The dinosaurs never knew what hit them either.
Love to all who manage to make it through my thread without falling asleep.
edit on 23-10-2012 by ascension211 because: OOPS!