reply to post by bangoli
I’ve not had the same experience as you with a spirit guide, so I can’t answer the questions you pose. However, I’ve had basically two powerful
When I was about eleven years old, I woke up out of a dead sleep and saw a grey timber wolf standing in my bedroom staring at me. I rose up on my
elbow and we looked each other in the eye for about 5-10 seconds and then he dematerialized right in front of me. I wasn’t scared. I was thinking,
“Now what the heck is this?” To this day I’m not entirely sure what it meant, but when I was in my mid-twenties, I went to have a psychic
reading and the first thing this psychic says to me was, “There’s a wolf looking over your shoulder.” That blew me away. She said it was one of
my spirit guides and it materialized himself to me so that I knew he was with me. I don’t know if that’s true, but that’s what she said and I
know what I saw!
I never meditated until about two years ago. I never formally trained myself to meditate, but I read about it and watched some videos and then tried
it. It wasn’t easy, but eventually I learned to calm my mind. After I had one experience where I thought I visualized a negative image, I started to
ask my guides for protection while I meditated. It wasn’t until seven months ago that I asked my guides for help.
I really didn’t expect anything, but one day I “heard”: “Ask for nothing and receive everything.” “Enjoy every moment.” and “Do your
best to help others.”
I’m not that disciplined about mediating. I don’t do it every day and sometimes I fail miserably at it. About three weeks after “hearing”
these messages, I had an experience I’m still trying to fully understand. Here is what I wrote immediately after this particular meditation
July 25
For the last several weeks I’ve been inconsistent with my mediation. When I’ve meditated, my attempts to calm my mind have met with limited
success and my ability to “hear” any message has been zero. That is until today.
Like almost every mediation, reaching a calm mind today was a struggle. But this morning, for some reason, I felt it was important and I concentrated
a little harder. Since I was told not to ask for anything (“Ask for nothing and receive everything.”), I’ve been having a difficult time these
past few weeks focusing as my mind calms and I think that has been the problem. This morning, as my mind calmed, I asked,”Is there anything I should
know?” It took a little while, but suddenly I felt a very strong and loving presence. I felt very much like a small child in the presence of a
loving parent. And then I “heard”:
“There are things that will happen that you will not understand from your perspective. But be assured, these things that will happen are all part of
a larger plan and that larger plan is for the ultimate good. All you need to do is be good to each other, help each other and enjoy every moment of
your life.”
As I was “hearing” this, I had the images running through my mind that there was no real death. Our bodies may die, but our real selves--our
energy selves, our spirit, our souls--live forever. We are all part of the ultimate good and we should never fear death.
This was all conveyed to me in the most loving and reassuring manner that it made it impossible for me to question what was being said. The warmth and
wisdom of this presence just rushed through my body and I felt nothing but peace and joy.
Just as suddenly as this presence came, it left. The whole experience lasted less than two minutes and I now realize that it was the most profound
experience of my life. I’ve tried to contact this spirit guide every time I meditate now, but I’ve had no success. It seems it said exactly what
it wanted to say and exactly what I should know and live by.