Just wow, can't believe I have posted this many times, it has been a short 3 months since I became a member. Here are a few of the ways I have been
changed in that time, and few ways, I have learned to deny my own ignorance, largely because of you wanderful members, and some because of those with
whom I rarely agree.
The biggest of all -MONSANTO- I grew up in the country, saw their signs in front of the thousands of corn and soybean fields, yet knew nothing of
their many and quite varied misdeeds. I knew nothing about them other than they were a seed company, I was reading some older threads, and a member
said they hadn't heard of them. To which another member said " wow, I remember when I had a virgin brain."
I now understand that statement, as at the time, I was quite unaware, it blew my mind to see the many threads and posts about this subject, my
innocence was trully lost at the moment of reading about their work. ATS, I have only you to thank for this, if not for you, I would have truly
remained a sheeple.
UN Agenda 21- see the statement about monsanto and the loss of my innocence, mind blown yet again. Well done ATS!
Bilderburg- same as Monsanto and Agenda 21, was I trully so innocent and naive? I guess so!
The philosophy and metaphysics forums- at my statrt, I wouldn't even go in to a thread of this variety, now though, I read them quite frequently,
though I still comment rarely, as I don't really share the views of most of the posters at all, but I am more open to the concepts where I wasn't at
the start of my voyage on the good ship ATS.
Science- well I haven't really changed much in this category, maybe my indoctrination iks just much stronger in this category.
The fact that we are being lied to and manipulated on a fundamental and very base level, is what I have been most awakened to in all of this. I have
for a long time known somthing was going on, and have been searching for the truth, but been unable to find it.
The best way I can't describe this is, like the movvie the matrix, Neo didn't know what he was looking for, he just knew the world was a lie, and
the truth was out there somewhere, so he was seeking it. I am the same, and ATS is more like the blue pill, it doesn't hold all the answers, but it
does contain some of the truth am have been searching for.
Hopefully, I won't have a agent smith encounter though.