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BEHIND THE VEIL: Never-Before-Seen Footage of Secret Mormon Temple Rituals

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posted on Oct, 21 2012 @ 11:11 PM
reply to post by Murgatroid

I asked you to tell us all the truth about what you know that makes everyone so lost and out of the loop, except for you. In regards to the truth. So instead of telling us all a bold faced come up with a campy video.

Sorry, but quippy you tube videos don't cut it.

As I said, you don't even know the truth, so get outta hear. You have no right to pick on Mormons, or any religion for that matter.

posted on Oct, 21 2012 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by Sissel

Okay...........then why don't you enlighten us as to the place we should all be going to discover spirituality?

Post after post after post, people seem to be beholding of a better way to do something, without spilling the beans while knocking this, or anything else.

What's with you people who say things like this, without saying what's better?

Be honest, you have no clue!

Oh contrary. The very same bible says to seek the kingdom of heaven within.

It also says to be still and know.

And Jesus himself said something along the lines of, we set aside the laws of god by your traditions. This means ritual and tradition separate you from God, not make you closer.

Prayer is also confused. Worship along with it.

What we have today is a false remnant of what was intended. Indeed Jesus teachings tore down the temple and religious "know it alls" of his time. Thats why they killed him. The simple truth that god speaks thru your soul and that is where to seek and find him is all but lost. We may have the words and promises of that, but all the ritual and seeking outside ourselves by "going to church" is off the mark.

Let me tell you that when it is your time to know, you will know. He chooses whom to reach and when. All you need is an open heart. Not to learn of men, but to yearn for true fulfillment of the holy spirit. To find the way the people who wrote the bible found it. To be willing and ready and simply wait. I know that sounds difficult and "too simple" but there it is.

I can tell you are one that is looking, just in all the wrong places. The very notion that you keep asking others shows that you are a seeker, but now you have to try to find it within you instead of outside.

For example: when you go to school and sit in class the teacher teaches while you listen. You don't interrupt and ask for things, you shut up and listen. That is prayer. Sit in a room quietly and listen. Do it until you get past the pain of sitting and waiting. Do it several times a day in the beginning. Sit in the room and stay in the room. No sleeping, when your mind drifts come back to the moment. Keep practicing awareness and grow patience. That is rewarded after some time (a season) with little quiet lessons and replaying painful moments, healing in the light. That is prayer and worship.

How serious are you?

Are you willing to give up yourself to find yourself? Are you willing to forsake love of money, things, and self (vanity)? Most aren't. They are too enmeshed in the world. Too much a product of the world. We're supposed to be in it but not of it.

Don't worry too much if you can't understand parts of this, a true seeker will be led to the truth. That is a promise. Not a quick process at all. Takes a life time. Go about your business, and try some real prayer tomorrow morning. For the first time in your life Sit, be Still and Listen. Do it everyday. If it makes you anxious, its working.

posted on Oct, 21 2012 @ 11:32 PM

Originally posted by Unrealised
reply to post by FeelingPure

I personally don't believe the book of Mormon is true. I mean, I asked a friend of mine once where the so-called 'Holy' plates went, if there was any evidence of them, and he told me that they went up to Heaven.

Sure, it's in the book, but words mean nothing when it comes to hard-truth and proof.

However, I also think this video is just some strange concoction made to spread confusion.


But you most likely went to their reception to celebrate with the rest of their "Non-worthy" friends who couldn't go into the Temple. My best man at my wedding is Mormon and even I could not make it to the Temple for the actual ceremony. I could only go to their reception afterward since I am not Mormon.

posted on Oct, 21 2012 @ 11:36 PM
reply to post by intrptr

While I really appreciate your reply, and thanks, I did not ask for one from you.

I want to hear it from the other people who come in and make very snide comments, actually drive bye's, that lead us to believe they have all the answers to God, or any salvation.

It's like the post you just made. I am fully aware that it's a long process, and at a very personal level to say the least.

It's not beneficial to anybody, unless they want to share their nuggets of wisdom, for the taunting does nothing at all but to collect stars.

I'd call that the farthest thing away from Jesus as anyone could ever be.

posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 12:11 AM
Great Post Op...

posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 02:04 AM
reply to post by Sissel

Yes I agree, and I am pretty far away right now. Good posts from you both.

posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 03:18 AM

Originally posted by FeelingPure
Interesting, I am 20/Male Born a Mormon myself & find this interesting, I know i reaally shouldn't be watching this video but i couldn't help it, I am from a family of 4 brothers & 4 sisters including me, "youngest" all my brothers have served a full time mission expect me yet.. I KNOW sometimes religion goes on about certain things very strangely but iv come to know what this church is really about.. No i am not brain washed for i believe in their teachings of good moral standards truly brings everlasting happiness though, right now i am finding it hard to believe if the book of Mormon is true.

Mormonism is probably the most ridiculous religion ever invented bar Scientology; its claim that Jesus was an American should be enough to signal red flags for anyone who is capable of critical thought. It's just so blatantly fake that it baffles why anyone would want to believe in it.

This doesn't mean that other religions are any less fake, just that Mormonism, along with Scientology stick out like sore thumbs. How can somebody decide that Jesus was an American, like really?

posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 04:38 AM
They are Zionists (AKA Nazis) (AKA Satanists).......just like many other so-called "Christians" are. It's funny that some people would even be surprised that Zionists take an oath to destroy the United States. Lots og ifnorant people out there.

Mormons are just another Satanic snake cult.

posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 07:11 AM
reply to post by Sissel

Atheism is a religion, that puts down all other religions. Your just as guilty as anybody else in your beliefs. The only difference is, you will go to war, kill people, etc...for your own beliefs, which are just as bad as the religious folk.

You know what, i'm not having that, i don't force my opinions on anyone, i don't go knocking door to door trying to recruit atheist's, i haven't killed people because they don't believe in my beliefs.

Let me tell you this, i've seen war close up, i've seen what religious beliefs have done to another human being in the name of their god, i've seen young children brainwashed into doing evil things in the name of religion, so don't preach to me, i'm a atheist through my experience in life, there is no all seeing caring god out there, and trust me when i tell you this, i hate war more then anyone ANYONE.

So yes my stance on religion stands, i deplore it.

posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 08:24 AM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by adjensen
reply to post by Annee

And charity suffereth long, and is kind, and envieth not, and is not puffed up, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, and rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth, beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. (Book of Moroni 7:45)

Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. (1 Corinthians 13:4-7 King James Version)

Good thing that Paul's copyright expired a couple thousand years ahead of Smith, eh?

The Prophet did not “translate” the Bible in the traditional sense of the word—that is, go back to the earliest Hebrew and Greek manuscripts to make a new rendering into English. Rather, he went through the biblical text of the King James Version and made inspired corrections, revisions, and additions to the biblical text. Both the Lord and Joseph Smith consistently refer to the process of these inspired revisions and additions as “translation” deNav=1/en-en/

I did my researching 15 years ago. Its a lot more complicated then most people think.

Most information on the net regarding Mormons is incorrect.

As is what you just posted -- I wasn't quoting Smith's rewrite of the King James Bible, I posted a passage from Moroni that plagiarizes 1 Corinthians, word for word. Now, one might think "well, Moroni is just echoing the words of Paul (in a completely different context, and with a different intent)" but how did the 17th Century English word and sentence structure show up on these gold plates?

It's stuff like that which brought me to the conclusion that Smith had just made the whole thing up. I really wanted it to be true, because at that time of my life, I agreed wholeheartedly with the premise that the church had fallen into apostasy, but in the end, I realized that there are so many egregiously wrong things with Mormon history, theology and culture that it couldn't possibly be true.

posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 08:47 AM
This is about midway through the video:

It was uploaded October 16, 2012 and there are 2,038 Comments posted on it so far.

posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 08:48 AM
this makes me want to investigate the church and learn more about it.
other religions don't have the depth that this one seems to have, i already believe there has to be more than one god, it hints to it in the bible.
thanks for posting the video, it helped me realize there may be a true religion out there after all.
edit on 22-10-2012 by Thunderheart because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 08:49 AM
And they wonder why there's atheist's in the world. 100 years from now we'll have the Sacred Church of the Volvo Hubcap.... Reading the owners manual as if it's the bible. It's all comical, I mean all of it.

posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by TheMaverick
BEHIND THE VEIL: Never-Before-Seen Footage of Secret Mormon Temple Rituals

Being a atheist, i find all religion ridiculous, but the mormons are really weird, and as seen as the world superpower may well have a Mormon Bishop as commander and chief soon, i though some of you should see some of the weird stuff they do, and how they take a secret oath, known as the "Law of Consecration" were by they consecrate there life, time, talents and everything they will ever be blessed with, to the Mormon church and it's goal to achieve a worldwide theocracy headed by Mormons.

If only the Founding Fathers had the foresight to include freedom FROM religion in the Constitution.

Seriously people...this bullsh^t has gotta stop. When are the rest of us sane folk going to just stand up refuse to allow our government to devolve into a theocracy?

posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by MsAphrodite
reply to post by scarybear

I like your avatar. You used to alright, what happened?

Thanks... I guess following that would prevent me from participating in much interesting topics... I think a much better way to act isn't not to involve yourself in the discussion, but instead watch how you get involved. I found out you can't change people's minds over the internet, but you can learn about the way they think and expand your knowledge's horizons...


Originally posted by Sissel
reply to post by intrptr

While I really appreciate your reply, and thanks, I did not ask for one from you.

I want to hear it from the other people who come in and make very snide comments, actually drive bye's, that lead us to believe they have all the answers to God, or any salvation.

It's like the post you just made. I am fully aware that it's a long process, and at a very personal level to say the least.

It's not beneficial to anybody, unless they want to share their nuggets of wisdom, for the taunting does nothing at all but to collect stars.

I'd call that the farthest thing away from Jesus as anyone could ever be.

Mate, that's just what I said in that topic "Yours sincerely, Science". We were discussing and then came these folks saying stuff like that, and then when I questioned them it all became a snowball of insults and not much was made clear to me...

It's up to you to find a conclusion... But I guess you know what I mean

edit on 22/10/2012 by scarybear because: (no reason given)

edit on 22/10/2012 by scarybear because: Fixing quotes

posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by Thunderheart
this makes me want to investigate the church and learn more about it.
other religions don't have the depth that this one seems to have, i already believe there has to be more than one god, it hints to it in the bible.

Honestly - - if I was forced to belong to any of the larger organized religions - - it would definitely be Mormon.

I was Mormon for 5 years. It is an amazing organization in so many ways. These people live 24/7 what they believe. Their main focus is family.

posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by Thunderheart
this makes me want to investigate the church and learn more about it.
other religions don't have the depth that this one seems to have, i already believe there has to be more than one god, it hints to it in the bible.

Honestly - - if I was forced to belong to any of the larger organized religions - - it would definitely be Mormon.

I was Mormon for 5 years. It is an amazing organization in so many ways. These people live 24/7 what they believe. Their main focus is family.

Annee, you speak so highly of Mormons (I'm not being snarky) what was your deciding factor to leave them? Just curious.

posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by Thunderheart
this makes me want to investigate the church and learn more about it.
other religions don't have the depth that this one seems to have, i already believe there has to be more than one god, it hints to it in the bible.

Honestly - - if I was forced to belong to any of the larger organized religions - - it would definitely be Mormon.

I was Mormon for 5 years. It is an amazing organization in so many ways. These people live 24/7 what they believe. Their main focus is family.

lol, what makes you so crazy in this apologetic for mormonism you've attempted in this thread is you cannot accept facts that make you.....CRAZY. yOU HAVE HEARD FROM Christians that claim mormons are not Christian, they are a cult. You admit mormons do not claim to be Christian, and even churchians, which I believe you were claim they are not Christian. Yet you claim they are holding to the tiniest of thread hoping your stubborness wins the
And all this with your own admission that all your knowledge comes from an indoctrination that took place through your ex husband that guided you through the indoctrination process. The proof is that you yourself ask ONLY for lds talking points when you were confronted with your obvious contradictions. You were brainwashed and you simply refuse reproof when you have been thouroughly rebuked.
aND i WAS RAISED MORMON, READ THE BOM, D&C, was the deacon chorum president, the teachers chorum president and the priests chorum president. They are the church for wiccans that want mainsteam identity and a freemason affiliated front that was funded by the same bankers that funded the jehovas witnesses by and for the Rothschilds.

posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by TheMaverick

Seems pretty harmless. When I was a kid we had a secret handshake and a special knock to get into our clubhouse.
They don't seem to be hurting anyone with their rituals. I didn't see any child sacrifices or bloodletting. Maybe we should just leave them alone and let them do what makes them happy as long as they are not harming anyone else.
If what they are doing is offensive to God, HE will take care of it in HIS own due time.

posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 12:02 PM

Originally posted by TheGreatDivider

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by Thunderheart
this makes me want to investigate the church and learn more about it.
other religions don't have the depth that this one seems to have, i already believe there has to be more than one god, it hints to it in the bible.

Honestly - - if I was forced to belong to any of the larger organized religions - - it would definitely be Mormon.

I was Mormon for 5 years. It is an amazing organization in so many ways. These people live 24/7 what they believe. Their main focus is family.

Annee, you speak so highly of Mormons (I'm not being snarky) what was your deciding factor to leave them? Just curious.

My deciding factor to officially resign membership was their involvement in Prop 8. Which reflects on the leadership - - not members. There are member groups within the church in support of gays and gay marriage.

But before that - we moved to a smaller community. The leadership in that ward was not for me. They are all volunteers - except for the top leaders. The bishop had issues. About a third of the church left. A more devout person then me told me - - - I should understand the bishop being in that position was a learning experience for him - - - and he needed support. I didn't care.

If I had been a more devout god believer - - maybe I'd still be there. But in the end it was the leadership mostly. Its also a Patriarchal religion. As a feminist - - that doesn't set well with me. Although they really do honor women as being special. This is the Official LDS church. Not the offshoot Jeff Warren fundamentalists.

The people are wonderful. The way things are organized is great. Their focus is on family. If I'd been a young mother with kids - - I might have stuck it out.

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