posted on Oct, 20 2012 @ 09:07 PM
So, it's not enough here in Canada that we can no longer smoke at the local pub or within nine meters (about 30 ft for my empirical friends) of an
entrance to any building, now the newest round of legislation is aimed at eliminating all smoking in open-air arenas and on all restaurant patios.
For those of you who aren't familiar, the way it stands now is, as long as there is no covering or awning over the patio, it is up to the
restauranteurs discretion. I haven't searched to see if anybody has covered this here on ATS but I'm assuming someone has.
Listen, just recently the province of Ontario felt compelled to pass legislation that makes it illegal to smoke in a vehicle if any child under the
age of 14 is present. Now we start to hone in on the issue I'm beginning to have with all of this. Who are you half-wits? Well, speak up! Who are you
cretins? With all that we now know about the harmful affects of cigarettes and the their smoke, who are you fools smoking in the car with your kids?
It's people like you that ruin it for the rest of us. I have never needed someone and most certainly not the state, to tell me not to smoke in the
car with my children present.
Now, I understand that there are many of you who grew up exposed to point-blank second hand smoke, and I'm not trying to say your mothers or fathers
were idiots. It was a different time just 15 years ago and even more foreign if you go back 30 years. But c'mon people. Who hell are you ignoramuses
that still take four steps from the entrance of a hospital or school and then light the fag up? And more than that, you stand there and smoke the
whole thing. “Good morning, Timmy.” *puff* “Ready for Math class?” *puff*
Who's the idiot that is still smoking while pushing their kid on a swing in a crowed playground? Who, after being seated on a patio (or in any
outdoor situation), still lights a smoke even though the exhaust is blowing straight at young ones or non-smokers? Haven't you chumps figured out
what it means to be downwind?
What's with all the smoking regulations? Keep on being ignorant. Sure you have a right to smoke, being that it is still legal and all. You have a
right to enjoy that cigarette...just as much right as a non-smoker has a right to enjoy whatever activity he is partaking in without having some
irresponsible smoker fogging him out.
I'm a smoker and I take choosing when and where I smoke very seriously. The last thing I want to do is be one of these troglodytes who are ruining
it for everyone. And if in a few years it's no longer legal to smoke anywhere in public, don't say I didn't warn you.
Daniel L.