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Ryan in coal country hits Obama on energy

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posted on Oct, 20 2012 @ 09:00 PM
Ryan in coal country hits Obama on energy

Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan took aim at President Barack Obama's energy policy during a campaign swing through coal country Saturday. "One thing Belmont County can do," Ryan said here at Valley View Campgrounds, "if you head to early voting at your Belmont board of elections the one thing you can do is elect a man named Mitt Romney, who will end this war on coal and allow us to keep these good-paying jobs." Standing in front of a barn with a huge "Victory in Ohio" sign behind him, Ryan continued attacking Obama just two days before the final presidential debate: "Gas prices have doubled since President Obama was elected; we are losing thousands of coal jobs; we have a 100 coal plants that are scheduled to close; and thousands more jobs are on the chopping block. When you take a look at all his assault on oil and gas, he’s closing down oil and gas on our federal lands; he’s making it harder for us to get it overseas."

Looks like Ryan is sticking with what he knows best and that isn't telling the truth.
1. The President has nothing to do with the price of gas. Supply and demand sets the price of oil and that is set on a global scale. Ryan should start blaming the people really responsible for gas prices. You know the companies that get subsidies despite making record profits for decades.

2. Coal plants are closing because of more efficient ways of producing energy and not to mention cheap abundant natural gas. Take a guess what Iran has plenty of besides oil.

3. Obama is making it harder to get oil overseas? Since when? What does this idiot think those carriers in the Persian gulf are doing? Like Obama said in the debate if you don't use the permits that you have you will lose them and that's how it should be. No company should be allowed to get a permit for public land and then not use it.

4. Ryan overlooked the fact that oil production is up on federal lands.

posted on Oct, 20 2012 @ 09:31 PM
Investing in clean renewable energy that can be produced domestically to end foreign dependence would seem like a good political stance to take...

Oh wait, the big oil companies that fill many political coffers would not like that to much

Price of gas seems to be a easy and lazy issue to sway public opinion on. Who wants to spend more money on one.
edit on 20-10-2012 by BaneOfQuo because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2012 @ 12:19 AM
reply to post by buster2010

Energy corporations have received more than $60 billion in subsidies over the last decade:

It was under the Bush administration that Corporations were granted somehwere of around $7 billion annually, in subsidy, yet it was under his administration that oil corporations tripled the amount of American crude exported abroad:

108,000 barrels of American crude were exported to foreign buyers in 2002 and yet by 2008, despite all the subsidies billions of dollars, 344,000 barrels were exported in 2008. By 2011, 562,000 barrels of American crude were sold abroad, despite the fact that oil corporations were earning record profits, and despite the fact they received $9 billion in subsidies in 2010, and another $4 billion in 2011:

The point? Greed is core reason as to why America is suffering through an energy crises. These coal mines are closing because of the decisions of energy corporations and the fat cats that control them.

The coal industry has received billions in subsidies over the last few years as well. State governments are spending millions to accomodate coal corporations, yet it's costing Americans more than it's benefitting:

In Kentucky, coal brings in an estimated $528 million in state revenues, but is responsible for $643 million in state expenditures. The net impact, therefore, is a loss of $115 million to the state of Kentucky.

So what can we do to help solve America's growing energy crises? We can enforce conditions upon certain lands permitted to be drilled by oil corporations, meaning that the oil from those lands are to go to domestic use only. We can tax the hell out of energy corporations that continue to ship jobs overseas, those whom continue to sell energy across the board.

posted on Oct, 21 2012 @ 01:24 AM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

I live in southern Illinois. We have a lot of coal under our feet.

It seems that the whole "clean coal" idea is what is killing coal.

It would be cheap, but energy policies have been enacted that promote other forms of energy because of co2 emmisions.

You can quote all the material you want. I am a sheetmetal worker and several people have been put out of work here recently because there is a problem with the scrubbers in a new powerplant just built. The strict rules emplemented by the EPA are to blame. And they take orders from the political powers that be.

It seems that clean energy means less work and higher prices. A clean environment means nothing when people cannot feed their families.

Green is costing us our way of life. At this rate we will be skinning cats to eat and burning shingles to stay warm.

The green movement is bankrupting us because of corporate interests.

Romney is for the right to work. That is a bad deal for all Americans futures. It seems that No matter whatweasel you vote for we are all screwed.

They are all on the same team and welcome to corporate America.

posted on Oct, 21 2012 @ 04:06 AM

Originally posted by liejunkie01
reply to post by Southern Guardian

I live in southern Illinois. We have a lot of coal under our feet.

It seems that the whole "clean coal" idea is what is killing coal.

You mean people are choosing to go for alternative energy sources? People are actually educating themselves on the choices available to them? Maybe the coal industry outta work out a new marketing scheme? After all, we live in a consumerist society? So who's fault is it if their product became outdated?

It's not the governments job to assist coal corporations in marketing itself towards consumers. Maybe you'd do good working as a poster child for a new marketing campaign for the coal corporations.

I am a sheetmetal worker and several people have

Several people I knew who were unemployed found jobs at a solar panel factory. Oh gee, my personal account contradicts yours.

Actually I lied, I don't know seven people who found jobs at a solar panel factory.

Green is costing us our way of life.

No, this has little to do with our way of life and plenty to do with your own personal way of life. This has much to do with the fact you view anything green as some big liberal conspiracy. Nobody is forcing you to change your life. You want to live on coal? You want to buy that humvee and live on oil all day, you have that choice. The fact you don't personally like a change in culture away from old ways is nobody's problem. Change is necessary at times, don't be scared.

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