posted on Oct, 20 2012 @ 12:47 AM
reply to post by The GUT
Can't really blame people for yet another 'lights' in the sky' type picture.
But I thought it was noteworthy because of the motions of the objects in reference to the stationary lights and the steadiness of the video (first
half at least). Like you, I have also seen an orange object, though it had about a 30 second cycle of brightening and dimming. It was stationary on
a line from me to between Oakland and Livermore for about 28 minutes, doing this brightening/dimming cycle (I timed it). I also looked at it with my
20x80 binocs and took several photos with my lumix on night setting at the max optical zoom of 12x, on a tripod through an open window. At around 27
minutes, it began to move slowly behind a hill in my foreground.
Here's a close-up cropped image from that evening.
This was about 15 to 20 miles away, on an elevation which would put it approximately 1200 ft over Oakland and about 2000 ft above Livermore, and in
the vicinity of two major airports. No blinking lights.
edit on 20-10-2012 by gguyx because: (no reason given)